Jungle understands your facilities (stores, warehouses, garages, etc) and the location hierarchies within them. Imagine your warehouse has 5 aisles, each with 10 bays, each with three shelves, and each with 4 totes.
This location information can (and should) be loaded into Jungle. Using this information, Jungle can properly allocate orders, direct pick jobs, manage inventory, etc.
Creating a Top-Level Location
Top-level locations have no parents. These are typically your physical stores or warehouses. Create a top-level location like this:
mutation ParentLocationCreate {
locationCreate(input: { name: "Warehouse 1" }) {
location {
Which will return a response like the following:
"data": {
"locationCreate": {
"location": {
"id": "13367",
"name": "Warehouse 1"
Creating a Child Location
Child locations live (in a hierarchy) under a top-level location. You can create a child location like this:
mutation ChildLocationCreate {
locationCreate(input: { name: "Aisle 1", parentId: "13367" }) {
location {
Updating a Location
Jungle provides several mutations to update the properties of a location.
Here are a couple of example mutations:
mutation EditLocation($locationId: ID!, $name: String!, $reference: String) {
locationSetName(input: { locationId: $locationId, name: $name })
locationSetReference(input: { locationId: $locationId, reference: $reference })
Which would be called with variables like these:
"name": "Jungle Warehouse",
"reference": "Demo Location",
"locationId": "13069"