View reference documentation to learn about the data types available in the Jungle GraphQL API schema.
Below is reference of all queries, mutations, interfaces, types (objects), scalars (values), enums, unions and inputs in the Jungle.
Table of Contents
- Query
- Mutation
- Subscription
- Objects
- Account
- AccountListResult
- AccountListResultEdge
- AccountUser
- AccountUserCreateResult
- AccountUserListResult
- AccountUserListResultEdge
- Action
- AddressValidationResult
- Allocation
- AllocationAlreadyAssigned
- AllocationAlreadyReleased
- AllocationLineItem
- AllocationLineItemMoved
- AllocationLineItemResult
- AllocationLineItemResults
- AllocationLocationSet
- AllocationMethodSet
- AllocationNotFound
- AllocationPicked
- AllocationReadyToPack
- AllocationResult
- AllocationResultNode
- AllocationResults
- AllocationSelectedToPick
- AmxAllocationConnection
- ApiConnection
- AssignedInventory
- Attachment
- AttachmentListResult
- AttachmentListResultEdge
- AttachmentListV2Result
- AustraliaPostAccountAddress
- AustraliaPostAccountDetail
- AustraliaPostConnection
- AustraliaPostPostageProduct
- AustraliaPostPostageProductContract
- AustraliaPostPostageProductFeature
- AustraliaPostPostageProductFeatureAttribute
- AustraliaPostPostageProductOption
- AustraliaPostPostageProductShipmentFeature
- AuthKey
- AuthKeyAuthenticated
- AuthKeyInvalidPinError
- AuthKeyListResult
- AuthKeyListResultEdge
- AuthKeyNotFoundError
- AuthKeyPinReset
- AuthSwitchAccountAuthenticated
- AuthSwitchAccountDenied
- Backorder
- BackorderResults
- Barcode
- Brand
- Capability
- CapabilityConstraints
- CapabilityListResult
- CapabilityListResultEdge
- Channel
- ClickAndCollectCreated
- ClickAndCollectReadyEvent
- ClickAndCollectStateChanged
- CollectionListResult
- CollectionListResultEdge
- Configuration
- ContactPerson
- Country
- Created
- Currency
- CustomAttributeString
- Customer
- Defaults
- Deleted
- Device
- DeviceWeighReport
- Dimensions
- Documentation
- DocumentationNotAvailable
- DocumentationNotSupported
- DocumentationSupported
- DocumentationSupportedResult
- ExportCreated
- ExportFailure
- ExportSubmitted
- ExternalId
- ExternalIdResults
- File
- FulfillmentCreatedEvent
- FulfilmentCollect
- FulfilmentCollectChangeStateResult
- FulfilmentCollectCreateResult
- FulfilmentLineItem
- FulfilmentLineItemResult
- FulfilmentLineItemResults
- FulfilmentManual
- FulfilmentShipment
- FulfilmentShipmentCreateResult
- FulfilmentShipmentResult
- FulfilmentShipmentResults
- GeoCodePoint
- GeoCodeResult
- HandheldConfiguration
- Identity
- Image
- InsightEmbeddableDetails
- InsightEmbeddableResult
- InsightEmbeddableResults
- Integration
- IntegrationConnectionListResult
- IntegrationConnectionListResultEdge
- IntegrationConnectionSource
- IntegrationListResult
- IntegrationListResultEdge
- IntegrationPrivate
- Inventory
- InventoryAllocated
- InventoryAllocationsCleared
- InventoryAlreadyAllocated
- InventoryAlternative
- InventoryAlternativesResult
- InventoryAssignment
- InventoryAssignmentSummary
- InventoryByAllocation
- InventoryByPurchaseOrder
- InventoryCreateResult
- InventoryListAssignedAtLocationResult
- InventoryListResult
- InventoryListResultEdge
- InventoryMoved
- InventoryMovement
- InventoryMovementReceivedListResult
- InventoryNotFound
- InventoryPreference
- InventoryPutAwayItemsByLocationResult
- InventoryPutAwayItemsByLocationResultNode
- InventoryPutAwayItemsResult
- InventoryPutAwayItemsResultNode
- InventoryReplenishablePickItemsResult
- InventoryReplenishablePickItemsResultNode
- InventoryReservedItemsListResult
- InventoryReservedPickItemsResult
- InventoryReservedPickItemsResultNode
- InventoryReservedPickResult
- InventorySetEvent
- InventorySummarizeResult
- InventorySummary
- InventoryUnassignedPickItemsResult
- InventoryUnassignedPickItemsResultNode
- InventoryUnassignedPickResult
- JobAllocationLimit
- JobAllocationNotFound
- JobAllocationToPack
- JobChangeStatusResult
- JobConfiguration
- JobConfigurationList
- JobConfigurationOperation
- JobConfigurationResultEdge
- JobConfigured
- JobConfiguredLocationsPutAwayResult
- JobConfiguredPickPreview
- JobConfiguredPickPreviewAllocation
- JobConfiguredPickPreviewResult
- JobConfiguredProduct
- JobConfiguredProductAssignedToAllocation
- JobConfiguredProductAttachmentUploadTokenCreateResult
- JobConfiguredProductIncrementInventory
- JobConfiguredProductPicked
- JobConfiguredProductPutaway
- JobConfiguredProductReceived
- JobListResult
- JobListResultEdge
- JobNotFound
- JobOperationArgument
- JobPack
- JobPackAllocationMarkFulfilledResult
- JobPackAllocationShippingAddressSet
- JobPackCreateResult
- JobPackItem
- JobPackPackageContent
- JobPackSkuResult
- JobPick
- JobPickCreateResult
- JobPickItem
- JobPickLocationAssignResult
- JobPickedSku
- JobSkuLimit
- JobStatusChanged
- JunglePrinter
- LineItem
- LineItemResultNode
- LineItemResults
- Location
- LocationCreateResult
- LocationListResult
- LocationListResultEdge
- LocationNotFound
- LocationSetParent
- Log
- McLeodConnection
- Modified
- Money
- MoneyAdjustment
- MoneyV1
- MutationFailure
- MutationSuccess
- Note
- NoteResultNode
- NoteResults
- ObjectCreated
- Order
- OrderAllocatedEvent
- OrderAllocationChangeForbidden
- OrderAllocationMoved
- OrderAllocationSetShippingAddress
- OrderCancellationForbidden
- OrderCancelled
- OrderConsumed
- OrderConsumedResult
- OrderLineItem
- OrderLineItemCancelled
- OrderListFromJobResult
- OrderListResult
- OrderListResultEdge
- OrderNotFound
- OrderSetStatusResult
- OrderSourceName
- OrderStatusInfo
- OrderStatusInfoResult
- Package
- PageInfo
- PostalAddress
- PostalAddressChanged
- PrintSubmitted
- PrinterListResult
- PrinterListResultEdge
- PrinterNotFoundError
- Product
- ProductAttribute
- ProductDangerousGoods
- PurchaseOrder
- PurchaseOrderInboundItem
- PurchaseOrderInboundItemBySkuResult
- PurchaseOrderLineItemResults
- PurchaseOrderReceiveItem
- PurchaseReturn
- ReasonCode
- ReceiveItem
- ReceiveItemResult
- ReceiveItemResults
- RelationshipGroupToMany
- RelationshipGroupsConnection
- RelationshipMemberEdge
- Relationships
- RetailExpressConnection
- RetailExpressCustomer
- RetailExpressCustomerListResult
- Return
- ReturnLineItem
- ReturnLineItemResult
- ReturnLineItemResults
- ReturnReceived
- ReturnResult
- ReturnResults
- Role
- SearchEdge
- SearchError
- SearchFieldSummaries
- SearchFieldSummary
- SearchPageInfo
- SearchResult
- SendleConnection
- Service
- ServiceListResult
- ServiceListResultEdge
- ServiceProvider
- Shipment
- ShipmentAcceptance
- ShipmentAddress
- ShipmentPackage
- ShipmentPackageConfirmed
- ShipmentPackageContent
- ShipmentReady
- ShipmentServicesResult
- ShipmentTracking
- ShipmentTrackingCheckpoint
- ShipmentTrackingUpdated
- ShipmentV2
- ShippitConnection
- SparesboxAllocationConnection
- StarshipitConnection
- StatusInfo
- Supplier
- TagListResult
- Transfer
- UploadToken
- User
- Webhook
- WhoAmIResult
- Inputs
- AccountUserCreateInput
- AccountUserDeleteInput
- AccountUserInviteInput
- AccountUserUpdateInput
- AccountUserUpgradeInput
- ActionInput
- AddressValidationInput
- AllocationCreateInput
- AllocationFulfilmentAllowInput
- AllocationFulfilmentHoldInput
- AllocationLineItemAssociateInput
- AllocationLineItemInput
- AllocationLineItemMoveInput
- AllocationLineItemQuantityInput
- AllocationMethodSetInput
- AllocationSplitUnassignedInput
- AllocationsConnectionInput
- AmxAllocationConnectEngineInput
- ApiKeyCreateInput
- AttachmentListInput
- AttachmentListV2Input
- AttachmentPrintInput
- AttachmentUploadFromBase64Input
- AttachmentUploadFromUrlInput
- AttachmentUploadTokenInput
- AttributesSetInput
- AustraliaPostCredentialsInput
- AuthKeyLoginInput
- AuthListKeysInput
- AuthSwitchAccountInput
- BackorderAssociatePurchaseOrderLineItemInput
- BackorderCancelInput
- BackorderCreateAllocationLineItemInput
- BackorderCreateInput
- BackorderDissociatePurchaseOrderLineItemInput
- BackorderQuantityUpdateInput
- BarcodeAddInput
- BarcodePrintInput
- BarcodeRemoveInput
- BrandCreateInput
- BrandSetNameInput
- CapabilitiesSetInput
- CapabilityConstraintsInput
- CapabilityConstraintsSetInput
- CapabilityWithConstraintsInput
- ChannelCreateInput
- ChannelSetCodeInput
- ChannelSetDescriptionInput
- ChannelSetNameInput
- CollectionGetInput
- CollectionListAtLocationInput
- ContactPersonInput
- CustomAttributeInput
- CustomerCreateInput
- CustomerUpdateInput
- DateRangeFilterInput
- DeviceReportWeighInput
- DimensionsInput
- DocumentationInput
- DocumentationPrintInput
- DocumentationSupportedInput
- EventsSubscriptionInput
- ExportColumn
- ExportInput
- ExternalIdAssignInput
- ExternalIdUnassignInput
- ExternalIdsInput
- FilterInput
- FulfilmentCollectChangeStateInput
- FulfilmentCollectCreateInput
- FulfilmentInput
- FulfilmentShipmentAddInput
- FulfilmentShipmentCreateInput
- GeoAddressInput
- GeoCodeInput
- GeoPointSetInput
- IdentityCreateInput
- IdentityUpdateInput
- ImageTransformInput
- ImageUrlInput
- InsightEmbeddableInput
- InsightEmbeddableListInput
- IntegrationConnectInput
- IntegrationCreateInput
- InventoryAdjustIfAssignableInput
- InventoryAllocateInput
- InventoryAllocationsClearInput
- InventoryAssignmentAdjustInput
- InventoryByAllocationFilterInput
- InventoryByProductInput
- InventoryByPurchaseOrderInput
- InventoryFilterInput
- InventoryListAssignedAtLocationInput
- InventoryListAtLocationInput
- InventoryMoveInput
- InventoryMovementCreateInput
- InventoryMovementFromSubjectInput
- InventoryMovementReceivedListFilterInput
- InventoryMovementReceivedListInput
- InventoryMovementReceivedSortInput
- InventoryMovementToSubjectInput
- InventoryMovesInput
- InventoryMovesItemInput
- InventoryPreferenceUpdateInput
- InventoryPutAwayItemsInput
- InventoryReplenishablePickItemsInput
- InventoryReservedItemsListFilterInput
- InventoryReservedItemsListInput
- InventoryReservedPickInput
- InventoryReservedPickItemsInput
- InventoryReservedSequenceAdjustInput
- InventorySetAtLocationInput
- InventorySetAtLocationItemInput
- InventorySetByProductInput
- InventorySetBySkuInput
- InventorySummarizeByProductInput
- InventorySummarizeInput
- InventoryUnassignedPickInput
- InventoryUnassignedPickItemsInput
- InventoryUpdateBySkuInput
- JobAllocationInput
- JobChangeStatusInput
- JobConfigurationListInput
- JobConfiguredAddProductInput
- JobConfiguredCompleteInput
- JobConfiguredCreateInput
- JobConfiguredLocationPutAwayInput
- JobConfiguredPickCreateInput
- JobConfiguredPickLocationNextInput
- JobConfiguredPickPreviewInput
- JobConfiguredProductAllocationAssignInput
- JobConfiguredProductAttachmentUploadTokenCreateInput
- JobConfiguredProductIncrementInventoryInput
- JobConfiguredProductInventoryMoveInput
- JobConfiguredProductPickInput
- JobConfiguredProductPutawayInput
- JobConfiguredProductReasonCodeSetInput
- JobConfiguredProductReceivedInput
- JobConfiguredProductUpdateAllocationInput
- JobConfiguredProductUpdatePurchaseOrderInput
- JobConfiguredProductUpdateQuantityInput
- JobConfiguredProductUpdateSupplierInput
- JobConfiguredRemoveProductItemInput
- JobConfiguredUpdatePurchaseOrderInput
- JobConfiguredUpdateSupplierInput
- JobListForOrderInput
- JobPackAllocationMarkFulfilledInput
- JobPackAssignedAtLocationInput
- JobPackCreateInput
- JobPackSetAllocationShippingAddressInput
- JobPackSkuInput
- JobPackSkuToPackageInput
- JobPickCreateInput
- JobPickLocationAssignInput
- JobPickSkuInput
- JobSetPackageInfoInput
- KeyValueInput
- LineItemAddInput
- LineItemCancelInput
- LineItemCreateInput
- LineItemQuantityIncrementInput
- LineItemUpdateInput
- ListInput
- LocationChangeAddressInput
- LocationCreateInput
- LocationSequenceInput
- LocationSetDefaultInput
- LocationSetNameInput
- LocationSetParentInput
- LocationSetReferenceInput
- McLeodConnectAccountInput
- McLeodSendOrderInput
- MoneyAdjustmentInput
- MoneyInputV2
- NoteCreateInput
- NoteInput
- ObjectAttributeInput
- ObjectAttributesInput
- ObjectInput
- ObjectInputV2
- ObjectInputV3
- ObjectSubscriptionInput
- OrderAllocationCreateInput
- OrderAllocationInput
- OrderAllocationLineItemAssociateInput
- OrderAllocationLineItemMoveInput
- OrderAllocationSetLocationInput
- OrderAllocationSetMethodInput
- OrderAllocationSetShippingAddressInput
- OrderAllocationSplitInput
- OrderAllocationSplitToInput
- OrderAllocationSplitUnassignedInput
- OrderCancelInput
- OrderConsumeAllocatedInput
- OrderCustomAttributeInput
- OrderCustomerSetInput
- OrderLineItemAddInput
- OrderLineItemCancelInput
- OrderLineItemInput
- OrderLineItemsInput
- OrderListAtLocationInput
- OrderListFromJobInput
- OrderRouteInput
- OrderSetStatusInput
- OrderStatusRefreshInput
- PackageInput
- PingInput
- PostalAddressInput
- PrintRawInput
- PrinterSetDefaultInput
- ProductAttributeInput
- ProductCreateInput
- ProductDangerousGoodsInput
- ProductInventoryInput
- ProductSetDangerousGoodsInput
- ProductSetDimensionsInput
- ProductSetHsCodeInput
- ProductSetNameInput
- ProductSetSkuInput
- ProductSetWeightInput
- ProductUpdateInput
- PurchaseOrderCreateInput
- PurchaseOrderDatesUpdateInput
- PurchaseOrderDescriptionUpdateInput
- PurchaseOrderInboundItemBySkuFilterInput
- PurchaseOrderInboundItemBySkuInput
- PurchaseOrderLineItemAddInput
- PurchaseOrderLineItemRemoveInput
- PurchaseOrderLineItemUpdateInput
- PurchaseOrderLocationUpdateInput
- PurchaseOrderPriceUpdateInput
- PurchaseOrderReceiveItemAddInput
- PurchaseOrderReceiveItemRemoveInput
- PurchaseOrderReceiveItemUpdateInput
- PurchaseOrderReferenceUpdateInput
- PurchaseOrderSetStatusInput
- PurchaseOrderSplitUnreceivedLineItemsInput
- PurchaseOrderSupplierInvoiceReferenceUpdateInput
- PurchaseOrderSupplierUpdateInput
- PurchaseReturnApproveInput
- PurchaseReturnCreateInput
- PurchaseReturnLineItemReturningAddInput
- ReasonCodeCreateInput
- ReceiveItemAddInput
- ReceiveItemCreateInput
- ReceiveItemReconcileInput
- ReceiveItemUnreconcileInput
- RelationAddInput
- RelationRemoveInput
- RelationshipGroupsInput
- RetailExpressConnectAccountInput
- RetailExpressCustomerListInput
- RetailExpressSendOrderInput
- ReturnAcceptInput
- ReturnCancelInput
- ReturnCreateInput
- ReturnLineItemCreateInput
- ReturnLineItemInput
- ReturnTrackingUpdateInput
- SearchFilterEqualInput
- SearchFilterFullTextInput
- SearchFilterInInput
- SearchFilterInput
- SearchFilterRangeInput
- SearchFilterRegexInput
- SearchFilterValueFromInput
- SearchInput
- SearchSortInput
- SendleCredentialsInput
- ShipmentAddressInput
- ShipmentConfirmInput
- ShipmentCreateInput
- ShipmentInput
- ShipmentLabelInput
- ShipmentPackageAddInput
- ShipmentPackageContentInput
- ShipmentPackageInput
- ShipmentPackageRemoveInput
- ShipmentPackageUpdateInput
- ShipmentServiceUpdateInput
- ShipmentTrackInput
- ShipmentUpdateInput
- ShippitConnectInput
- SparesboxAllocationEngineVersionSetInput
- StarshipitConnectInput
- SupplierCreateInput
- SupplierRemoveRestrictionsInput
- SupplierSetBillingAddressInput
- SupplierSetCurrencyInput
- SupplierSetNameInput
- SupplierSetRestrictionsInput
- SupplierSetTaxNumberInput
- TagAddInput
- TagRemoveInput
- ToggleInput
- TransferCreateInput
- UserSetDisplayNameInput
- WebhookSubscribeInput
- WebhookUnsubscribeInput
- XIDPartsInput
- Enums
- AttachmentType
- AuTaxApplied
- BarcodeSymbology
- CollectionState
- CurrencyCode
- DeviceWeighStatus
- DocumentFormat
- EventSubscribable
- ExportFormat
- FulfilmentMethod
- ImageTransformFit
- InsightEmbedType
- IntegrationAudience
- InventoryMovementReceivedSortField
- InventoryMovementType
- InventoryPutAwayCollationMethod
- JobOperation
- JobOperationCondition
- JobOperationContext
- JobProductStatus
- JobStatus
- LogSeverity
- OrderingDirection
- PickMethod
- PrintFormat
- PurchaseOrderStatus
- SearchMethod
- SearchableType
- ServiceCategory
- ShipmentStatus
- ShipmentTrackingCheckpointStatus
- UnitDistance
- UnitMass
- WebhookEvent
- Scalars
- BarcodeInput
- Boolean
- CountryCode
- CustomAttributeInputId
- Date
- DateTime
- Decimal
- Duration
- Float
- GeoPoint
- HexColorCode
- HsCode
- ID
- IDFromClient
- Int
- IntegrationCreateInputId
- LocationCreateInputName
- MoneyInput
- NonNegativeInt
- NoteCreateInputContent
- NoteCreateInputTopic
- NoteInputContent
- NoteInputTopic
- ObjectID
- PositiveInt
- ProductAttributeInputId
- ProductCreateInputBarcode
- ProductDangerousGoodsInputUNNumber
- ProductName
- ShipmentInputReference
- ShipmentRecipientInstructions
- ShipmentSenderInstructions
- String
- Tag
- TrackingNumber
- Weight
- XIDInput
- XIDPartsInputKey
- XIDPartsInputNamespace
- XIDPartsInputValue
- Interfaces
- IAction
- IAllocatableLineItem
- IAuthor
- ICapability
- ICapabilitySubject
- IContact
- ICustomAttribute
- IDoNotTrack
- IDocumentationSubject
- IDocumentationSupported
- IEvent
- IExternallyIdentifiable
- IFulfilment
- IGeoLocatable
- IIntegrationConnection
- IInventoryMovementFrom
- IInventoryMovementTo
- IJob
- IJobConfiguredProductItem
- ILineItem
- IMutationResult
- INotesSubject
- IObject
- IObjectWithCustomAttributes
- IOrder
- IOrderSource
- IRelatable
- IReturn
- IService
- ITaggable
- IToggleable
- Scannable
- Searchable
- Unions
- AllocationSource
- AttachmentUploadTokenResult
- AuthKeyLoginResult
- AuthSwitchAccountResult
- DocumentationPrintResult
- DocumentationResult
- ExportResult
- InventoryAllocateResult
- InventoryAllocationsClearResult
- InventoryMoveResult
- JobConfiguredLocationPutAwayResult
- JobPackSetAllocationShippingAddressResult
- JobPackSkuResults
- JobPickSkuResult
- LineItemSource
- LocationRelatedListResult
- LocationSetParentResult
- OrderAllocationSetLocationResult
- OrderAllocationSetShippingAddressResult
- OrderCancelResult
- PrintResult
- ReceiveItemReceiveTarget
- ReceiveItemReconcileTarget
- ReceiveItemTarget
- RelationshipEdge
- ReturnSource
Query for information. These will not change any data. See
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
today | Date! | Tells you the date according to the server. Useful for debugging. | |
now | DateTime! | Tells you the time according to the server. Useful for debugging. | |
idEncode | ID! | Encode an ID. Generally used for composite IDs. | |
parts | [String!]! | ||
idDecode ⚠️ | [String!] | Decode an ID. Note: Not all IDs can decode. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
id | ID! | ||
object | IObject | Get a specific object using it's type (__typename) and id. If you are only interacting with a single type, consider using the type specific query if it exists. E.g. 🤖: If you need to keep the object's state up to date, see | |
input | ObjectInput! | ||
tagList | TagListResult! | ||
allocation | Allocation | Get a specific | |
allocationId | ID! | The | |
backorder | Backorder | Get a specific | |
backorderId | ID! | The | |
brand | Brand | Get a specific | |
brandId | ID! | The | |
channel | Channel | Get a specific | |
channelId | ID! | The | |
customer | Customer | Get a specific | |
customerId | ID! | The | |
lineItem | LineItem | Get a specific | |
lineItemId | ID! | The | |
location | Location | Get a specific | |
locationId | ID! | The | |
note | Note | Get a specific | |
noteId | ID! | The | |
order | Order | Get a specific | |
orderId | ID! | The | |
product | Product | Get a specific | |
productId | ID! | The | |
purchaseOrder | PurchaseOrder | Get a specific | |
purchaseOrderId | ID! | The | |
purchaseReturn | PurchaseReturn | Get a specific | |
purchaseReturnId | ID! | The | |
reasonCode | ReasonCode | Get a specific | |
reasonCodeId | ID! | The | |
receiveItem | ReceiveItem | Get a specific | |
receiveItemId | ID! | The | |
return | Return | Get a specific | |
returnId | ID! | The | |
supplier | Supplier | Get a specific | |
supplierId | ID! | The | |
transfer | Transfer | Get a specific | |
transferId | ID! | The | |
currency | Currency! | Get currency information. | |
code | CurrencyCode! | ||
currencies | [Currency!]! | Get enabled currencies. | |
moneyDebug | Money | Debug & understand money behavior using this. | |
money | MoneyInput! | ||
geoCode | GeoCodeResult | Forward lookup to a lat/lng. Currently works on postal codes and localities in Australia. | |
input | GeoCodeInput! | ||
attachment ⚠️ | Attachment | Retrieve an attachment. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
attachmentId | ID! | ||
attachmentList ⚠️ | AttachmentListResult | Retrieve attachments of a specific type for an object. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | AttachmentListInput! | ||
attachmentListV2 | AttachmentListV2Result | List attachments of a specific object. | |
input | AttachmentListV2Input! | ||
attachmentUploadToken | AttachmentUploadTokenResult | Retrieve a URL to upload If NULL returns, you may not upload/attach against the given object. See | |
input | AttachmentUploadTokenInput! | ||
documentationSupported | DocumentationSupportedResult! | Discover what documentation is available for a type, or specified object. | |
input | DocumentationSupportedInput! | ||
whoami | WhoAmIResult | Who am I? Use this query to work out your current authorization status and context. If an object is returned, you are authenticated, however it's up to you to work out if have an account selected, account user or not. | |
authKey | AuthKey | Retrieve an authkey | |
keyId | ID! | ||
authKeyList | AuthKeyListResult! | ||
input | AuthListKeysInput | ||
authKeyLogin | AuthKeyLoginResult! | Login with an auth key (name tag) and pin | |
input | AuthKeyLoginInput! | ||
authSwitchAccount | AuthSwitchAccountResult! | Switch to another account you have access to | |
input | AuthSwitchAccountInput! | ||
defaults | Defaults! | Useful user defaults | |
accountSelected | Account | Retrieve the current account, if one has been selected | |
accountList | AccountListResult! | Lists the accounts you currently have access to. Use it to know which accounts you can switch between | |
accountUser ⚠️ | AccountUser | Retrieve the current account user, if you have selected your account, this is your user with in that account ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
userId | ID! | ||
accountUserList ⚠️ | AccountUserListResult! | List your account's users ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | ListInput | ||
user ⚠️ | User | If authenticated, returns the current user/you. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
addressValidate | AddressValidationResult! | ||
input | AddressValidationInput! | ||
addressCountryList | [Country!]! | List all the known countries. | |
capabilityList | CapabilityListResult! | Explore the known capabilities. | |
productBySku | Product | Retrieve a product by SKU. | |
sku | String! | ||
locationList ⚠️ | LocationListResult! | List your account's locations ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | ListInput | ||
locationListChildren | LocationRelatedListResult! | List a location's children | |
locationId | ID! | ||
locationListDescendants | LocationRelatedListResult! | List a location's descendants | |
locationId | ID! | ||
locationListOrphans | LocationListResult! | List locations with no parents | |
input | ListInput | ||
serviceList | ServiceListResult! | List the services available to you. | |
integrationList ⚠️ | IntegrationListResult! | List integrations available to your selected account. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
integrationConnectionList | IntegrationConnectionListResult! | List connections to integrations already made. | |
input | ListInput | ||
orderList ⚠️ | OrderListResult! | List your account's orders ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | ListInput | ||
orderListAtLocation ⚠️ | OrderListResult! | List your account's' orders allocated to a location ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | OrderListAtLocationInput! | ||
orderStatusInfo | OrderStatusInfoResult | Order status information. Provides information on known Order statuses. | |
inventoryMovementsReceivedList | InventoryMovementReceivedListResult! | Retrieve inventory movements received | |
input | InventoryMovementReceivedListInput | ||
inventory | Inventory | Retrieve an inventory | |
inventoryId | ID! | ||
inventoryBySku | [Inventory!]! | Retrieve a SKUs inventory By default it will exclude the inventory of location's children | |
sku | String! | ||
children | Boolean | If account is enabled and children is | |
filter | InventoryFilterInput | Inventory with conditions, i.e. damaged excluded by default, set filter none to include inventory with conditions. Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory condition | |
inventoryByProduct | InventoryListResult! | Retrieve a product's inventory By default it will exclude the inventory of location's children | |
input | InventoryByProductInput! | ||
inventoryListAtLocation | InventoryListResult! | List inventory at a location! Provide the location Id, include the inventory of location's children | |
input | InventoryListAtLocationInput! | ||
inventorySummarize | InventorySummarizeResult! | Summarize inventory for a given SKU, and location IDs. This will return summed quantities of on hand & ATP inventory. This is very useful for checkout when finalizing. Do note, this will not error based on input, and will best effort summarize inventory. This can lead to 0 sums. The result will indicate locations IDs not used in summing. If critical consider the result invalid if there are unused locations. | |
input | InventorySummarizeInput! | ||
inventorySummarizeByProduct | InventorySummarizeResult! | Similar to | |
input | InventorySummarizeByProductInput! | ||
inventoryByAllocation | [InventoryByAllocation!]! | Retrieve an allocation's inventory By default it will not include the inventory of location's children
If children is | |
allocationId | String! | ||
children | Boolean | ||
filter | InventoryByAllocationFilterInput | ||
inventoryByPurchaseOrder | [InventoryByPurchaseOrder!] | List quantity inbound and received for a purchase order Only parent locations included in the list, quantity includes location's children | |
input | InventoryByPurchaseOrderInput! | ||
inventoryListAssignedAtLocation | InventoryListAssignedAtLocationResult! | ||
input | InventoryListAssignedAtLocationInput! | ||
inventoryReservedPick | InventoryReservedPickResult! | Start, or continue to retrieve the next suggested pick location for a wave/reserved pick. | |
input | InventoryReservedPickInput! | ||
inventoryReservedPickItems | InventoryReservedPickItemsResult! | Retrieve a list of items to pick | |
input | InventoryReservedPickItemsInput! | ||
inventoryReservedItemsList | InventoryReservedItemsListResult! | Retrieve a list of items reserved for a specific wave | |
input | InventoryReservedItemsListInput! | ||
inventoryPutAwayItems | InventoryPutAwayItemsResult! | Retrieve a list of items to put away from a location | |
input | InventoryPutAwayItemsInput! | ||
inventoryPutAwayItemsByLocation | InventoryPutAwayItemsByLocationResult! | Retrieve a list of items to put away from a location, with more freedom on which item can be selected first. | |
input | InventoryPutAwayItemsInput! | ||
inventoryUnassignedPick | InventoryUnassignedPickResult! | Start, or continue to retrieve the next suggested pick location for a wave pick of unassigned items. | |
input | InventoryUnassignedPickInput! | ||
inventoryUnassignedPickItems | InventoryUnassignedPickItemsResult! | Retrieve a list of unassigned items to pick | |
input | InventoryUnassignedPickItemsInput! | ||
inventoryReplenishablePickItems | InventoryReplenishablePickItemsResult! | Retrieve a list of items for replenishment | |
input | InventoryReplenishablePickItemsInput! | ||
printer | JunglePrinter | Retrieve a printer | |
printerId | ID! | ||
printerList | PrinterListResult! | List your account's printers | |
jobListForOrder ⚠️ | JobListResult! | List jobs having the given order ID ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | JobListForOrderInput! | ||
orderListFromJob | OrderListFromJobResult! | List all orders that is part of a job | |
input | OrderListFromJobInput! | ||
jobConfigurationList | JobConfigurationList! | Retrieve list of available job configurations | |
input | JobConfigurationListInput! | ||
jobConfiguredLocationPutAway | JobConfiguredLocationPutAwayResult | Retrieve a (or a list of) recommended location to put away for a given item. | |
input | JobConfiguredLocationPutAwayInput! | ||
jobConfiguredPickLocationNext | InventoryReservedPickResult! | Retrieve next suggested pick location for a wave/reserved pick. | |
input | JobConfiguredPickLocationNextInput! | ||
jobConfiguredPickPreview | JobConfiguredPickPreviewResult! | Preview what would be reserved for a wave/reserved pick. | |
input | JobConfiguredPickPreviewInput! | ||
scan | Scannable | A quick way to look up something via a barcode. All kinds of things could return. Beware. | |
barcode | String! | ||
purchaseOrderInboundItemBySku | PurchaseOrderInboundItemBySkuResult! | List of purchase orders with incoming quantity for an SKU | |
input | PurchaseOrderInboundItemBySkuInput! | ||
search | SearchResult! | 🔍 Search on specific object types in Jungle. You must specify what types you are searching for. | |
input | SearchInput! | ||
collection ⚠️ | FulfilmentCollect | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | CollectionGetInput! | ||
collectionList ⚠️ | CollectionListResult! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | ListInput | ||
collectionListAtLocation | CollectionListResult! | ||
input | CollectionListAtLocationInput! | ||
shipmentServices ⚠️ | ShipmentServicesResult! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
retailExpressCustomerList | RetailExpressCustomerListResult | List all customers from your Retail Express account | |
input | RetailExpressCustomerListInput! | ||
insightEmbeddable | InsightEmbeddableDetails | Get insight which can be embedded. | |
input | InsightEmbeddableInput! | ||
insightEmbeddableList | InsightEmbeddableResults! | List insights which can be embedded. | |
input | InsightEmbeddableListInput! |
Mutations/commands that will change data. See
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
tagAdd | IMutationResult! | Add tags to an object. | |
input | TagAddInput! | ||
tagRemove | IMutationResult! | Remove tags from an object. | |
input | TagRemoveInput! | ||
attributesSet | IMutationResult! | Set custom attributes on the target object. | |
input | AttributesSetInput! | ||
relationAdd | IMutationResult! | Add a relationship to an object. This can be blocked for various reasons (reserved names, relation limit etc), however most relationships are allowed. | |
input | RelationAddInput! | ||
relationRemove | IMutationResult! | Remove a specific relationship from an object. If the target is the last member of a relationship group, the group is likely to be removed. | |
input | RelationRemoveInput! | ||
toggleDisable | IMutationResult! | Disables an object. | |
input | ToggleInput! | ||
toggleEnable | IMutationResult! | Enables an object. | |
input | ToggleInput! | ||
ping | IMutationResult! | Ping the platform. This is useful for devices, integrations, connections, users etc. | |
input | PingInput | ||
xidAssign | IMutationResult! | Assign (either creates or alters) an external ID/alias against a Jungle object. 🤖: To remove an XID, see the | |
input | ExternalIdAssignInput! | ||
xidUnassign | IMutationResult! | Unassign an external ID/alias. Removes it from Jungle. 🤖: To add or restore an XID, see the | |
input | ExternalIdUnassignInput! | ||
geoPointSet | IMutationResult! | Set geo point (coordinates) on the target object. | |
input | GeoPointSetInput! | ||
attachmentUploadFromUrl | IMutationResult! | Given a URL, Jungle will download and save it as an attachment. Currently only | |
input | AttachmentUploadFromUrlInput! | ||
attachmentPrint | IMutationResult! | Attempt to send an attachment to a printer for printing. Note that the printer may not be able to print the specified attachment. | |
input | AttachmentPrintInput! | ||
export | ExportResult! | 🔍 Export data of a specific data type in Jungle. | |
input | ExportInput! | ||
barcodeAdd | IMutationResult! | ||
input | BarcodeAddInput! | ||
barcodeRemove | IMutationResult! | ||
input | BarcodeRemoveInput! | ||
barcodePrint ⚠️ | IMutationResult! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | BarcodePrintInput! | ||
documentationPrint | DocumentationPrintResult! | Attempt to send a document to a printer for printing. Note that the printer may not be able to print the specified documentation. | |
input | DocumentationPrintInput! | ||
noteCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a note against an object in Jungle. 🤖: If you are trying to bring in comments, snippets or notes from another system, you should use the | |
input | NoteCreateInput! | Mutation input for | |
authKeyCreate ⚠️ | Boolean | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
apiKeyCreate | String | ||
input | ApiKeyCreateInput! | ||
identityCreate | Identity | Create a new identity with web access | |
input | IdentityCreateInput! | ||
identityUpdate | Identity | Update an existing identity | |
input | IdentityUpdateInput! | ||
accountUserUpdate | AccountUserCreateResult | Upgrade an account user to a full user | |
input | AccountUserUpdateInput! | ||
accountUserCreate | AccountUserCreateResult | Create an account user | |
input | AccountUserCreateInput! | ||
accountUserDelete | Boolean | Remove user access to an account without destroying their identity | |
input | AccountUserDeleteInput! | ||
userSetDisplayName | Boolean | Update your display name. | |
input | UserSetDisplayNameInput! | ||
accountUserUpgrade | IMutationResult! | Upgrade account user to web user. | |
input | AccountUserUpgradeInput! | ||
accountUserInvite | IMutationResult! | Invite an existing user into your account. | |
input | AccountUserInviteInput! | ||
reasonCodeCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a new reason code. | |
input | ReasonCodeCreateInput! | ||
capabilitiesSet | IMutationResult! | Set capabilities on an object. | |
input | CapabilitiesSetInput! | ||
capabilityConstraintsSet | IMutationResult! | Set constraints on the capability in relation to the target object. | |
input | CapabilityConstraintsSetInput! | ||
productCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a new product. It can start with a just a barcode scan. | |
input | ProductCreateInput! | ||
productSetName | IMutationResult! | Update a products name and description. | |
input | ProductSetNameInput! | ||
productSetSku | IMutationResult! | Update a products SKU. Set sku NULL to remove. | |
input | ProductSetSkuInput! | ||
productSetDimensions | IMutationResult! | Update a product's dimensions. | |
input | ProductSetDimensionsInput! | ||
productSetWeight | IMutationResult! | Update a product's weight. | |
input | ProductSetWeightInput! | ||
productSetDangerousGoods | IMutationResult! | Update a product's dangerous goods details. | |
input | ProductSetDangerousGoodsInput! | ||
productSetHsCode | IMutationResult! | Set the Harmonised System Code of a product | |
input | ProductSetHsCodeInput! | ||
productUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update a product. 🤖: Optional fields that are not defined in the input will not be changed. ⚠️: Setting an input field to NULL will remove the value. It is STRONGLY recommended you only explicitly set the fields you want to change. | |
input | ProductUpdateInput! | ||
locationCreate | LocationCreateResult | Create a new location under your account. | |
input | LocationCreateInput! | ||
locationChangeAddress | Boolean | Changes the postal address of the location, if it exists | |
input | LocationChangeAddressInput! | ||
locationSetParent | LocationSetParentResult | ||
input | LocationSetParentInput! | ||
locationSetName | Boolean | ||
input | LocationSetNameInput! | ||
locationSetReference | Boolean | ||
input | LocationSetReferenceInput! | ||
locationSetDefault | Boolean | Set your (the current user's) default location | |
input | LocationSetDefaultInput! | ||
locationSequence | IMutationResult! | Modify the sequence of a location. | |
input | LocationSequenceInput! | ||
channelCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a new channel. | |
input | ChannelCreateInput! | ||
channelSetName | IMutationResult! | Change the name of a channel. | |
input | ChannelSetNameInput! | ||
channelSetDescription | IMutationResult! | Change the description of a channel. | |
input | ChannelSetDescriptionInput! | ||
channelSetCode | IMutationResult! | Change the code of a channel. | |
input | ChannelSetCodeInput! | ||
integrationConnect | IMutationResult! | Connect your account to an integration. | |
input | IntegrationConnectInput! | ||
integrationCreate | IMutationResult! | Create an integration with Jungle. At first only the account this integration was created within may connect to this integration. For other accounts to connect to this integration, the integration will need to go though validation and publishing. You may only have a maximum of 10 unpublished / private integrations. | |
input | IntegrationCreateInput! | ||
lineItemCancel | IMutationResult! | Cancel a specific amount of the provided line item. | |
input | LineItemCancelInput! | ||
lineItemQuantityIncrement | IMutationResult! | Increment quantity of the provided line item. Only Order Line Item is supported at the moment. | |
input | LineItemQuantityIncrementInput! | ||
allocationCreate | IMutationResult! | Use this to create an allocation, which can be independent from any sales order or purchase order. | |
input | AllocationCreateInput! | ||
allocationLineItemAssociate | IMutationResult! | Associate an order line item with an allocation. | |
input | AllocationLineItemAssociateInput! | ||
allocationLineItemMove | IMutationResult! | Move items from an allocation or unallocated line item to another allocation, if possible. | |
input | AllocationLineItemMoveInput! | ||
allocationFulfilmentAllow | IMutationResult! | Allow fulfilment for the allocation. | |
input | AllocationFulfilmentAllowInput! | ||
allocationFulfilmentHold | IMutationResult! | Hold fulfilment for the allocation. | |
input | AllocationFulfilmentHoldInput! | ||
allocationMethodSet | IMutationResult! | Change the fulfilment method of an allocation | |
input | AllocationMethodSetInput! | ||
allocationSplitUnassigned | IMutationResult! | Split out unassigned items from an allocation into a new allocation. This is useful to have the target allocation ready to be packed. | |
input | AllocationSplitUnassignedInput! | ||
backorderCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a backorder against an allocation line. | |
input | BackorderCreateInput! | Input for | |
backorderAssociatePurchaseOrderLineItem | IMutationResult! | Associate a purchase order line with a backorder. | |
input | BackorderAssociatePurchaseOrderLineItemInput! | ||
backorderDissociatePurchaseOrderLineItem | IMutationResult! | Dissociate a backorder from it's linked purchase order line item. | |
input | BackorderDissociatePurchaseOrderLineItemInput! | ||
backorderCancel | IMutationResult! | Cancel a backorder. Must not have any Purchase Order lines associated to it. | |
input | BackorderCancelInput! | ||
backorderQuantityUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update quantity for a backorder. | |
input | BackorderQuantityUpdateInput! | ||
orderConsumeWithAllocations | OrderConsumedResult! | Push an Order into Jungle with allocation groupings. This allows you to specify how the order is split for fulfilment purposes. If you're just sending all the items to one place, only send through one allocation with the all the line items. | |
input | OrderConsumeAllocatedInput! | ||
orderLineItemAdd | IMutationResult! | Add a line item to an order. The added line item will be in a new allocation, with the most recently changed shipping address. | |
input | OrderLineItemAddInput! | ||
orderSetStatus | OrderSetStatusResult! | Set an order's status | |
input | OrderSetStatusInput! | ||
orderCancel | OrderCancelResult! | Cancels an order. You can cancel an order in the following situations:
The most common reasons for canceling an order include the following:
The cancellation will change the status of the order, record a note, and an event of who cancelled and why. | |
input | OrderCancelInput! | ||
orderAllocationCreate | IMutationResult! | Creates a new allocation against an Order | |
input | OrderAllocationCreateInput! | ||
orderAllocationLineItemAssociate ⚠️ | IMutationResult! | Associate an order line item with an allocation. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | OrderAllocationLineItemAssociateInput! | ||
orderAllocationLineItemMove ⚠️ | IMutationResult! | Move items from an allocation to another allocation, if possible. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | OrderAllocationLineItemMoveInput! | ||
orderAllocationSetShippingAddress | OrderAllocationSetShippingAddressResult! | Change the shipping address of an allocation | |
input | OrderAllocationSetShippingAddressInput! | ||
orderAllocationSetLocation | OrderAllocationSetLocationResult! | Set/override the location of an allocation. Be mindful, this can only be done if the allocation does not have fulfilments. | |
input | OrderAllocationSetLocationInput! | ||
orderAllocationSetMethod ⚠️ | IMutationResult! | Change the fulfilment method of an allocation ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | OrderAllocationSetMethodInput! | ||
orderRoute | IMutationResult! | Trigger routing logic for an order (if configured). | |
input | OrderRouteInput! | ||
orderCustomerSet | IMutationResult! | Set customer ID on an order. | |
input | OrderCustomerSetInput! | ||
orderLineItemCancel | IMutationResult! | Cancel a quantity of a line item on an order. If partial cancellation (only some of the line item qty), the line item will be split in two with the target line item having the remaining quantity, and a new line item being created with the cancelled quantity. 🤖: If you cannot cancel the line item, the mutation will fail. To know the reason, refer to the line item's | |
input | OrderLineItemCancelInput! | ||
brandCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a new brand. | |
input | BrandCreateInput! | ||
brandSetName | IMutationResult! | Update brand name. | |
input | BrandSetNameInput! | ||
inventorySetByProduct | IMutationResult! | Set the inventory of a product at a location. This will assign the on hand quantity to the quantity provided. | |
input | InventorySetByProductInput! | ||
inventorySetBySku | InventoryCreateResult! | Set the inventory of a SKU at a location. This will assign the on hand quantity to the quantity provided. | |
input | InventorySetBySkuInput! | ||
inventorySetAtLocation | IMutationResult! | Set the inventory at a location. | |
input | InventorySetAtLocationInput! | ||
inventoryAllocate | InventoryAllocateResult! | Allocate inventory at a location. This is useful for holding inventory from ATP, but hasn't yet left your business. | |
input | InventoryAllocateInput! | ||
inventoryAllocationsClear | InventoryAllocationsClearResult! | Clear SKU allocations at a location. This will reset the quantityAllocated to 0, clearing known allocations. As this can have process consequences, a reason MUST be provided for doing this. | |
input | InventoryAllocationsClearInput! | ||
inventoryMove | InventoryMoveResult! | Move inventory between locations. This will decrement from the source (from), and increment at the destination (to). | |
input | InventoryMoveInput! | ||
inventoryMoves | IMutationResult! | Move multiple inventory between locations. This will decrement from the source (from), and increment at the destination (to). | |
input | InventoryMovesInput! | ||
inventoryUpdateBySku | IMutationResult! | Update the inventory of a SKU at a location. This will increment/decrement the on hand quantity using the quantity provided. | |
input | InventoryUpdateBySkuInput! | ||
inventoryAdjustIfAssignable | IMutationResult! | Increment the inventory of a SKU at a location, if it can be assigned to allocations(s). This will increment the on hand quantity using the quantity provided and assign the quantity to allocations(s). If the QTY (in full) cannot be ASSIGNed to any allocation(s). It will reject. | |
input | InventoryAdjustIfAssignableInput! | ||
inventoryMovementCreate | IMutationResult! | Create an inventory movement request of a SKU | |
input | InventoryMovementCreateInput! | ||
inventoryAssignmentAdjust | IMutationResult! | Adjust assignment of a SKU at a location. With the right quantity, it will potentially make the provided allocation eligible for automated allocation assignment again the next time it executes. As this can have process consequences, a reason MUST be provided for doing this. | |
input | InventoryAssignmentAdjustInput! | ||
inventoryReservedSequenceAdjust | IMutationResult! | Adjust the sequence number on SKU at a location level. This will affect the order in which the inventory is listed for sequence-dependent operations (i.e: wave picking) whilst location sequencing is still in effect. Useful for overriding the default sequence of inventory, while respecting the location sequence (i.e: deferring an item to the end of a wave pick). Only works when the inventory is reserved for an operation. | |
input | InventoryReservedSequenceAdjustInput! | ||
inventoryPreferenceUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update inventory preference. | |
input | InventoryPreferenceUpdateInput! | ||
printRaw | PrintResult! | Send raw data to a printer. Be careful. | |
input | PrintRawInput! | ||
printerSetDefault | Boolean | Sets your default printer, null to remove. | |
input | PrinterSetDefaultInput! | ||
fulfilmentShipmentAdd ⚠️ | IMutationResult! | Create fulfilment from shipment Adds relation to the allocation and create fulfilment from confirmed shipment ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | FulfilmentShipmentAddInput! | ||
deviceReportWeigh | IMutationResult! | Device report weigh.
Used by scales & balances (weighing devices) to report recorded weights.
Using this on a device marks that device as having the | |
input | DeviceReportWeighInput! | ||
jobPickCreate | JobPickCreateResult! | Create a picking job | |
input | JobPickCreateInput! | ||
jobPackCreate | JobPackCreateResult! | Create a packing job | |
input | JobPackCreateInput! | ||
jobConfiguredCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a configured job | |
input | JobConfiguredCreateInput! | ||
jobConfiguredPickCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a configured job for picking | |
input | JobConfiguredPickCreateInput! | ||
jobPackSetAllocationShippingAddress | JobPackSetAllocationShippingAddressResult! | Change the shipping address on the packing job. | |
input | JobPackSetAllocationShippingAddressInput! | ||
jobPickLocationAssign | JobPickLocationAssignResult! | Assign a pick location to a picking job (applicable to wave) | |
input | JobPickLocationAssignInput! | ||
jobPickSku | JobPickSkuResult! | Add picked SKU to a pick job | |
input | JobPickSkuInput! | ||
jobUnpickSku | JobPickSkuResult! | Unpick a SKU in a pick job | |
input | JobPickSkuInput! | ||
jobPackSkuToPackage | JobPackSkuResults! | Add items to a package in a pack job. Support multiple packages. | |
input | JobPackSkuToPackageInput! | ||
jobPackAssignedAtLocation | IMutationResult! | Pack assigned inventory at a location. Useful there are multiple items already collated into ready-to-pack containers. | |
input | JobPackAssignedAtLocationInput! | ||
jobUnpackSkuFromPackage | JobPackSkuResults! | Remove items from a package in a pack job. Support multiple packages. | |
input | JobPackSkuToPackageInput! | ||
jobPackAllocationMarkFulfilled | JobPackAllocationMarkFulfilledResult! | Mark an allocation in a pack job as fulfilled | |
input | JobPackAllocationMarkFulfilledInput! | ||
jobChangeStatus | JobChangeStatusResult | ||
input | JobChangeStatusInput! | ||
jobSetPackageInfo | IMutationResult! | ||
input | JobSetPackageInfoInput! | ||
jobConfiguredComplete | IMutationResult! | Completes a configured job | |
input | JobConfiguredCompleteInput! | ||
jobConfiguredAddProduct | IMutationResult! | Add product by sku to a configured job | |
input | JobConfiguredAddProductInput! | ||
jobConfiguredRemoveProductItem | IMutationResult! | Remove a product item by sku from a configured job | |
input | JobConfiguredRemoveProductItemInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductReceived | IMutationResult! | Received product to a configured job | |
input | JobConfiguredProductReceivedInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductIncrementInventory | IMutationResult | Increment inventory using available product | |
input | JobConfiguredProductIncrementInventoryInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductReasonCodeSet | IMutationResult | Set a reason code for the item | |
input | JobConfiguredProductReasonCodeSetInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductAttachmentUploadTokenCreate | JobConfiguredProductAttachmentUploadTokenCreateResult | Upload attachment for the item (ie: Supporting documents, photo evidence, etc). | |
input | JobConfiguredProductAttachmentUploadTokenCreateInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductUpdateQuantity | IMutationResult | Update quantity to a job product | |
input | JobConfiguredProductUpdateQuantityInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductUpdateAllocation | IMutationResult | Assign available product to an allocation | |
input | JobConfiguredProductUpdateAllocationInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductAllocationAssign | IMutationResult | Retrieve an allocation to assign for a given item. | |
input | JobConfiguredProductAllocationAssignInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductPick | IMutationResult | Pick an item | |
input | JobConfiguredProductPickInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductPutaway | IMutationResult | Putaway an item | |
input | JobConfiguredProductPutawayInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductInventoryMove | IMutationResult | Move inventory between location | |
input | JobConfiguredProductInventoryMoveInput! | ||
supplierCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a new supplier. | |
input | SupplierCreateInput! | ||
supplierSetName | IMutationResult! | Set name on a supplier | |
input | SupplierSetNameInput! | ||
supplierSetTaxNumber | IMutationResult! | Set tax number on a supplier | |
input | SupplierSetTaxNumberInput! | ||
supplierSetCurrency | IMutationResult! | Set currency on a supplier | |
input | SupplierSetCurrencyInput! | ||
supplierSetBillingAddress | IMutationResult! | Set the billing address on a supplier | |
input | SupplierSetBillingAddressInput! | ||
supplierSetRestrictions | IMutationResult! | Set restricted locations for this supplier to operate in | |
input | SupplierSetRestrictionsInput! | ||
supplierRemoveRestrictions | IMutationResult! | Remove restricted locations for this supplier allowing it to be used anywhere | |
input | SupplierRemoveRestrictionsInput! | ||
jobConfiguredUpdateSupplier | IMutationResult! | Set a supplier to be used for the entire job | |
input | JobConfiguredUpdateSupplierInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductUpdateSupplier | IMutationResult! | Override a supplier for a specific product in job | |
input | JobConfiguredProductUpdateSupplierInput! | ||
purchaseOrderCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a new purchase order. | |
input | PurchaseOrderCreateInput! | ||
purchaseOrderLineItemAdd | IMutationResult! | Add line item to purchase order. | |
input | PurchaseOrderLineItemAddInput! | ||
purchaseOrderLineItemUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update line item on existing purchase order. | |
input | PurchaseOrderLineItemUpdateInput! | ||
purchaseOrderLineItemRemove | IMutationResult! | Remove line item from purchase order. | |
input | PurchaseOrderLineItemRemoveInput! | ||
purchaseOrderReferenceUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update existing purchase order reference. | |
input | PurchaseOrderReferenceUpdateInput! | ||
purchaseOrderDatesUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update existing purchase order dates. | |
input | PurchaseOrderDatesUpdateInput! | ||
purchaseOrderDescriptionUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update existing purchase order description. | |
input | PurchaseOrderDescriptionUpdateInput! | ||
purchaseOrderSupplierUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update existing purchase order supplier. | |
input | PurchaseOrderSupplierUpdateInput! | ||
purchaseOrderSplitUnreceivedLineItems | IMutationResult! | Update existing purchase order supplier. | |
input | PurchaseOrderSplitUnreceivedLineItemsInput! | ||
purchaseOrderPriceUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update existing purchase order prices. | |
input | PurchaseOrderPriceUpdateInput! | ||
purchaseOrderLocationUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update existing purchase order locations. | |
input | PurchaseOrderLocationUpdateInput! | ||
purchaseOrderSetStatus | IMutationResult! | Update existing purchase order status. | |
input | PurchaseOrderSetStatusInput! | ||
purchaseOrderSupplierInvoiceReferenceUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update existing purchase order supplier invoice reference. | |
input | PurchaseOrderSupplierInvoiceReferenceUpdateInput! | ||
purchaseOrderReceiveItemAdd ⚠️ | IMutationResult! | Add receive item to purchase order. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | PurchaseOrderReceiveItemAddInput! | ||
purchaseOrderReceiveItemUpdate ⚠️ | IMutationResult! | Update receive item on existing purchase order. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | PurchaseOrderReceiveItemUpdateInput! | ||
purchaseOrderReceiveItemRemove ⚠️ | IMutationResult! | Remove receive item from purchase order. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | PurchaseOrderReceiveItemRemoveInput! | ||
jobConfiguredUpdatePurchaseOrder | IMutationResult! | Set a purchase order to be used for the entire job | |
input | JobConfiguredUpdatePurchaseOrderInput! | ||
jobConfiguredProductUpdatePurchaseOrder | IMutationResult! | Override a purchase order for a specific product in job | |
input | JobConfiguredProductUpdatePurchaseOrderInput! | ||
purchaseReturnCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a new purchase return. | |
input | PurchaseReturnCreateInput! | ||
purchaseReturnLineItemReturningAdd | IMutationResult! | Add line item to purchase return. | |
input | PurchaseReturnLineItemReturningAddInput! | ||
purchaseReturnApprove | IMutationResult! | Approve a purchase return. | |
input | PurchaseReturnApproveInput! | ||
receiveItemCreate | IMutationResult! | Receive items into inventory. The locations must have the store capability enabled, and must be child locations. Note that if any of the items are reconcilable, and cannot be reconciled, the creation will be rejected. | |
input | ReceiveItemCreateInput! | ||
receiveItemReconcile | IMutationResult! | Reconcile a received item. | |
input | ReceiveItemReconcileInput! | ||
receiveItemUnreconcile | IMutationResult! | Un-reconcile a received item. | |
input | ReceiveItemUnreconcileInput! | ||
transferCreate | IMutationResult! | Transfer Create. Transfer products between two locations, as a request, and to be managed like a sales order etc. | |
input | TransferCreateInput! | ||
returnCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a new return. | |
input | ReturnCreateInput! | ||
returnAccept | IMutationResult! | Mark a return as accepted. | |
input | ReturnAcceptInput! | ||
returnCancel | IMutationResult! | Cancel a return. | |
input | ReturnCancelInput! | ||
returnTrackingUpdate | IMutationResult! | Set tracking details for a return. | |
input | ReturnTrackingUpdateInput! | ||
customerCreate | IMutationResult! | Create a new customer. | |
input | CustomerCreateInput! | ||
customerUpdate | IMutationResult! | Update a customer. 🤖: Optional fields that are not defined in the input will not be changed. ⚠️: Setting an input field to NULL will remove the value. It is STRONGLY recommended you only explicitly set the fields you want to change. | |
input | CustomerUpdateInput! | ||
webhookSubscribe ⚠️ | Boolean | Creates a webhook subscription to the given action. Whenever the even type happens, we'll call the URL. On failure retry in +1min, +10min, +1hr, +6hr, then once per day for 7 days ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | WebhookSubscribeInput! | ||
webhookUnsubscribe ⚠️ | Boolean | Removes any webhooks matching the given URL with in your account ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | WebhookUnsubscribeInput! | ||
orderAllocationSplitUnassigned ⚠️ | IMutationResult! | Split out unassigned items from an allocation into a new allocation. This is useful to have the target allocation ready to be packed. NOTE: Nothing will happen if all items are assigned. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | OrderAllocationSplitUnassignedInput! | ||
orderAllocationSplit | IMutationResult! | Split an allocation into two by breaking out quantities of its line items into a new allocation | |
input | OrderAllocationSplitInput! | ||
fulfilmentCollectCreate | FulfilmentCollectCreateResult | Creates a new fulfilment collection under an order | |
input | FulfilmentCollectCreateInput! | ||
fulfilmentCollectChangeState | FulfilmentCollectChangeStateResult | Change the state of a collection | |
input | FulfilmentCollectChangeStateInput! | ||
fulfilmentShipmentCreate ⚠️ | FulfilmentShipmentCreateResult! | Shipment creation, as part of fulfilling an order, and generally an allocation. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | FulfilmentShipmentCreateInput! | ||
shipmentCreate | IMutationResult! | Creates a Draft shipment. While in Draft, the shipment can be built/updated out to be valid. Normally a part of fulfilling an order, and generally an allocation. Once the Shipment no longer has errors. Call the | |
input | ShipmentCreateInput! | ||
shipmentUpdate | IMutationResult! | Updates a Draft shipment. 🤖: Use the | |
input | ShipmentUpdateInput! | ||
shipmentServiceUpdate | IMutationResult! | Updates the service on a Draft shipment. This will reject on shipments not in Draft. | |
input | ShipmentServiceUpdateInput! | ||
shipmentPackageAdd | IMutationResult! | Shipment package add. Adds a package to Draft shipment. | |
input | ShipmentPackageAddInput! | ||
shipmentPackageRemove | IMutationResult! | Shipment package remove. Removes a package from Draft shipment. | |
input | ShipmentPackageRemoveInput! | ||
shipmentPackageUpdate | IMutationResult! | Shipment package update. This updates the individual shipment package while shipment is Draft. 🤖: Use | |
input | ShipmentPackageUpdateInput! | ||
shipmentConfirm | IMutationResult! | Shipment confirmation. Can only be successfully called if the shipment is Draft, and with out errors. This will lock in the shipment, and attempt to send it to 3rd party service provider. If it fails, the shipment will error (Draft), and be available for editing once again. | |
input | ShipmentConfirmInput! | ||
shipmentLabel | IMutationResult! | Shipment label. Generate shipment label for confirmed shipment | |
input | ShipmentLabelInput! | ||
shipmentTrack | IMutationResult! | Shipment tracking. Start tracking a confirmed shipment. This mutation must be called before shipment tracking details can be retrieved. | |
input | ShipmentTrackInput! | ||
orderStatusRefresh ⚠️ | IMutationResult! | Refresh status of a single order ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | OrderStatusRefreshInput! | ||
australiaPostAccountAdd | IMutationResult! | Connect your Australia Post account | |
input | AustraliaPostCredentialsInput! | ||
retailExpressConnectAccount | IMutationResult! | Connects a RetailExpress account to your account | |
input | RetailExpressConnectAccountInput! | ||
retailExpressSendOrder | Boolean | Send an order to the connected Retail Express account | |
input | RetailExpressSendOrderInput! | ||
amxAllocationConnectEngine | IMutationResult! | Connects a AmxAllocation account to your account | |
input | AmxAllocationConnectEngineInput! | ||
mcLeodConnectAccount | IMutationResult! | Connects a McLeod account to your account | |
input | McLeodConnectAccountInput! | ||
mcLeodSendOrder | Boolean | Sends an order to McLeod, through a nominated connection | |
input | McLeodSendOrderInput! | ||
sendleConnect | IMutationResult! | Connect your Sendle account! This will fail if the credentials are invalid, or the sendle account is not set up. | |
input | SendleCredentialsInput! | ||
shippitConnect | IMutationResult! | Connect your Shippit account! Will reject if the credentials are invalid, or the account is not set up. | |
input | ShippitConnectInput! | ||
starshipitConnect | IMutationResult! | Connect your Starshipit account! Will reject if the credentials are invalid, or the account is not set up. | |
input | StarshipitConnectInput! | ||
sparesboxAllocationEngineVersionSet | IMutationResult! | Set the version of the Sparesbox allocation engine to use | |
input | SparesboxAllocationEngineVersionSetInput! |
Subscriptions, real-time object changes, notifications and events. The API will send data to the client.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
now | DateTime | Broadcasts the server time every ~sec. Useful to test your connection. | |
object | IObject | Triggered when the matching object changes in some way. 🤖: This a useful way to keep state synchronized. ❗: You may be notified of changed state even when the changed data is not what you're requesting from the API. | |
input | ObjectSubscriptionInput! | ||
events | IEvent | Triggered when the matching event occurs. | |
input | EventsSubscriptionInput! |
An account, owns and holds authorized users, locations, orders, inventory etc
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The accounts id | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
slug | String! | Used for URLs and other publicly shown unique identifiers of an account. The value is not guaranteed to stay the same over time. | |
name | String! | The name of the account. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the account was created. | |
configuration | Configuration | Configuration for this account. | |
gs1Prefix | String | GS1 Company Prefix If the company has a prefix, used for GLN, and other GS1 compatibilities. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Custom attributes on the account.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the account's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! |
Result for accountList()
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [AccountListResultEdge!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
account | Account! |
When a user has access to an account they are given an account user record.
This is user relevant information in scope of the account.
A user will have one of these for each account they have access too.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
authKey | AuthKey | ||
id | ID! | ||
aid | ID! | ||
user | User | ||
roles | [String] | ||
defaults | Defaults | ||
createdAt | Date! | ||
createdBy | String! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
accountUser | AccountUser! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [AccountUserListResultEdge!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information on user list results |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
accountUser | AccountUser! |
A simple action that can be performed by a user/client.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
name | String! | The action's human readable name/title. | |
code | ID! | A unique code for the action. Used to identify the action in logic/software. | |
priority | Int! | The higher the priority, the more important the action is, so show it sooner. | |
enabled | Boolean! | Whether the action is enabled or not. Disabled ( | |
reason | String | A reason why the action is disabled. Show to the user if they interact with the disabled action. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
isValid | Boolean |
Allocations assign subsets (or all) of an order's line items to a location to be fulfilled in a certain way.
This is how Orders can be split shipped, collected from multiple places, dropped shipped etc.
It can also be considered a fulfilment grouping.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | An ID for this allocation | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String | The name of the allocation. e.g. #000001-A01 | |
method | FulfilmentMethod! | The desired fulfilment method for this allocation | |
shippingAddress | PostalAddress | The destination for these line items. | |
locationId ⚠️ | ID | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
location | Location | ||
lineItems ⚠️ | [OrderLineItem!]! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
lineItemsConnection | AllocationLineItemResults | ||
lineItemsQuantity | Float! | The total number of products within the allocation. | |
input | AllocationLineItemQuantityInput | ||
serviceCode | ID | The service code to use to fulfil the allocation with. | |
serviceCodeRequested | ID | The service code originally requested on the allocation. | |
fulfilmentAllowed | Boolean! | If false, prevent allocation to be fulfilled (if enabled for account). | |
isFulfilled | Boolean | Whether this allocation is fulfilled or not. | |
relations | Relationships | Relationships the allocation has. | |
fulfilments | [IFulfilment!] | ||
orderId ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
source | AllocationSource | Where this allocation came from. e.g. a sales order, or a supplier return etc. Use this to find the order the allocation belongs to. | |
actions | [IAction] | Actions the current user can perform on this allocation. | |
input | ActionInput | ||
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the Allocation. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Custom attributes on the object. | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the allocation's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When the allocation was created. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When this allocation was modified. | |
canReallocate ⚠️ | Boolean | If the allocation can be moved/modified ⚠️ DEPRECATED
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String |
An individual line item in an allocation. Links an order line item to an allocation.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The allocation line item ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
quantity | Float! | The quantity of the referenced line item belonging to this allocation. | |
quantityFulfilled | Float | The quantity of the referenced line item that has been fulfilled, if known. | |
lineItem ⚠️ | OrderLineItem | The line item this allocation line item references (uses for source data) ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
lineItemV2 | IAllocatableLineItem | The line item this allocation line item references (uses for source data) | |
allocation | Allocation! | The allocation this allocation line item references (uses for source data) | |
actions | [IAction!] | Actions that can be performed on this allocation line item by the current user. | |
input | ActionInput | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When this allocation line item was created. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When this allocation line item was modified. | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the AllocationLineItem. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the allocation line item.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the allocation line item's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
backorders | BackorderResults | The backorders for this allocation |
Triggered whenever an allocation line item finishes moving.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | Allocation Line Item Id | |
allocationId | String! | Allocation Id | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the event was emitted. | |
aid | ID | The Id of the account the event occurred within. | |
key | String! | An idempotency key for this event. This will be unique for each attempt for a allocation line item move. | |
createdBy | String | The human, integration, device etc that created this event. | |
amount | Float! | The amount changed. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | AllocationLineItem |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [AllocationLineItemResult!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Info on the number of allocations that can be listed |
Triggered when a allocation's assigned location is set.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The allocation Id. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the allocation method was set. | |
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | ||
allocationId ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
orderId ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
locationId | ID! | ||
reason | String! | ||
locationIdPrior | ID | ||
locationReference | String | ||
serviceCodeRequested | ID |
Triggered when the allocation method has changed.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The allocation Id. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the allocation method was set. | |
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | ||
orderId | ID! | ||
allocationId ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
method | FulfilmentMethod! | The method the allocation was changed too. | |
methodPrior | FulfilmentMethod | ||
serviceCode | String | ||
serviceCodePrior | String | If the allocation had a service code, what is was prior. |
The provided Allocation Id could not be found
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String | Might explain why the allocation was not found |
Emitted when all items of an allocation are picked.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
createdBy | String |
Emitted when all items of an allocation are received/have assigned inventory. This often results in a Packing Job being created.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
createdBy | String | ||
locations | [ID!] | Locations to which items required by this allocation assigned. |
Result for the Allocation
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
order | Order | ||
allocation | Allocation |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | Allocation |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [AllocationResultNode!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! |
Emitted when allocation is selected for picking.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
createdBy | String |
A connection to the AMX Allocation Engine
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The AMX Allocation connection's Id. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | The AMX Allocation connection's name | |
retailExpressConnectionId | String! | Connection ID for sending orders to Retail Express | |
mcLeodConnectionId | String! | Connection ID for sending orders to McLeod | |
integration | Integration | This will always be AmxAllocation for AMX Allocation connections! | |
enabled | Boolean! | Toggle on if you want this connection to be enabled or not | |
connected | Boolean! | Is this connection working? | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When we connected to the engine for the first time | |
createdBy | String! | Who connected to the engine |
A connection for simple integrations that only require connectivity to the Jungle API!
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The connection's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | The connection's name | |
integration | Integration | Integration details, for branding naming etc | |
enabled | Boolean! | If this connection is to be used or not. 🤖: Control with the | |
connected | Boolean! | Is the connection working, or not. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
createdBy | String! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
quantityAssigned | Int! | ||
allocationId | ID |
Some data that is attached to an Object in Jungle.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique attachment Id. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
type ⚠️ | AttachmentType! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
data ⚠️ | String! | Base64-encoded version of the attachment. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags. | |
asset ⚠️ | ID! | The asset this attachment belongs to. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the attachment was created (uploaded). | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | ||
name | String | The name. | |
file | File | File details of the attachment. If the attachment is a file. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Custom attributes on the account.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the attachment's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
image | Image | Image details. If the attachment can be considered an image, or can be rendered as one this will not be NULL. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [AttachmentListResultEdge!]! | Any attachments found | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information on the number of attachments to be listed |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
cursor | ID | ||
attachment | Attachment! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [AttachmentListResultEdge!]! | Any attachments found | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information on the number of attachments to be listed |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
type | String! | The classification for the address | |
lines | [String!]! | The address lines for the address | |
suburb | String! | The suburb for the address | |
postcode | String! | The postcode for the address | |
state | String! | The state code for the address | |
country | String! | The country code for the address |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
key | String! | ||
value | String! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | The connection's name | |
accountNumber | String! | Australia Post customer account number | |
integration | Integration | Integration details, for branding naming etc | |
apiKey | String! | ||
password | String! | ||
test | Boolean! | If this is test connection or not! | |
enabled | Boolean! | Toggle on if you want this connection to be enabled or not | |
connected | Boolean! | Is this connection working | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
createdBy | String! | ||
validFrom | String | The beginning validity date when the charge account can be used | |
validTo | String | The ending validity date when the charge account can be used | |
addresses | [AustraliaPostAccountAddress!] | One or more addresses associated with the account | |
details | [AustraliaPostAccountDetail!] | Additional information associated with the account | |
postageProducts | [AustraliaPostPostageProduct!] | The postage products and services that can be used with this account | |
expired | Boolean | Whether the charge account has an expired contract | |
merchantLocationId | String | The ID issued to a merchant as part of the setup process | |
creditBlocked | Boolean | Whether the merchant's account is credit blocked. Any account with this status will be forbidden from creating shipments or orders |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
type | String! | The name for the postage product | |
group | String | The product group name. Used for generating labels for items that reference the postage product | |
productId | String! | The code that Australia Post uses to reference the postage product | |
options | AustraliaPostPostageProductOption! | Options available for the postage product | |
contract | AustraliaPostPostageProductContract! | Specific information related to the location’s contract for this product | |
authorityToLeaveThreshold | Float | The limit on transit cover amounts when authority to leave is selected | |
shipmentFeatures | [AustraliaPostPostageProductShipmentFeature!] | Additional shipment features available for the product and its corresponding prices | |
features | [AustraliaPostPostageProductFeature!] | Additional item features available for the product and its corresponding prices |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
validFrom | String! | The beginning validity date for when this product can be used | |
validTo | String! | The ending validity date for when this product can be used | |
expired | Boolean! | Whether the product can or cannot be used for this location | |
volumetricPricing | Boolean! | Whether volumetric pricing is applicable for this product | |
cubingFactor | Float | If volumetric pricing is applicable, the cubing factor to be applied in the calculation | |
maxItemCount | Int | The maximum number of items that can receive the discount price for the product |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
type | String! | A unique string that identifies the type of feature | |
attributes | [AustraliaPostPostageProductFeatureAttribute!] | Additional attributes relevant to the feature | |
bundled | Boolean! | Indicates whether the feature is automatically included with the product |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
key | String! | ||
value | String! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
authorityToLeaveOption | Boolean | Whether the option for 'authority to leave' is available for the postage product | |
signatureOnDeliveryOption | Boolean | Whether the option for 'signature on delivery' is available for the postage product | |
dangerousGoodsAllowed | Boolean | Whether Dangerous Goods can be sent with this postage product |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
type | String! | A unique string that identifies the type of feature | |
bundled | Boolean! | Indicates whether the feature is automatically included with the product |
Used for QR Code scan to login
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
barcode | String! | The raw barcode data | |
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documents for this authkey | |
input | DocumentationInput! | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When the name tag was created. |
The authkey and pin are valid
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
token | String! |
The authkey's pin does not match the provided pin.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
attemptsRemaining | Int! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [AuthKeyListResultEdge!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
authKey | AuthKey! |
The authkey doe not exist
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
reason | String! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
token | String! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
reason | String! |
A backorder against a order allocation line
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The backorder's unique identifier. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
orderAllocationLine ⚠️ | AllocationLineItem | The order allocation line this backorder belongs to. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
allocationLineItem | AllocationLineItem | The allocation line item this backorder belongs to. | |
purchaseOrderLines | PurchaseOrderLineItemResults! | The purchase order lines this backorder relates to. | |
quantity | Float! | The quantity specified to backorder. | |
quantityOrdered | Float! | The quantity ordered via purchase order lines. | |
purchasable | Boolean! | Indicates if a backorder is a purchasing candidate or not. To list these:
| |
reason | String! | The reason specified for the backorder. | |
location | Location | The location of the backorder. | |
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The backorder's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
enabled | Boolean! | If this backorder is active. | |
draft | Boolean! | If this backorder is a draft. | |
deleted | Boolean! | If this backorder is deleted. | |
cancelled | Boolean! | If this backorder is cancelled. | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the backorder. | |
createdBy | String! | The user who created the backorder. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the backorder was modified last, if at all. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the backorder was created. |
A paginated list of backorders associated with the parent object.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
nodes | [Backorder!]! | A list of backorders. if any. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
data | String! | Raw data in the barcode | |
type | String | symbology |
Brand sources products for your business.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The brand's identifier. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | Full path to the brand. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | Brand's name. | |
shipmentSenderOverride | ContactPerson | Brand sender information. Used to override shipment sender information on orders with a channel using this brand. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the brand was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the brand was last modified. | |
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The brand's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
tags | [Tag!] | ||
enabled | Boolean! | If this brand is active, or not. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Custom attributes on the brand.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the brand's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! |
A capability represents the ability to do something in the real world.
These represent skills/processes that are provided at certain locations or by products, people etc.
i.e. Pick up a fulfilment at a location.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
name | String! | The human friendly name of the capability. | |
noun | String! | The object or real world thing this capability relates too. Helps with finding capabilities. | |
description | String! | A clear description of what this capability represents. | |
constraints | CapabilityConstraints | Constraints applied to this capability. |
Represents constraints (limits/ranges) applied to a capability.
A capability can have constraints applied to it, which means that the capability can only be used in certain ways, or within limitations.
How the constraints are relevant and applied depends on the capability. Constraints not applicable to the capability are ignored, regardless of their value.
i.e. A capability to store items in a warehouse may have a constraint that the items must be at least 1m³ in volume. Meaning that the warehouse can only be used to store items that are at least 1m³ in volume. Items smaller than 1m³ cannot be stored in the warehouse. i.e. A capability to transport items may have a constraint that the items at most can be 1kg in weight. Meaning the transporter (a drone for example) can only be used to transport items that are at most 1kg in weight. Items heavier than 1kg cannot be transported.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
enabled | Boolean | If the capability can be toggled on/off, this can constrain its use to be enabled or disabled. | |
weightMin | Weight | If the capability is physical in nature, this can constrain its use to a minimum weight. i.e. Need to put at least 10KG in to tank for transport. | |
weightMax | Weight | If the capability is physical in nature, this can constrain its use to a maximum weight. i.e. Can only put 4kg in this cardboard box. | |
qtyMin | Int | If the capability subject is countable, this can constrain its minimum quantity. i.e. Need at least 3 labels. | |
qtyMax | Int | If the capability subject is countable, this can constrain its maximum quantity, instead of allowing Infinity. i.e. Can only store 20 items. | |
dimensionsInner | Dimensions | If the capability is physical in nature, this can constrain its use to non-euclidean space (the outer volume). i.e. It cannot provide more then 1m³. Useful for packaging, storing items etc. | |
dimensionsOuter | Dimensions | If the capability is physical in nature, this can constrain its volume with in euclidean space (our universe). i.e. The outer dimensions of a shipping container. | |
dimensionsOuterMin | Dimensions | If the capability is physical in nature, this can constrain the minimum volume allowed with in euclidean space (our universe). i.e. Only provide storage for items larger than 20cm³. | |
priority | Int | If the capability subject can have ordering, this can constrain the priority of the capability. i.e. This is the last resort. |
A list of matching capabilities.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [CapabilityListResultEdge!]! | The capability edges that match the query. |
An edge in a capability list of results.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
capability | ICapability! | The capability node. |
A sales and/or purchasing channel.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The channel's identifier. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the channel. | |
code | String! | A unique code for the channel. | |
name | String! | Name for the channel. | |
description | String | Description for the channel. | |
brand | Brand | Brand for the channel. | |
enabled | Boolean! | Is this channel active. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the channel was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the channel was last modified. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Custom attributes on the account.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the channel's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The channel's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput |
Triggered when a FulfilmentCollect is created.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | ||
orderId | ID! | ||
fulfilmentCollectId | ID! | ||
allocationId | ID! |
Triggered when a FulfilmentCollect's state becomes ReadyForPickup.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | ||
orderId | ID! | ||
fulfilmentCollectId | ID! | ||
locationId | ID! |
Triggered when a FulfilmentCollect's state changes.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | ||
orderId | ID! | ||
fulfilmentCollectId | ID! | ||
state | CollectionState! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Info on the number of collections that can be listed | |
results | [CollectionListResultEdge!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
collection | FulfilmentCollect! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
handheld | HandheldConfiguration | Configuration applied to handheld devices. | |
shipmentAutoAcceptancePriceThresholds | [Money!] | If the shipment auto-acceptance price threshold of the matching currency is exceeded, the shipment price requires manual acceptance. Otherwise, all prices are auto accepted. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
name | String | ||
firstName ⚠️ | String | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
lastName ⚠️ | String | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
String | |||
phone | String | ||
companyName | String |
A Country, and basic information on it.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
code | CountryCode! | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country. | |
name | String! | The name of the country. | |
flag | String! | Unicode flag. 🏳️. E.g. 🇦🇺, 🇺🇸, 🇻🇳. | |
alpha3 | String! | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code for the country. |
Triggered when a new object is created in Jungle.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The object Id that was created. | |
subjectTypename | ID! | The | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the object (subject) was created. | |
createdBy | String | The human, integration, device etc that created this object. | |
aid | ID | The account the object was created in. | |
DNT | Boolean! | If true, do not save/keep this event. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!] | The event's custom attributes. These are optional, and are not always present. |
A known currency that Jungle can operate with.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
code | CurrencyCode! | The ISO 4217 code | |
symbol | String! | The currency's native symbol | |
name | String! | The currency's official name | |
decimalDigits | Int! | If the currency is a decimal currency, the number of significant digits/sub units | |
rounding | Int! | If a rounding currency, this is the significant digits we round too. |
String valued attributes.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | String! | ||
name | String | ||
value | String |
A customer is a person, business, or other legal entity that has a relationship with your business.
This relationship can include purchases, transfers, and other activities.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The customer's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
displayName | String! | Display name of the customer. This is a made of the customer's name and company etc. | |
name | String | Customer's name | |
phone | String | The customer's phone number. | |
String | The customer's email address. | ||
point | GeoPoint | The geolocation of the customer. | |
pointAccuracy | Float | See | |
image | Image | An image of the customer. | |
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags( | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the customer. | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the customer's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The customer's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When the customer was first known to Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the customer was last modified. |
The current user's default values/configuration.
Is different for each account.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID | ||
locationId ⚠️ | ID | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
printerId ⚠️ | ID | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
locationDefault | Location | Your default location for the current account, if one is set. This will never work with out account context. | |
printerDefault | JunglePrinter | Your default printer for the current user, if one is set. This will never work with out account context. | |
weighDeviceDefault | Device | Your default scale for the current user, if one is set. This will never work with out account context. |
Triggered when an object is deleted in Jungle.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The object Id that was deleted. | |
subjectTypename | ID! | The | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the object (subject) was deleted. | |
createdBy | String | The human, integration, device etc that deleted this object. | |
aid | ID | The account the object was deleted in. | |
DNT | Boolean! | If true, do not save/keep this event. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!] | The event's custom attributes. These are optional, and are not always present. |
A device known to Jungle.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The Device's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | The path(Id) of this device. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags( | |
name | String | The name of the device. | |
manufacturer | String | Who manufactured the device. | |
product | String | The product name of the device. | |
serial | String | The device serial number. | |
barcode ⚠️ | String | The barcode on the device. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
capabilities | [ICapability!] | The capabilities of this device, managed mostly when the device reports back to Jungle. | |
point | GeoPoint | Where the device is on Earth. | |
pointAccuracy | Float | If known, how accurate the geo coordinates are. See | |
enabled | Boolean! | If enabled or not. | |
reportedAt | DateTime | The last time this device reported to Jungle. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | The creation time of this device. | |
weighReport | DeviceWeighReport | The last weigh report received for this device. Scale/balance weigh things and reports on its measurement. The weight on and stability of the balance/scale. If this is null, the device has not reported yet. | |
barcodes | [String] | Known barcode values, associated with the location. |
A weigh report from a weighing device.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
status | DeviceWeighStatus | The status of the weighing device / scales / balance. | |
grams | Weight | The amount of grams being reported. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When this report was created, roughly when the weight was measured. | |
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | ||
DNT | Boolean! |
The physical dimensions of something. E.g. Parcel, Product, Cat.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
depth | PositiveInt! | The distance (length) from the front to the back of the object. | |
width | PositiveInt! | The distance (length) from the left to the right of the object. | |
height | PositiveInt! | The distance (length) from the top to the bottom of the object. | |
unit | UnitDistance! | The units the distance has been measured in. |
An actual documentation file.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The id of the documentation, generally a composite of the support doc and target object. | |
type | String! | The __typename of the parent object | |
typeId ⚠️ | ID! | The Id of the __typename this documentation belongs too ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
size | String! | The size of the documentation. | |
format | DocumentFormat! | The format of the documentation. | |
ready | Boolean | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When the documentation was created. |
The requested documentation while supported, is not available.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String |
The requested documentation is not supported.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String |
Documentation supported, it is not actual documentation. It is used to describe what kinds of documentation is supported. Note that supported doesn't mean the documentation is available.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Id of the documentation type. | |
name | String! | Name of the supported documentation. | |
description | String! | A desc | |
format | DocumentFormat! | The format of the supported documentation. | |
size | String! | The size of the supported documentation. |
Result for the documentationSupported
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
typeIsKnown | Boolean | ||
supported | [DocumentationSupported!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
downloadUrl | URL! | URL to download the export. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String! | May explain why it fails |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ID of the report. Use this to retrieve the full content once the export process is done. |
External IDs are reference/aliases objects using a custom identifier that you provide.
XIDs allow you to store identifiers from your own or other systems against objects in Jungle. XIDs are made up of 3 parts: namespace, key, and value. XIDs fully formatted string can be used to directly reference objects in Jungle, and can be used in place of the Jungle ID!
🤖: It is important to note that an External ID must be unique.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The external ID's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags. | |
targetId | String! | The target's ID the xid is aliasing. | |
targetTypename | String! | The target's typename the xid is aliasing. | |
namespace | String! | The first part of the xid. | |
key | String! | The second part of the xid. | |
value | String! | The third part of the xid. | |
xid | String! | The formatted XID string.
e.g: xid:jungle/Product:acme/crate/101, xid:jungle/Order:namespace/key/value
🤖: If you want a substring value in the xid, use | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the external ID was created in Jungle. |
A paginated list of external ids associated with the parent object.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
nodes | [ExternalId!]! | A list of External IDs. If any. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
name | String | The filename. | |
contentType | String | Content-Type of the file. | |
md5 | String | A base64 encoded md5 hash of the file contents. | |
crc32c | String | A base64 encoded crc32c checksum of the file contents. | |
etag | String | A base64 encoded etag of the file contents. | |
size | Int | If known, the size in bytes of the file. | |
url | URL | An URL to get access to the attachment. |
@DEPRECATED: Use Created
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
createdBy | String | ||
allocationId | String! | ||
orderId ⚠️ | String! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
shipmentId | String! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
state | CollectionState! | The current status of the pick up | |
reference | String | A merchant reference number | |
pickUpLocation | Location | The pick up location | |
order | Order | The order this fulfilment is for. | |
allocation | Allocation | The allocation this fulfilment relates to | |
lineItems ⚠️ | [OrderLineItem!]! | The line items to be picked up ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
lineItemsConnection | FulfilmentLineItemResults | The order line items to be picked up | |
service | IService | The service being provided to pick up order items. This will be Click and Collect/PICKUP! | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the pick up was created | |
readyAt | DateTime | When the pick up was ready for collection | |
pickedUpAt | DateTime | When the pick up was collected | |
cancelledAt | DateTime | When the pick up was cancelled | |
collectBy | DateTime | When the pick up must be collected by | |
integrationReference | String | Any kind of useful value to an integration creating/managing this fulfilment | |
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documents for this collection | |
input | DocumentationInput! | ||
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags on the fulfilment. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the customer. | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the fulfilment's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The customer's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
notes | NoteResults | The notes associated with the fulfilment. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
fulfilmentCollect | FulfilmentCollect |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
fulfilmentCollect | FulfilmentCollect |
A line item in a fulfilment.
This describes what has been fulfilled, and how much of it.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The ID of the fulfilment line item. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
quantity | Float! | ||
lineItem | OrderLineItem | ||
createdAt | DateTime! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | FulfilmentLineItem |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [FulfilmentLineItemResult!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! |
Fulfilment that is not automatically created by Jungle, and is not a shipment, or collection.
When an order is fulfilled outside of shipment and collection fulfilment processes, this is the type to use.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The fulfilment's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
reference | String | A custom reference for the fulfilment | |
order ⚠️ | Order | The Order this fulfilment relates to. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
allocation | Allocation | The Allocation this fulfilment relates to. NOTE: This is not always available, and may be null even when the fulfilment relates to multiple allocations. | |
integrationReference ⚠️ | String | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
lineItems ⚠️ | [OrderLineItem!]! | The line items in this fulfilment. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
lineItemsConnection | FulfilmentLineItemResults | ||
serviceCode | String | The service code providing this fulfilment. | |
service | IService | The service providing this fulfilment. NOTE: The resolved service may not match the | |
fulfilledAt | DateTime! | When the fulfilment actually happened. Defaults to | |
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags on the fulfilment. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the customer. | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the fulfilment's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The customer's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When the fulfilment was created. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the fulfilment was last modified. | |
notes | NoteResults | The notes associated with the fulfilment. |
A shipment that has fulfilled allocation line items.
It's important to be aware that a Shipment in Jungle is a standalone concept, and may not directly relate to an order or allocation etc. A FulfilmentShipment is a record of what line items were sent, and by which courier it was sent, and may link them to specific jungle shipments.
A FulfilmentShipment may not have .shipments
, as it may just record a shipment made in the past, or in a separate system.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Id of the fulfilment | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
reference | String | A custom reference for the fulfilment. | |
order ⚠️ | Order | The order this fulfilment relates to. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
allocation | Allocation | The allocation this fulfilment relates to | |
lineItems ⚠️ | [OrderLineItem!]! | The line items in this fulfilment ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
lineItemsConnection | FulfilmentLineItemResults | The order line items in this fulfilment. | |
service | IService | The service providing this fulfilment, it will be the shipment service | |
integrationReference | String | Integration reference. This is useful when the fulfilment comes from a integration and that integration requires a reference when communicating with the third party which would be different from a customer visible reference | |
shipments ⚠️ | [Shipment!]! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
shipmentsConnection | FulfilmentShipmentResults | The shipments in this fulfilment. Normally there is one shipment, but can be more, especially in situations where the carrier does not support multi package shipments. | |
documentation ⚠️ | DocumentationResult! | Documents for this fulfilment. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
input | DocumentationInput! | ||
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags on the fulfilment. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the customer. | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the fulfilment's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The customer's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When the shipment fulfilment was created | |
modifiedAt | DateTime! | When the shipment fulfilment was last modified | |
notes | NoteResults | The notes associated with the fulfilment. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
fulfilmentShipment ⚠️ | FulfilmentShipment | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | ShipmentV2 | A shipment. |
Results for shipments on a fulfilment
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [FulfilmentShipmentResult!]! | The shipment results |
Geo coordinates with an accuracy
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
point | GeoPoint! | lat/lng | |
pointAccuracy | Float! | See |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
found | GeoCodePoint | If found, a lat/lng for the given address. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
forceAuthenticateAfterTime | PositiveInt | The maximum idle period (in minute) after which users are required to authenticate again. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID | ||
String | |||
password ⚠️ | String | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
displayName | String |
An image.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
url | URL! | The URL to the image. If no input is provided, the original image URL is returned. If you want a smaller image, like a thumbnail, you can provide options to transform the image. e.g.:
NOTE: The example is using GraphQL aliases to return multiple image sizes. | |
input | ImageUrlInput |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
insightEmbedType | InsightEmbedType! | ||
name | String! | ||
url | URL |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | InsightEmbeddableDetails |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [InsightEmbeddableResult!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! |
A 3rd party system or service provider known to Jungle
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The integration's ID. | |
name | String! | The name of the integration | |
description | String! | A description of the integration | |
homeUrl | URL | The homepage URL of the integration provider. | |
logoUrl | URL | The URL to product/integration logo. | |
logoBg | String | An optional color code for background of the logo. | |
setupDescription | String | A description of the integrations setup | |
setupUrl | URL | The URl that begins the connection process, an integration may not have one, if it is manual / different process | |
connectionLimit | Int! | The number of connections that will be allowed to this integration, active or otherwise | |
awaitPngUrl | URL | A PNG image to show when the integration is being connected to, or when a process is happening that is awaiting integrated system. | |
features | [String!] |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [IntegrationConnectionListResultEdge!] | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
connection | IIntegrationConnection! |
When an object comes from a integration connection.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
name | String | This integration connection's name. | |
connection | IIntegrationConnection | The connection the object came from. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [IntegrationListResultEdge!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
integration | Integration! |
Private integration information.
This is for the integration and the account that manages it.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | This is the integration unique id. This must be DNS friendly. It can not be changed. | |
secret | String! | Keep this a secret. Use this verify data from the Jungle Platform. | |
apiKey | String! | Keep this a secret. Use this to communicate with the Jungle Platform as the integration. | |
audience | IntegrationAudience | The audience this integration is intended for. | |
createdAt | DateTime! |
Inventory for a specific SKU at a location.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Inventory Id | |
sku | String! | The stock keeping unit. This can be any unique identifier within your business. This is unique at each location where inventory is being tracked. | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled | |
location | Location | The location this inventory is at. i.e A store, shelf, van etc. | |
quantity ⚠️ | Int! | A copy of ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
quantityOnHand | Int! | The quantity of this SKU currently on hand regardless of whether it is available for use. This number includes all inventory, including allocated inventory. This number reduces when the SKU is consumed, i.e. Fulfilled against an order. This number can go negative, if there are stock level mismatches (having more on hand than actually counted) etc. It is most likely used as a reference in picking processes, and not displayed in your shop. | |
quantityAllocated | Int! | The current quantity of this SKU that has been promised/sold, but has not yet been fulfilled. This number is updated when the SKU is allocated to a location (see | |
quantityAssigned | Int! | The current quantity of SKU in stock / on hand assigned for an allocation. This number is updated when allocated SKU is assigned to inventory on hand. This number represents the perceived quantity of the SKU sold and assigned. This number can not go negative and cannot go higher than on hand. | |
quantityAvailable | Float! | The quantity of this SKU currently available for use/sale. This number is derived from inventory on hand, minus the inventory allocated. In other words, it’s your current unassigned stock. This number can go negative, especially when over allocated. It is most likely the quantity to display in your sales processes. | |
quantityAvailableToPromise | Float! | The quantity of this SKU currently available to promise publicly to any given consumer. This number is derived from your available inventory. Plus any additional rules for limiting promised stock. This number can go negative, especially when you have over allocated. It is most likely the quantity to display in your shop. | |
quantityInbound | Float! | The current incoming quantity of this SKU. i.e. Ordered from a supplier, but has not yet been received. This number is updated when inbound inventory movement is created. This number can not go negative. It is mostly likely the quantity used in your warehouse management processes. | |
quantityOrdered | Float! | The total quantity of SKU on purchase orders that have not yet been received or reconciled. | |
quantityBackorder ⚠️ | Float! | The total quantity of SKU required for open sales order that have not yet been ordered. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
quantityBackordered | Float! | The total quantity of SKU required for open sales order that have not yet been ordered. | |
quantityReconciled | Float! | The total quantity of SKU on purchase orders that have been reconciled. | |
quantityUnreconciled | Float! | The total quantity of SKU on purchase orders that have not yet been reconciled. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When Jungle first started tracking this SKU at the location. | |
product | Product | The product (if there is one) associated with this inventory record |
Triggered when inventory was successfully allocated inr the inventoryAllocate
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The inventory Id. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | ||
sku | String! | ||
locationId ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
allocationKey | ID! | This value can be used later for easy removal of the allocation, and decrement of on hand stock. It helps identify specific allocations. | |
quantityAllocated | Int! | This number or items allocated, -2, or 3 etc. |
Result for the inventoryAllocationsClear
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
cleared | Boolean! | True if allocations were cleared, regardless of if there were any to clear |
The inventory was allocated in previous inventoryAllocate
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
allocationKey | ID! | The inventory has already been allocated using the provided key! |
An alternative location to pick the item from.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
location | Location |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
pageInfo | SearchPageInfo! | ||
results | [InventoryAlternative]! |
Triggered when assigned inventory is modified in Jungle.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The Id of the what the inventory is assigned to, i.e, Allocation Id | |
subjectTypename | ID! | The __typename of the object, e.g. Allocation | |
inventoryAssignmentSummary | [InventoryAssignmentSummary!]! | A summary of the current inventory assigned to the subject | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the inventory assigned to the subject was modified. | |
createdBy | String | The human, integration, device etc that modified this object. | |
aid | ID | The account the object was modified in. | |
DNT | Boolean! | If true, do not save/keep this event. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!] | The event's custom attributes. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
sku | String! | The stock keeping unit. This can be any unique identifier within your business. This is unique at each location where inventory is being tracked. | |
quantityAssigned | Float! | The current quantity of SKU in stock / on hand assigned. | |
quantityAllocated | Float! | The number of the SKU allocated. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
sku | String! | The stock keeping unit. This can be any unique identifier within your business. This is unique at each location where inventory is being tracked. | |
location | Location | The location this inventory is at. i.e A store, shelf, van etc. | |
quantityAssigned | Float! | The current quantity of SKU in stock / on hand assigned for this allocation. | |
quantityAllocated | Float! | The number of the SKU allocated. | |
alternatives | InventoryAlternativesResult |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
sku | String! | The stock keeping unit. This can be any unique identifier within your business. This is unique at each location where inventory is being tracked. | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled | |
location | Location | The location this inventory is at. i.e A store, shelf, van etc. | |
quantityReceived | Float! | The current received quantity of this SKU. | |
quantityInbound | Float! | The current incoming quantity of this SKU. i.e. Ordered from a supplier, but has not yet been received. |
Result for the inventoryCreate
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
ok | Boolean! | ||
inventory ⚠️ | Inventory | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
sku | String! | ||
assigned | [AssignedInventory!]! |
Result for the inventoryList*
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [InventoryListResultEdge!]! | Any inventory found | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information on the number of inventories to be listed |
Edge for InventoryListResult
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
cursor | ID | Cursor for the current inventory | |
inventory | Inventory! | An inventory in the results |
The inventory was moved from the location to the destination
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
from | Inventory! | ||
to | Inventory! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
type | InventoryMovementType! | ||
from | IInventoryMovementFrom | Source from which the Inventory comes, i.e. Allocation, Supplier, PurchaseOrder, Location. May not exist (i.e. Inbound movements, receiving from a truck) | |
to | IInventoryMovementTo | Destination to where the Inventory transferred to, i.e. Location, Allocation. May not exist (i.e. Outbound movements) | |
description | String | A description of the inventory movement in details. | |
sku | SKU! | Product SKU | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled | |
qty | Float! | Quantity of SKU moved | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
modifiedAt | DateTime | ||
createdBy | String! | ||
location | Location | Location where the inventory movement happens | |
jobId | String | Job id related to inventory movement |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
pageInfo | SearchPageInfo! | ||
results | [InventoryMovement!]! |
Result when inventory is not found.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
product | Product! | ||
location | Location! | ||
capabilities | [ICapability!] | Preferences on the capabilities of the inventory given a product and a location pair. |
Result for the inventoryPutAwayItemsByLocation
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [InventoryPutAwayItemsByLocationResultNode!]! | Items to put away, if empty there is no more items to put away | |
location | Location | The location to put away from. | |
locationTransferable | Boolean | If true, it means you may simply transfer it, as the location contains all the items to be put away to any location |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
sku | String! | Item's SKU | |
condition | String | Item's condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled | |
quantity | Float! | Quantity of the item to put away | |
locationsTo | [Location!] | Suggested locations to put away the items to. If empty or not given, put away the items to any location | |
allocation | Allocation | Allocation the item is assigned to | |
allocationIsReadyToPack | Boolean | If true, the current allocation has all the items in the current location and could be packed immediately (therefore skipping storing and picking later) |
Result for the inventoryPutAwayItems
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [InventoryPutAwayItemsResultNode!]! | Items to put away, if empty there is no more items to put away | |
locationTransferable | Location | If a location, it means you may simply transfer it, as the location contains all the items to be put away | |
locationNext | Location | Suggested location to put away the items to. If empty, put away the items to any location | |
allocationIsReadyToPack | Boolean | If true, the current allocation has all the items in the current location and could be packed immediately (therefor skipping storing and picking later) |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
allocation | Allocation | Allocation the item is assigned to | |
location | Location | Item's current location | |
sku | String! | Item's SKU | |
condition | String | Item's condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled | |
quantity | Float! | Quantity of the item to put away |
Result for the inventoryReplenishablePickItems
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [InventoryReplenishablePickItemsResultNode!]! | The items that are replenishable |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
location | Location | Location to replenish from | |
alternatives | InventoryAlternativesResult | ||
sku | String! | Item's SKU | |
quantity ⚠️ | Float! | Maximum quantity of the SKU that can be replenished ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
quantityInLocation | Float! | Quantity available of the SKU at the location | |
quantityToReplenish | Float! | Quantity of the SKU that needs to be replenished |
Result for the inventoryReservedItemsList
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [InventoryReservedPickItemsResultNode!]! | ||
pageInfo | SearchPageInfo! |
Result for the inventoryReservedPickItems
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [InventoryReservedPickItemsResultNode!]! | The items that are ready to be picked, and moved to trolley, or packing area etc.. | |
locationTransferable | Location | If a location, it means you may simply transfer it, as the location contains all the items to be put away |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
allocation | Allocation | ||
location | Location | ||
sku | String! | ||
quantity | Float! | ||
alternatives | InventoryAlternativesResult | ||
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documents for this item. e.g. Pick label. | |
input | DocumentationInput! |
Result for the inventoryReservedPick
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
locationNext | Location | If the location is not null, it means the pick wave/reservation is still active, and the user should be directed to that location. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The allocation Id. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | ||
locationId | ID! | ||
sku | String! | ||
quantityOnHand | Int! | ||
quantityAllocated | Int! | ||
quantityAvailableToPromise | Int! | ||
quantityAllocatedPrior | Int | ||
quantityOnHandPrior | Int | ||
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!] | The event's custom attributes. These are optional, and are not always present. |
Result for the inventorySummarize
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
locationIdsUsed | [ID!]! | Any location Id's that where found to have inventory, and rolled up. | |
locationIdsNotUsed | [ID!]! | Any location Id's the don't exist or don't hold the SKU. It is up to you to confirm if the summary result is valid or not for your use case. | |
summedQuantityOnHand | Int! | The summed quantity of the SKU currently in stock / on hand. It is most likely used as a reference in product UIs or inventory management, and not displayed in your shop. | |
summedQuantityAllocated | Int! | The summed quantity of the SKU currently allocated. It is most likely used as a reference to understand how much inventory is currently awaiting fulfilment. | |
summedQuantityAvailableToPromise | Int! | The summed quantity of the SKU currently available to sell. It is most likely the quantity to display in your shop. | |
locationSummaries | [InventorySummary!]! | Lists out the location specific quantities. This may not contain all requested locations, and may contain a location twice. |
Summary for a location inventory used in the inventorySummarize
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
locationId | ID! | The location Id | |
quantityOnHand | Int! | ||
quantityAllocated | Int! | ||
quantityAvailableToPromise | Int! |
Result for the inventoryUnassignedPickItems
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [InventoryUnassignedPickItemsResultNode!]! | The items that are unassigned | |
locationTransferable | Location | If provided, it means you may simply transfer it, as the location contains all the items to be put away |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
location | Location | ||
sku | String! | ||
quantity | Float! |
Result for the inventoryUnassignedPick
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
locationNext | Location | If the location is not null, it means the wave is still active, and the user should be directed to that location. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
limit | Int! | ||
message | String |
Result for when a given allocation Id does not map to any allocation in a Job
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String | Might explain why the allocation was not found |
A partial clone of order allocation, but records the packed state of the items to fulfill.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ID of the allocation to pack. This matches the original order allocation Id. | |
orderId ⚠️ | ID! | ID of the order to pack ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
reference | String | Reference of the Order to pack | |
method ⚠️ | FulfilmentMethod | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
shippingAddress ⚠️ | PostalAddress | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
serviceCode ⚠️ | ID | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
itemsToPack | [JobPackItem] | List of items to pack | |
itemsNotYetPacked | [JobPackItem] | List of items not yet packed | |
itemsPacked | [JobPackItem] | List of items already packed | |
itemsPackedPerPackage | [JobPackPackageContent] | List of items already packed, group by package |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
status | JobStatus! |
Job configuration
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | ||
enabled | Boolean! | ||
description | String! | ||
initialStatus | JobStatus! | Job will be created with the initial status | |
operations | [JobConfigurationOperation!]! | Configured operations for job |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [JobConfigurationResultEdge!] |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
context | JobOperationContext! | ||
operation | JobOperation! | ||
mutations | [String!]! | Mutations for the operation | |
queries | [String!] | Queries for the operation | |
conditions | [JobOperationCondition!] | Condition for the operation | |
nextContext | JobOperationContext | ||
arguments | JobOperationArgument |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
cursor | ID! | ||
jobConfiguration | JobConfiguration! |
Configured Job
Job created from a job configuration
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The Job's Id | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
idQR | ID | Contents for a Jungle QR code that identifies the job. | |
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documentation for this job. | |
input | DocumentationInput! | ||
reference | String | The job reference number | |
status | JobStatus! | The status of this job | |
location | Location | The location where the job is happening | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the job was created | |
isCancelable | Boolean | Whether the job can be cancelled | |
products | [JobConfiguredProduct!] | Products added to the job | |
configuration | JobConfiguration | Configuration for this job | |
completedAt | DateTime | When the job was completed | |
supplier | Supplier | The supplier assigned to this job by default | |
purchaseOrder | PurchaseOrder | The purchase order assigned to this job by default |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
locations | [Location] |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
itemsQuantity | Float! | The total quantity of items to be reserved for all allocations. | |
itemsCount | Int! | The number of items to be reserved for all allocations. | |
locationsCount | Int! | Number of unique locations to pick from | |
allocations | [JobConfiguredPickPreviewAllocation!] | The Allocations which would be included in the job |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
allocationId | ID! | The ID of the Allocation | |
itemsQuantity | Float! | The total quantity of items to be reserved for the allocation. | |
itemsCount | Int! | The number of items to be reserved for the allocation. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
logs | [Log!] | ||
preview | JobConfiguredPickPreview | A preview of the Allocations and Products to be reserved |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The job product's Id | |
barcode | String! | The product's barcode | |
product | Product | Product | |
quantityAvailable | Int! | The total quantity of product available | |
quantityAssigned | Int! | The total quantity of product assigned | |
quantityTotal | Int! | The total quantity of product for the job | |
items | [IJobConfiguredProductItem!]! | The list of product's items for this job |
Product used to assign to an allocation
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
status | JobProductStatus! | ||
createdAt | DateTime | When the item was created | |
location | Location | The location where inventory is at. | |
quantity | Int! | Product quantity | |
allocation | Allocation | The allocation which product is assigned to. User can unset allocation, so this may be empty. | |
isDamaged | Boolean | Whether the product is damaged | |
lineItem | LineItem | The line item that was received against | |
isOversized | Boolean | Whether the product is oversized | |
supplier | Supplier | The supplier which product is assigned to | |
purchaseOrder | PurchaseOrder | The purchase order which product is assigned to |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
ok | Boolean! | True if the result is successful, false otherwise. | |
code | String | A machine code that can used to identity the failure. | |
reason | String | A sentence on what went wrong. | |
logs | [Log!] | ||
uploadToken | UploadToken |
Product used to increment inventory
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
status | JobProductStatus! | ||
createdAt | DateTime | When the item was created | |
location | Location | The location where inventory is at. | |
quantity | Int! | Product quantity used to increment inventory | |
allocation | Allocation | The allocation which product is assigned to | |
lineItem | LineItem | The line item that was received against | |
isDamaged | Boolean | Whether the product is damaged | |
isOversized | Boolean | Whether the product is oversized | |
supplier | Supplier | The supplier which product is assigned to | |
purchaseOrder | PurchaseOrder | The purchase order which product is assigned to |
Picked product
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
status | JobProductStatus! | ||
createdAt | DateTime | When the item was created | |
quantity | Int! | Product quantity available | |
location | Location | The location where product is picked to. | |
allocation | Allocation | The allocation which product is assigned to | |
lineItem | LineItem | The line item that was received against | |
isDamaged | Boolean | Whether the product is damaged | |
isOversized | Boolean | Whether the product is oversized | |
supplier | Supplier | ||
purchaseOrder | PurchaseOrder | ||
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documents for this job configured product item | |
input | DocumentationInput! |
Product that was putaway
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
status | JobProductStatus! | ||
createdAt | DateTime | When the item was created | |
quantity | Int! | Product quantity available | |
location | Location | The location where product is putaway to. | |
allocation | Allocation | The allocation which product is assigned to | |
lineItem | LineItem | The line item that was received against | |
isDamaged | Boolean | Whether the product is damaged | |
isOversized | Boolean | Whether the product is oversized | |
supplier | Supplier | ||
purchaseOrder | PurchaseOrder |
Quantity received
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
status | JobProductStatus! | ||
createdAt | DateTime | When the item was created | |
quantity | Int! | Product quantity available | |
location | Location | The location where product is received. | |
allocation | Allocation | The allocation which product is assigned to | |
lineItem | LineItem | The line item that was received against | |
isDamaged | Boolean | Whether the product is damaged | |
isOversized | Boolean | Whether the product is oversized | |
supplier | Supplier | The supplier which product is assigned to | |
purchaseOrder | PurchaseOrder | The purchase order which product is assigned to |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [JobListResultEdge!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Info on the number of jobs that can be listed |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
cursor | ID! | ||
job | IJob! |
Result for when a given job Id does not map to a Job
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String | Might explain why the job was not found |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
qtyMax | Int | The maximum quantity allowed for an operation. This number is the hard-limit. Specific operation can have its own logic which enforces a much lower value. | |
limit | PositiveInt | The limit allowed for an operation. If the operation has a limit, this will be used as the operation's input limit. This number is the hard-limit. Specific operation can have its own logic that uses this value. | |
inventoryAction | InventoryMovementType | The inventory movement incurred for an operation. If set, after the operation completes, a movement of this type will be created. Specific details for this movement depends on the context surrounding the operation. | |
collateBy | InventoryPutAwayCollationMethod | The collation method for the operation. Specific operation can have its own logic that uses this value. |
Packing job.
The task to bundle 1 or more SKUs from an allocation into a fulfilment.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The pack job's Id | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
idQR | ID | Contents for a Jungle QR code that identifies the job. | |
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documentation for this job. | |
input | DocumentationInput! | ||
reference | String | The job reference number | |
status | JobStatus! | The status of this job | |
location | Location | The location where the job is happening | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the job was created | |
allocations | [JobAllocationToPack] | ||
allocationsUnfulfilled | [ID!]! | List of allocations unfulfilled | |
allocationsFulfilled | [ID!]! | List of allocations fulfilled | |
allocationIds | [ID!] | List of allocations in this packing job | |
isCancelable | Boolean | If true, the job may be cancelled | |
completedAt | DateTime | When the job was completed |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
allocationsFulfilled | [ID!]! | ||
allocationsUnfulfilled | [ID!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
job | JobPack! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
sku | String! | ||
quantity | NonNegativeInt! | ||
product | Product |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
packageId | ObjectID! | ||
description | String | Describe the packaging. | |
dimensions | Dimensions | Dimensions of the packaging. | |
items | [JobPackItem!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
itemsNotYetPacked | [JobPackItem!]! | List of items not yet packed | |
itemsPacked | [JobPackItem!]! | Summary of items already packed | |
itemsPackedPerPackage | [JobPackPackageContent]! | List of items already packed, group by package |
Picking job.
The task is to collect 1 or more SKUs, from 1 or more locations, and collect the items together. The method may be different.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The pick job's Id | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
idQR | ID | Contents for a Jungle QR code that identifies the job. | |
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documentation for this job. | |
input | DocumentationInput! | ||
reference | String | The job reference number | |
status | JobStatus! | The status of this pick job | |
method | PickMethod! | Method of this pick job | |
location | Location | The location where the job is happening | |
pickLocation | Location | Location where items are picked to | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the job was created | |
assignedTo | String | Name of the person this job is assigned to | |
itemsToPick | [JobPickItem] | List of items to pick | |
itemsNotYetPicked | [JobPickItem] | List of items not yet picked | |
itemsPicked | [JobPickItem] | List of items already picked | |
allocationIds | [ID!] | The Order allocations known to be assigned to this picking job. It may not have any (e.g, internal picking jobs to move stock), but generally will relate to an Order via 1 or more allocations. Limited to 100 allocations per job. | |
isCancelable | Boolean | If true, the job may be cancelled | |
completedAt | DateTime | When the job was completed |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
job | JobPick! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
sku | String! | ||
quantity | NonNegativeInt! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ID of the job | |
status | JobStatus! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
itemsNotYetPicked | [JobPickItem!]! | List of items not yet picked | |
itemsPicked | [JobPickItem!]! | List of items already picked |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
limit | Int! | ||
message | String |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
createdBy | String | ||
jobId ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
orderRelatedIds | [ID!] | ||
status | JobStatus! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
name | String! | The name of the printer | |
location | Location | The location of this printer | |
createdAt | DateTime | ||
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the printer.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the printer's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! |
A line item is a product or service that is part of an order, transfer, return, or other object.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The line item's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String | The title or name of the line item. | |
quantity | Float! | The amount of units. e.g. Count, Hrs, Kilograms. | |
quantityFulfilled | Float | The number of units fulfilled/sent to customer. If NULL, it is not relevant. | |
quantityToReceive | Float | The number of units to receive. If NULL, it is not relevant. | |
quantityReceived | Float | The number of units received. If NULL, it is not relevant. | |
sku | SKU | The stock keeping unit. This associates this line item with your inventory. The value will be used to look up available inventory, and allocate inventory. | |
product | Product | The product (if there is one) associated with this line item. | |
productName ⚠️ | String | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
allocate | Boolean! | If true, this means the line item can move into an allocation. | |
unitPrice | Money | The base price per unit of the line item. 🤖: We recommend recording taxation and other fees as adjustments. | |
auTaxApplied ⚠️ | AuTaxApplied | The tax code has been applied to this line item. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
adjustments ⚠️ | [MoneyAdjustment!] | Adjustments applied to this line item's unitPrice. e.g. Tax, Handling, Fees. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
subtotalPrice | Money | Line item's unitPrice multiplied by the quantity, excludes adjustments if provided. | |
totalPrice | Money | Line item's unitPrice multiplied by the quantity, including adjustments if provided. | |
estimatedAt | DateTime | When the line item is predicted to be handled by. | |
targetedAt | DateTime | When the line item is targeted to be handled by. | |
cancelled | Boolean | Whether the line item was cancelled. | |
cancelledAt | DateTime | If cancelled, when the line item was cancelled. | |
cancelledReason | String | If cancelled, why the line item was cancelled. | |
order ⚠️ | IOrder | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
actions | [IAction!] | Actions the current user can perform on this line item. | |
input | ActionInput | ||
source | LineItemSource | The source object of the line item. E.g. Order, Transfer, Return. | |
reason | String | The reason why this line was added, if one. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the line item.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the line item's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags( | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the line item was created. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime! | When the transfer was last modified. | |
notes | NoteResults | The notes associated with the line item. | |
backorders | BackorderResults | The backorders for this line item | |
receiveItems | ReceiveItemResults | List of items received against this line item. If any. | |
returning | ILineItem | The line item being returned |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | LineItem |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [LineItemResultNode!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! |
An important place that matters to your business.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The locations's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
idQR | ID | Contents for a Jungle QR code that identifies the location. | |
name | String! | Identifying name for the location. | |
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags. | |
reference | String | Allows the location to be given a reference (branch/store) code. E.g. 14, SYD-0.1. | |
sequence | Int | An optional number, describing the location's position in a sequence, useful to order locations for pick paths etc. | |
capabilities | [ICapability!] | The capabilities this location has! | |
isEnabled ⚠️ | Boolean | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
enabled | Boolean! | Enabled or not. Disabled will prevent it from being used in activities | |
address | PostalAddress | The postal address of this location. | |
isAddressVerified | Boolean | Whether or not the address has been verified. | |
root | Location! | The location's root location e.g. warehouse | |
parent | Location | The location's parent, if nested. | |
lineage | String | Ancestry of the location, in the form | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the location was created. | |
point | GeoPoint | The location's coordinates (on Earth). | |
pointAccuracy | Float | The accuracy of location's coordinates, | |
relations | Relationships | Relationships the location has. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Custom attributes on the account.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the location's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documentation for this location. | |
input | DocumentationInput! | ||
printers ⚠️ | [JunglePrinter!] | The printers this location has! ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
barcode ⚠️ | String | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
barcodes | [String] | Known barcode values, associated with the location. | |
collections | [FulfilmentCollect] | The pick up/click and collection fulfilments at this location. A location will need the Collect capability for collections to be assigned to it | |
state | CollectionState |
Result for the locationCreate
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
location | Location | The location that was created. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [LocationListResultEdge!]! | Any locations found | |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Information on the number of locations to be listed |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
cursor | ID | ||
location | Location! |
Result for when a given location Id does not map to a Location
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String | Might explain why the location was not found |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
set | Boolean! | If true, the location had its parent set. |
A message, or log of something that happened.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
severity | LogSeverity! | The severity of the log. | |
code | String! | ||
message | String! | ||
paths | [String!] | ||
at | DateTime! | When the log happened. |
A connection to the McLeod Accessories system
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | The McLeod connection's name | |
locationIds | [String]! | For which locations should we send orders to McLeod? | |
url | String! | URL of the McLeod server (to which we send orders) | |
username | String! | Username for sending orders to McLeod | |
password | String! | Password for sending orders to McLeod | |
integration | Integration | This will always be McLeod for McLeod connections! | |
enabled | Boolean! | Toggle on if you want this connection to be enabled or not | |
connected | Boolean! | Is this connection working? | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When we connected to the system for the first time | |
createdBy | String! | Who connected to the system |
Triggered when an object is modified in Jungle.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The object Id that was modified. | |
subjectTypename | ID! | The | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the object was modified. | |
createdBy | String | The human, integration, device etc that modified this object. | |
aid | ID | The account Id the object was modified in. | |
DNT | Boolean! | If true, do not save/keep this event. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!] | The event's custom attributes. These are optional, and are not always present. |
Amount of a specific currency. Used in payments, value, costs etc.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
currency | Currency! | The currency of the money | |
code | CurrencyCode! | The code of the currency | |
amount | Int! | The amount, whole number shifted by decimal places, if a decimal currency | |
amountAsFloat ⚠️ | Float! | Amount as float value, avoid using where possible ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
formatted ⚠️ | String! | The money as a formatted string. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
Adjustment applied to Money
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
code | String! | Code for categorizing the adjustment. e.g. tax, discount, shipping. | |
name | String | Name of the adjustment. e.g. GST, VAT, Arizona state sales tax, 2021 member promotion, express courier. | |
description | String | Details on the adjustment. i.e. Why a certain carrier was picked, reason for taxation etc. | |
value | Money! | The adjustment cost/value/price. |
Amount of a specific currency. Used in payments, value, costs etc.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
code | CurrencyCode! | The code of the currency. | |
amount | Decimal! | The amount of the currency. |
Result when the mutation/command failed.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
ok | Boolean! | Will always be false. | |
code | String | A machine code that can used to identity the failure. | |
reason | String | A sentence on what went wrong. | |
logs | [Log!] |
Result when the mutation/command was successfully accepted.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
ok | Boolean! | Will always be true. | |
objects | [ObjectCreated!] | Created objects | |
logs | [Log!] |
A note (comment) on an object in Jungle by a Jungle actor, user or integration.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The note's unique identifier. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the note. | |
enabled | Boolean! | If visible/usable or not. | |
topic | String | A short summary/title/theme of the note. Optional. | |
contentType | String | The content type of the note. Usually text/plain. | |
content | String | The contents of the note. Do not trust this data | |
author | IAuthor | ||
object | IObject | The object the note was created against, if resolvable for the current user. | |
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The note's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the note was modified last, if at all. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the note was created. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | Note |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [NoteResultNode!]! | ||
pageInfo | SearchPageInfo! |
Describes a created object. Use the .id
, and the .typename
to fetch the object.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The | |
typename | String! | The |
A sales order... A request for items to be fulfilled to a customer.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
channel | Channel | The channel the sales order came from, if known. | |
id | ID! | The Order's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
reference | String! | A merchant or customer visible reference number. | |
source | IOrderSource | Where this sales order came from, if known | |
status | String | The order's current status. The status should be considered indicative, and not absolute. | |
statusInfo | OrderStatusInfo | The order's status info. Help with pretty labeling, custom naming for the order. | |
tags | [String!] | A list of tags( | |
billingAddress | PostalAddress | The billing address/contact information for the order | |
shippingAddresses | [PostalAddress!] | The shipping addresses and contact information for the order | |
customer | Customer | The customer who placed the order, if known. | |
lineItems | [OrderLineItem!]! | The items with in the order | |
input | OrderLineItemsInput | ||
lineItemsQuantity | Float! | The total number of products with in the order | |
orderedAt | DateTime! | When the order was created/confirmed. | |
receivedAt | DateTime! | When Jungle received the order. | |
closedAt | DateTime | When the order was closed, if the order still has fulfilments, and outstanding items it will not be closed | |
integrationReference | String | Integration reference. This is useful when the order comes from a integration and that integration requires a reference when communicating with the third party which would be different from a customer visible reference | |
isTest | Boolean | If the order is a test or not | |
noteFromCustomer | String | If a note/comment from the customer about the order was collected, store it here. Do not use this for internal notes. | |
priceTotal | Money | If supplied, the orders total price | |
allocations | [Allocation!] | Any allocations the order currently has. These will eventually turn into fulfilments. | |
input | AllocationsConnectionInput | ||
completedAt | DateTime | If known, when the order was completed. | |
cancelledAt | DateTime | The date and time when the order was cancelled. | |
cancelledReason | String | The reason the order was cancelled. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the order.
You may filter on the name.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the order's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
point | GeoPoint | If possible to know, this is coordinates of the order. | |
pointAccuracy | Float | The accuracy of the coordinates. See | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the order was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the order was last modified in Jungle. | |
fulfilments | [IFulfilment!]! | Fulfilments (deliveries, collections, drop shippers, downloads etc) against this order. Orders can have many fulfilments, from a variety of services. NOTE: Only a maximum of 50 will return. An order may but generally wont have that many fulfilments. | |
lineItemsFulfilled | [OrderLineItem!]! | Line items in the Order that are fulfilled in someway. | |
lineItemsUnfulfilled | [OrderLineItem!]! | Line items in the Order that are not yet fulfilled. | |
returnQuantity | Int | Total number of returns against the order. | |
returnStatus | StatusInfo | Aggregated status of the order's returns. NULL if there is no returns, otherwise it will be the least complete status. | |
returns | ReturnResults | Returns against the order. |
Triggered when an Order is allocated to one or more locations.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The Order. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the order was allocated. | |
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | ||
orderId ⚠️ | ID | The Order's Id. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
The allocation can not be modified.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
reason | String! | Why the allocation cannot be changed. |
The allocation was moved/assigned a location.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
hadLocation | Boolean | True, if the allocation was assigned to a location previously. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String |
Outcome for the orderCancel
The order can not be cancelled.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
reason | String! | Why the Order cannot be cancelled |
Triggered when an Order is cancelled.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The Order. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the order cancel mutation was called. | |
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | ||
cancelledAt | DateTime! | When the order was cancelled. This may be before Jungle was aware. | |
cancelledReason | String! | The reason for cancellation. | |
orderId ⚠️ | ID | The Order's Id. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
alreadyCancelled | Boolean | True, if the order was already cancelled |
Triggered when Jungle is sent and consumes an Order from an external source.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The Order | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the order was consumed. | |
aid | ID | ||
createdBy | String | The human, integration, device etc that sent the order. | |
orderId ⚠️ | ID | The Order's Id. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
Result for orderConsumeWithAllocations
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
orderId | ID | The jungle order id. |
An order item is a line item of an order
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The order line item identifier. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the line item. | |
product | Product | The product associated with the line item. | |
productName | String | The item/product name | |
sku | SKU | The stock keeping unit. This associates this line item with your inventory. The value will be used to look up available inventory, and allocate inventory. | |
quantity | Float! | The amount of the product ordered | |
weight | Weight | The line item weight, if known. | |
price | Money | The price of the individual line item. | |
unitPrice | Money | The price of an individual line item. | |
addedReason | String | The reason why this line was added, if one. | |
integrationReference ⚠️ | String | Integration reference. This is useful when the order comes from a integration and that integration requires a reference when communicating with the third party which would be different from a customer visible reference ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
actions | [IAction!] | Actions that may or may not be possible on a line item. | |
input | ActionInput | ||
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the order line item.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the order line item's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When the order line item was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the order line item was last modified in Jungle. | |
cancelledAt | DateTime | If cancelled, when the line item was cancelled. | |
cancelledReason | String | If cancelled, why the line item was cancelled. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The line item id | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the order was cancelled. | |
aid ⚠️ | ID | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
createdBy | String | The human, integration, device etc that sent the order. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [OrderListResultEdge!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Info on the number of orders that can be listed |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [OrderListResultEdge!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Info on the number of orders that can be listed |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
cursor | ID! | ||
order | Order! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
orderId | ID! | ||
status | String! |
A simple way to describe the source of the order
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
name | String | Shopify, ERP, POS etc | |
reference | String | A potentially meaningful reference for the source, such as an ID |
Order Status Info
This provides optional information on a status.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Status ID, matches the value seen in | |
name | String | Formatted name for the status | |
displayOrder ⚠️ | Int | The display order of the status. Lower numbers show first. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
priority | Int | The display priority of the status. Higher numbers show first. | |
color | HexColorCode | An optional color for the status |
Result for the orderStatusInfo
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
statuses | [OrderStatusInfo!] | Information on known account statuses. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
reference | String | ||
weightGross | Weight | ||
articleId | String | ||
consignmentId | String | ||
barcodeId ⚠️ | String | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
authorityToLeave | Boolean | ||
safeDropEnabled | Boolean | ||
allowPartialDelivery ⚠️ | Boolean | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
Explains paging information on the relating result set
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
hasMore | Boolean! | If true, there are additional results available | |
limit | Int! | The current limit of results returned (replays the value you set, or it defaulted to) | |
nextCursor | ID | The next cursor to send to, send to next request |
An address for retail shipments.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
countryCode | CountryCode! | The country code, provided as the two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. E.g AU, US, CN. | |
postalCode | String! | The post or zip code. E.g. 90210, 3000, SW1W 0NY. | |
suburb | String! | Locality in which the address is in. E.g. Melbourne. | |
region | String | Administrative division of the address. States, provinces etc. E.g. NSW, Nagano, California | |
lines | [String!]! | The street number, name & other important specific addressing. | |
contactPerson | ContactPerson | The contact information of the person, organization, firm, company, or institution at the address. | |
country | Country | Country data, useful for showing country name, flag, other information. | |
point | GeoPoint | The geo point of the address, on earth | |
isVerified ⚠️ | Boolean | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
createdBy | String | ||
address | PostalAddress! | ||
addressPrior | PostalAddress |
The print has been submitted
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
submitted | Boolean |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [PrinterListResultEdge!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
printer | JunglePrinter! |
The printer does not exist
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String! |
A thing that is in your business. Sold or used.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Product's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | Full path to the product. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
idQR | ID | Contents for a Jungle QR code that identifies the product. | |
name | String | The product title/name. | |
gtin | [String!] | Global Trade Item Numbers. Should be UPC, EAN, JAN, GS1 or ISBN. See | |
sku | String | SKU for the product. Relates the product to inventory. This value will be used to look up and track available inventory. | |
tags | [String!] | A list of tags( | |
capabilities | [ICapability!] | The capabilities this product has! Things like the product can be used for packaging, or some other consumable. | |
brand | String | The product's brand. | |
description | String | A generic description on the product. | |
dimensions | Dimensions | The product's physical dimensions. | |
weight | Weight | The product's weight (in grams). | |
hsCode | HsCode | Harmonized System (HS) code for the product (if applicable). | |
dangerousGoods | ProductDangerousGoods | Dangerous goods details. | |
leadTime | Duration | General lead time. Used to generally indicate how long it takes to get the product from suppliers, manufacturers etc. e.g. P1D, P2W, P3M. | |
eta | DateTime | Estimated availability or arrival. Used to generally indicate a date when the product is expected to be available for use, or sales, etc. Useful when allowing preorders or a leadTime isn't specific enough. e.g. 2199-10-28. | |
preorder | Boolean! | Toggle if a product can be sold or promised before it is available. i.e. Allow selling when there is no stock currently available. e.g. true, false. | |
gst | Boolean | If the product is subject to GST. | |
cost | MoneyV1 | General cost of the product. Not applicable to any particular supplier, and is mostly informational. | |
costAverage | MoneyV1 | The average cost of the product, based on purchasing history with in the last year. If NULL, not yet calculated, can't be calculated (not been purchased), or the feature is not enabled. | |
costLandedAverage | MoneyV1 | The average cost of the product, including shipping, taxes, and other costs to get it to your locations. If NULL, not yet calculated, can't be calculated or the feature is not enabled. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the product. You can filter on the name. | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the product's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When the product was first known to Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the product was last modified. | |
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documentation for this product. | |
input | DocumentationInput! | ||
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The products's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
unitEachAlias | String | If set, the provided value will be used to describe the base unit of measure (instead of the word | |
inventory | InventoryListResult | ||
input | ProductInventoryInput | ||
barcode ⚠️ | String | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
barcodes | [String] | Known barcode values, associated with the product. |
Custom attributes on the product
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | String! | ||
name | String! | ||
value | String! |
Product's dangerous goods details.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
UNNumber | String! | UN number, a four-digit number that identifies hazardous materials, and articles in the framework of international transport. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
supplier | Supplier | The selected supplier for the purchase. Will need to be set to place/send the PO. | |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
reference | String! | A merchant or customer visible reference number | |
number | String | The order number. | |
description | String | A useful description of what the purchase order is for. e.g. Automatic replenishment of under minimum inventory. | |
status | PurchaseOrderStatus! | Purchase order status The status should be considered indicative, and not absolute. | |
lineItemsCount | Int! | The number of line items in the purchase order. | |
lineItemsQuantity | Float! | The total quantity of items in the purchase order. Use for display purposes online. | |
lineItems | [LineItem!]! | The line items within the purchase order | |
receiveItems | [PurchaseOrderReceiveItem!]! | The receive items within the purchase order | |
price | Money | Purchase order price excluding adjustments | |
adjustments | [MoneyAdjustment!] | The adjustments applied to price | |
totalPrice | Money | Purchase order total price including adjustments | |
orderedAt | DateTime | When the PO was sent to the supplier. | |
estimatedAt | DateTime | If known, when this PO is estimated to be fulfilled. | |
closedAt | DateTime | When the PO was closed. | |
completedAt | DateTime | When the PO was completed | |
orderedFrom | Location | Location where the PO was ordered from | |
orderedTo | Location | Location where the PO ordered to | |
splitFrom | PurchaseOrder | The purchase order that this purchase order was split from. | |
splitFromRoot | PurchaseOrder | The root purchase order that this purchase order was split from. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the purchase order.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the purchase order's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags( e.g. 🕔, ❗, urgent
🤖: Modify using the | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the purchase order was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the PO was last modified. | |
enabled | Boolean! | If this purchase order is active, or not. | |
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The purchase order's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
supplierInvoiceReference | String | Reference to the supplier invoice corresponding to this purchase order |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
order | PurchaseOrder | Source of which the inbound sku ordered from | |
quantityOrdered | Float! | The quantity ordered | |
quantityReceived | Float! | The current received quantity | |
quantityInbound | Float! | The current incoming quantity. i.e. Ordered from a supplier, but has not yet been received. |
Result for the purchaseOrderInboundItemBySku
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [PurchaseOrderInboundItem!]! | The list of objects that matched the search | |
pageInfo | SearchPageInfo! | Paging information on the number of results found |
A paginated list of purchase order line items associated with the parent object.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
nodes | [LineItem!]! | A list of line items. if any. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ID of the receive item | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | Path of the receive item ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
sku | SKU! | Product SKU | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled | |
qty | Float! | Quantity received | |
to | Location | Receive location | |
description | String | Description of the receive item | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the item was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the item was last modified. | |
inventoryMovement | InventoryMovement | Inventory movement for the receive item |
A request to return items from a supplier.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
supplier | Supplier | The selected supplier for the purchase. Will need to be set to place/send the PO. | |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
reference | String! | A merchant visible reference | |
integrationReference | String | This is useful when the return comes from a integration and that integration requires a reference when communicating with the 3rd party which would be different from a customer visible reference. | |
approved | Boolean | ||
approvedAt | DateTime | When the return was approved in Jungle. | |
lineItemsCount | Int! | The number of line items in the return. | |
lineItemsQuantity | Float! | The total quantity of items in the return. 🤖: Use for display purposes online. | |
lineItemsReturning | ReturnLineItemResults | The line items to be returned. | |
allocations | AllocationResults | The allocations on the return. | |
locationFrom | Location | The location to return stock from, when the purchase return was first created. The actual "from" location is subject to changes at any time, by changing the corresponding allocation's location. | |
estimatedAt | DateTime | If known, when this return is estimated to be completed/sent. | |
completedAt | DateTime | When the return was sent | |
actions | [IAction!] | Actions the current user can perform on this purchase return. | |
input | ActionInput | ||
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the purchase return.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the supplier return's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags( | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the return was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the return was last modified in Jungle. |
Reason codes are prerecorded reasons for why something is being done.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The reason code ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Custom attributes on the account.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the reason code's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
enabled | Boolean! | If the reason code can be used, or not. | |
code | String! | The internal code, used for reporting purposes. | |
scope | String! | The action that the reason code can be used for. | |
description | String | Description of the reason, when it's used etc. | |
reasonInput | String | A formatted version of the reason code to put in to reason input. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the reason code was created. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the reason code was last modified. |
A receive item is a product that has been received into Jungle. The receive item records what was received, by who, when, where and what it was reconciled against.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The receive item's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
product | Product | The product (if there is one) associated with this receive item. | |
sku ⚠️ | SKU! | The stock keeping unit. This associates this receive item with your inventory. The value will be used to look up available inventory, and allocate inventory. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String | The title or name of the receive item. | |
condition | String | The condition of the receive item. | |
description | String | The description of the receive item. | |
location | Location | The location the item received at. i.e A store, shelf, van etc. | |
quantity | Float! | The amount of units, must be greater than 0. e.g. 2 Each, 24 Hrs, 2.3 Kilograms. | |
quantityToReconcile | Float | The amount of unit remaining to reconcile. | |
to | ReceiveItemReceiveTarget | Optional initial target for receive. e.g. Supplier, PurchaseOrder, LineItem. Note that a receive item can be reconciled to different target then what it was received against. | |
reconciled | Boolean! | If the receive item has been reconciled. | |
reconciledAt | DateTime | When the receive item reconciled. | |
reconciledTo | ReceiveItemReconcileTarget | Optional target for reconciliation. e.g. PurchaseOrderLineItem, LineItem. | |
receivedAt | DateTime | When the receive item received. | |
targets | [ReceiveItemTarget!]! | Objects this receive item is associated with. | |
reasonCode | ReasonCode | Reason why this item was received. | |
reason | String | The reason why this line was received, if known. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the receive item.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the receive item's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags( | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the receive item was created. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime! | When the receive item was last modified. | |
createdBy | String! | Who created the receive item. |
Result for receive item results.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | ReceiveItem |
Results for received items.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [ReceiveItemResult!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! | Paging information on the received item results. |
A relationship that can have more than one member.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
name | String! | The name of the relationship. | |
createdAt | DateTime | If known, when the relationship was created. | |
edges | [RelationshipMemberEdge!]! | Members of the relationship. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
edges | [RelationshipEdge!] |
A member of a relationship.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
path | ID | The | |
node | ObjectCreated | ||
createdAt | DateTime | If known, when the relation was created. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
groups | RelationshipGroupsConnection | A list of relationships this object has. i.e. Fulfilments related to an Order. You should consider the parent to be the source node in edge resolution. Be aware that relationships do not arbitrarily restrict member types.
You can and will find unexpected object types in a relationship, and the client is expected to handle it.
Though this can be as simple as ignore types not related to your workflow.
i.e. Under fulfilments there could be a | |
input | RelationshipGroupsInput |
A connection to a Retail Express account
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | The Retail Express connection's name | |
integration | Integration | This will always be RetailExpress for Retail Express connections! | |
enabled | Boolean! | Toggle on if you want this connection to be enabled or not | |
connected | Boolean! | Is this connection working? | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When we connected to the account for the first time | |
createdBy | String! | Who connected to the account | |
clientId | String! | Retail Express Client ID | |
clientUrl | URL! | The Retail Express Client URL - used as a fallback when a more specific URL is not provided | |
orderUrl | URL! | The Retail Express URL to which we send orders - overrides the clientUrl | |
username | String! | Retail Express Username | |
password | String! | Retail Express Password | |
salesChannelId | String! | Retail Express Sales Channel ID | |
customerIdOverride | PositiveInt | Retail Express Customer ID Override. If set, this ID is sent with every order |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
retailExpressCustomerId | PositiveInt! | ID of the customer, as stored in Retail Express | |
firstName | String | Customer's first name | |
lastName | String | Customer's last name | |
String | Customer's email address | ||
phone | String | Customer's phone number | |
companyName | String | Customer's company name |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [RetailExpressCustomer!]! |
A request to return items from a customer.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
receiveItems | ReceiveItemResults | List of items received against this return. If any. | |
id | ID! | The return's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
reference | String! | Human-readable reference for the return. | |
source | ReturnSource | Source of the return. | |
locationTo | Location | Location where the items are being returned to. | |
fromAddress | PostalAddress! | The postal address where order is returned from. | |
accepted | Boolean | Whether the customer return is accepted. | |
acceptedAt | DateTime | When the customer return was accepted. | |
status | StatusInfo | Derived status from the customer return state. | |
received | Boolean | Whether the line items for the return fully received. | |
receivedAt | DateTime | When the customer return was fully received. | |
cancelledAt | DateTime | When the customer return was cancelled. | |
cancelledReason | String | The reason why the return was cancelled. | |
lineItems | LineItemResults! | The line items being/to be returned. | |
estimatedAt | DateTime | If known, when this return is estimated to be completed/sent. | |
completedAt | DateTime | When the return was completed, had all items received and all items sent. | |
serviceProviderName | String | The name of the company, or person providing the shipment/delivery service. | |
trackingNumber | String | The tracking code / id / number assigned to this shipment by the carrier. | |
trackingUrl | URL | A URL to see tracking events on the shipment. | |
actions | [IAction!] | Actions the current user can perform on this purchase return. | |
input | ActionInput | ||
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the purchase order.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the return's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags( | |
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The returns's known external IDs. | |
input | ExternalIdsInput | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When the return was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the return was last modified in Jungle. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
quantity | Float! | The quantity of the referenced line item to be returned. | |
sku | SKU | ||
productName ⚠️ | String | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
lineItem | ILineItem | The line item from the sale or purchase this return is for. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When this return line item was created. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When this return line item was modified. | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the ReturnLineItem. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the allocation line item.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the return line item's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
actions | [IAction!] | Actions that can be performed on this return line item by the current user. | |
input | ActionInput | ||
product | Product | The product associated with this return line item. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | ReturnLineItem |
Results for line items to be returned.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [ReturnLineItemResult!]! | ||
pageInfo | PageInfo! |
Triggered whenever a Return is marked as received.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | Return ID | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the event was emitted. | |
aid | ID | The Id of the account the event occurred within. | |
createdBy | String | The human, integration, device etc that created this event. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | Return |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
pageInfo | PageInfo! | ||
results | [ReturnResult!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
name | String |
A connection edge in which each node is a Searchable
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
node | Searchable! | The object found. Tip: Use |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
message | String |
Result for SearchResult.summaries
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
field | String! | The field name the summarized values are for. | |
summary | [SearchFieldSummary] | The summarized values, limited to the top 100 values. |
Result for SearchResult.summary
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
value | String! | A value of in the summarized field. | |
total | Int! | Total of number of results having the field's value. |
Page information on the relating search result set.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
hasMore | Boolean! | If true, there are additional results available. | |
limit | Int! | The current limit of results returned (replays the value you set, or it defaulted to). | |
nextAfter | PositiveInt | The next after to send to, send for next page. | |
total | Int! | The total results found. At very large numbers this will not be accurate. |
Result for the search
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [SearchEdge!]! | The list of objects that matched the search | |
pageInfo | SearchPageInfo! | Paging information on the number of results found | |
errors | [SearchError!] | If there isn't any results, check the search errors for information | |
summary ⚠️ | [SearchFieldSummary] | If requested, field value summary. This is limited to 100 values. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
summaries | [SearchFieldSummaries] | If requested in |
A connection between Sendle and Jungle!
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The connection's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | The sendle connection's name. This is auto-generated when created. | |
integration | Integration | Integration details, for branding, naming, logos etc | |
enabled | Boolean! | Toggle on if you want this connection to be enabled or not. | |
connected | Boolean! | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
createdBy | String! | ||
sendleId | String! | The Sendle ID (which is the sendle account id) for this connection. | |
sendleSandbox | Boolean! | If this is from the Sendle sandbox server, or not. See: for details! |
A service provided by an organisation.
Such as delivery, sales, inventory and pack services.
The service's provider could be you (where ever it is not specified/null), us (Jungle Commerce), or a 3rd party (Courier, 3PL, etc).
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Service Id | |
name | String! | The name of the service. | |
description | String! | A description of the service. | |
code | ID | The providers own service code/identifier for this service | |
provider | ServiceProvider | When a service does not nominate a provider, your organisation is required to provide the service | |
category ⚠️ | ServiceCategory | The category of the service ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
categories | [ServiceCategory!] | The service categories, if it's a Shipment, Test service, etc. | |
connectionId | ID | The connection Id this service came from. NOTE: This only happens when there isn't additional selection logic to use the service, or the service comes from an integration. This matters when the service provider operates on account per location, or person principles. | |
integrationId | ID | The integration ID of the provider |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
results | [ServiceListResultEdge!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
service | IService! |
A business that provides services.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
name | String! | The name of the service provider | |
description | String | A description of the service provider | |
brandDisclaimer | String | If the provider has any brand disclaimers, it will be here. Should be shown near the branding, if provided | |
url | String | URL of the service provider's website | |
contacts | [IContact!] | Support/inquiry contacts for the service's provide |
deprecated, use ShipmentV2 instead.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Id of the shipment. | |
reference | String | A client reference. | |
serviceCode | String | ||
origin | PostalAddress! | ||
destination | PostalAddress! | The delivery address for the shipment. | |
packages | [Package!] | The packages containing the line items. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the shipment was created. | |
shippedAt ⚠️ | DateTime | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
price | Money | ||
documentationSupported | [ID!] | Supported documentation Ids on this shipment. | |
integrationReference | String | Useful when an integration requires a reference when communicating with the third party which would be different from a customer visible reference. | |
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documents for this shipment. | |
input | DocumentationInput! | ||
serviceBrokerName | String | ||
serviceProviderName | String | ||
serviceName | String | ||
trackingNumber | String | ||
trackingUrl | URL | ||
weightGross | Weight |
Sometimes a shipment needs an additional human acceptance before we continue on.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
logs | [Log!] | If the shipment needs manual acceptance, this will contain logs of the reasons why. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the acceptance was created/evaluated. |
Shipment origin and destination address.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
country | CountryCode! | The country code. e.g. AU, US, VN. | |
region | String | Generally a first-level administrative division, like a state. e.g. NSW, California, Ho Chi Minh City. | |
lines | [String!]! | Address lines, up to 3. | |
locality | String! | A suburb, or prefecture. e.g. Sydney, Mountain View, District 11. | |
postalCode | String! | A postal code. e.g 4001, 94043, SW1Y 4HT. |
A shipment parcel, box, container etc.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | Path of the shipment package. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the shipment package was created (or requested). | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the shipment package was modified | |
reference | String | An optional reference for the package. | |
dimensions | Dimensions | The size of the package. | |
weightGross | Weight! | The gross (total) weight of the package. | |
shippingCode | String | The package's logic unit, SSCC, or article identifier. | |
trackingNumber | String | The unique number or code assigned to this package by the service provide for the purposes of tracking. | |
contents | [ShipmentPackageContent!] | The contents of the package | |
tracking | ShipmentTracking | Tracking data for the package |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
weightGross | Weight | The gross (total) weight of the package. | |
trackingNumber | String | The unique number or code assigned to this package by the service provide for the purposes of tracking. |
Contents of a shipment package.
Mostly concerned with value, customs and dangerous goods classification info.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
quantity | PositiveInt! | How many of the product there is. | |
sku | String | SKU for the product | |
description | String | A generic description on the product. | |
dangerousGoods | ProductDangerousGoods | Product's dangerous goods details. | |
hsCode | HsCode | Product's HS code details. | |
price | Money | The price of the individual product |
Triggered when a shipment is ready
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | Shipment id To retrieve the subject use the | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the shipment was set to ready. | |
aid | ID | The Id of the account the event occurred within. | |
createdBy | String | The human, integration, device etc that created this event. | |
status | ShipmentStatus! | The current status of the shipment. | |
packages | [ShipmentPackageConfirmed!]! | The packages in the shipment. | |
priceGross | Money | Total cost of the shipment, inc taxes, etc. | |
integrationReference | String | Useful when an integration requires a reference when communicating with the third party which would be different from a customer visible reference. | |
serviceBrokerName | String | The broker used to book the shipment/delivery. | |
serviceProviderName | String | The name of the company, or person providing the shipment/delivery service. | |
serviceName | String | The name of the service used. | |
serviceId | String | The service id selected for the shipment | |
trackingNumber | String | The tracking code / id / number assigned to this shipment by the carrier. | |
trackingUrl | URL | A URL to see tracking events on the shipment. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!] | The event's custom attributes. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
services | [IService] |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
checkpoints | [ShipmentTrackingCheckpoint!]! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
timestamp | DateTime | ||
locationString | String | ||
message | String | ||
status | ShipmentTrackingCheckpointStatus |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | ||
aid | ID | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | ||
createdBy | String | ||
trackingNumber | String | ||
tracking | ShipmentTracking |
A Shipment.
A record of a delivery service request to move one more packages (containers) between two places.
NOTE: This replaces the Shipment
HINT: To begin the process of shipping some packages call the shipmentCreate
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Id of the shipment. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | Path of the shipment. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
idQR | ID | Contents for a Jungle QR code that identifies the shipment. | |
status | ShipmentStatus! | The current status of the shipment. | |
statusActivity | String | A sentence on the current activity being done on the shipment. For walking ape or other human readable places. | |
cancellable | Boolean | If true the shipment can be cancelled. | |
connection | IIntegrationConnection | The connection used to fulfill this shipment if available | |
reference | String | A client reference. | |
origin | ShipmentAddress! | Where the shipment is being picked up from. | |
destination | ShipmentAddress! | The delivery address of the shipment. | |
senderInstructions | String | ||
recipientInstructions | String | ||
packages | [ShipmentPackage!]! | The packages in the shipment. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the shipment was created (or requested). | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the shipment was modified | |
shippedAt | DateTime | When the shipment left the origin | |
pickUpOn | Date | ||
pickedUpAt | DateTime | ||
deliveredAt | DateTime | ||
priceGross | Money | Total cost of the shipment, inc taxes, etc. | |
integrationReference | String | Useful when an integration requires a reference when communicating with the third party which would be different from a customer visible reference. | |
serviceBrokerName | String | The broker used to book the shipment/delivery. | |
serviceProviderName | String | The name of the company, or person providing the shipment/delivery service. | |
serviceName | String | The name of the service used. | |
service | IService | The service selected for the shipment | |
trackingNumber | String | The tracking code / id / number assigned to this shipment by the carrier. | |
trackingUrl | URL | A URL to see tracking events on the shipment. | |
tracking | ShipmentTracking | Tracking data for the shipment, if available. | |
weightGross | Weight | The gross weight of the shipment. | |
acceptance | ShipmentAcceptance | Any pending acceptances on the shipment, that must be accepted before the shipment can be completed. If null, it was automatically accepted. | |
acceptedAt | DateTime | When the shipment was accepted. | |
errors | [Log!] | Errors on this shipment. Confirming is not possible until the errors are fixed. | |
logs | [Log!] | Logs for this shipment. | |
relations | Relationships | Relationships the shipment has. |
A connection between Shippit and Jungle!
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The connection Id | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | The connection's name | |
integration | Integration | Integration details, for branding naming etc | |
enabled | Boolean! | If the connection is enabled. | |
connected | Boolean! | If it is actually connected. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the connection to Shippit was created. | |
createdBy | String! | Who connect to Shippit. | |
shippitStaging | Boolean! | If the connection is to Shippit staging or not. | |
relations | Relationships | relationships this connection has |
A connection to the Sparesbox Allocation Engine
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | Identity of the connection. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | ||
integration | Integration | ||
enabled | Boolean! | Toggle on if you want this connection to be enabled or not | |
connected | Boolean! | Is this connection working? | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When we connected to the engine for the first time | |
createdBy | String! | Who connected to the engine | |
engineVersion | String | version of the engine to use defaults to 1.0 |
A connection between Starshipit and Jungle!
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The connection Id | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | The connection's name | |
integration | Integration | Integration details, for branding naming etc | |
enabled | Boolean! | If the connection is enabled. | |
connected | Boolean! | If it is actually connected. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the connection was created. | |
createdBy | String! | Who connected the integration. | |
relations | Relationships | relationships this connection has |
Provides information on an object status.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
name | String! | Human-readable name of the status | |
color | String | The color for the status | |
icon | String | An icon for the status |
Supplier sources products for your business.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Supplier's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | Full path to the supplier. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the supplier was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the supplier was last modified. | |
name | String! | Supplier's name. | |
enabled | Boolean! | If this supplier is active, or not. | |
restrictedSupply | Boolean | Toggle geo-restrictions for this supplier allowing it to only be used for purchase orders in the locations specified | |
allowedLocations | [Location]! | list of locations that this supplier can be used to order inventory for through purchase ordering, ignored if | |
taxNumber | String | Used to store a business number or identifier with the relevant national taxation office ie: such as an ABN | |
currency | CurrencyCode | The currency to operate in with this supplier for purchase ordering | |
billingAddressLines ⚠️ | [String!] | Address lines where supplier is located ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
billingAddressPostalCode ⚠️ | String | Postal code of supplier's location ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
billingAddressRegion ⚠️ | String | Region of the supplier's location e.g. QLD ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
billingAddressSuburb ⚠️ | String | Suburb of the supplier's locations e.g. Fortitude Valley ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
billingAddressCountryCode ⚠️ | String | Postals code of the supplier's location e.g. 4006 ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
billingAddress | PostalAddress | The billing address of the supplier | |
relations | Relationships | Relationships the supplier has. | |
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Custom attributes on the account.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the supplier's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! |
Result for the tagList
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
tags | [Tag!]! |
A transfer of products between two locations.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
reference | String! | A merchant visible reference | |
idQR | ID | Contents for a Jungle QR code that identifies the transfer. | |
approved | Boolean! | If the transfer is approved. 🤖: Use for display purposes only. | |
approvedAt | DateTime | When the transfer was approved. | |
lineItems | LineItemResults | Line items on the transfer. These are the items to be transferred. | |
lineItemsCount | Int! | The number of line items in the transfer. 🤖: Use for display purposes only. | |
lineItemsQuantity | Float! | The total quantity of items in the transfer. 🤖: Use for display purposes only. | |
allocations | AllocationResults | The allocations against the transfer. | |
locationFrom | Location! | The location to transfer stock from, when the transfer was first created. The actual "from" location is subject to changes at any time, by changing the corresponding allocation's location. | |
locationTo | Location! | The location to transfer stock to. | |
orderedAt | DateTime! | When the transfer was requested. | |
estimatedAt | DateTime | If known, when this transfer is estimated to be completed/sent. | |
fulfilledAt | DateTime | When the transfer was fulfilled. | |
completedAt | DateTime | When the transfer was received in and processed by the destination location. | |
actions | [IAction!] | Actions the current user can perform on this transfer. | |
input | ActionInput | ||
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Additional custom attributes on the transfer.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the transfer's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags( | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the transfer was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime! | When the transfer was last modified in Jungle. |
A one time upload token.
Provides a URL to perform a file upload too. For each file / blob to be uploaded, request a unique token.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
url | URL! | The URL to upload the file too. | |
expiresAt | DateTime! | Date and time the token is valid until. | |
bytesMax | Int! | The max byte size that will be accepted. This can be increased in higher paid plans etc. |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
String | |||
emailVerified | Boolean | ||
phoneNumber | String | ||
displayName | String | ||
fullName | String | ||
photoUrl | URL |
Webhooks configured to submit events to for your account.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The webhook's identifier. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | Full path to the webhook. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
url | URL! | The URL to call when a matching action happens. | |
event | WebhookEvent! | The event this webhook will called. InventorySet as an example. | |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Custom attributes on the account.
🤖: Modify with | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A single key from the webhook's custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! | ||
createdAt | DateTime! | When the webhook was created in Jungle. | |
modifiedAt | DateTime | When the webhook was last modified. | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the webhook. | |
enabled | Boolean! | If this webhook is active, or not. |
Result for the whoami()
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
user | User | If you are authenticated, this will be populated | |
account | Account | If you are authenticated, and have selected an account, this will be populated | |
accountUser | AccountUser | If you are authenticated, and have selected an account, this will be populated |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID | ||
displayName | String | ||
photoUrl | URL | ||
phoneNumber | String | ||
pin | String! | ||
roles | [String!]! | ||
fullName | String! | ||
locationId | ID | ||
printerId | ID | ||
weighDeviceId | ID |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
String! | |||
roles | [String!]! | ||
displayName | String | ||
fullName | String! | ||
pin | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | ||
displayName | String | ||
photoUrl | URL | ||
phoneNumber | String | ||
pin | String | ||
roles | [String!] | ||
fullName | String | ||
locationId | ID | ||
printerId | ID | ||
weighDeviceId | ID |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | ||
String! | |||
password | String! |
Input for .actions
Field | Type | Description | |
enabled | Boolean | Filter for only enabled or disabled actions. |
Field | Type | Description | |
street | String |
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String | The name of the allocation. e.g. #000001-A01 | |
method | FulfilmentMethod! | The fulfilment method that should be used on this allocation (grouping of line items) | |
shippingAddress | PostalAddressInput | The address to which this allocation group should be shipped to. This is not needed if the line items are not being shipped. | |
locationId | ID | A Jungle location ID where this is has been allocated to. This tells Jungle where to ship from or pick up from. It is possible for Jungle to set this during automatic fulfilment, or during allocation. It should be set when the fulfilment method is pick up. | |
serviceCode | ID | A service code to fulfil the line items with. Service codes that do not offer fulfilment will be ignored. See Query | |
fulfilmentAllowed | Boolean | If false, prevent allocation to be fulfilled (if enabled for account). |
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID! | ID of the allocation |
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID! | ID of the allocation |
Input for the allocationLineItemAssociate
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID! | ID of the allocation | |
lineItemId | ID! | ID of the allocatable line item (IAllocatableLineItem). By default. an amount of 0 items will be allocated. |
Field | Type | Description | |
lineItemId | ID! | ID of the allocatable line item (IAllocatableLineItem), if allocating something unallocated. | |
quantity | Float | The quantity of the referenced line item belonging to this allocation, if not provided default to lineItem's quantity |
Input for the allocationLineItemMove
Field | Type | Description | |
fromAllocationLineItemId | ID | ID of the source allocation line item, if moving between allocations. | |
toAllocationLineItemId | ID | ID of the target allocation line item. If omitted, its quantity will be removed by the given amount. | |
quantity | Float | Quantity to assign/move/remove. If omitted the maximum, that can be moved, will be moved. | |
reason | String! | Why is the allocation line item being moved. Be specific, as this will show in the event history. | |
key | String | An optional unique identifier for the allocation line item move for the source/target allocation line item. If provided, will only execute allocation line item move for the source/target allocation line item once per unique identifier. |
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | SKU | If set, only return the total number of products having this SKU |
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID! | ID of the allocation | |
method | FulfilmentMethod! | Fulfilment method you want to change to. | |
serviceCode | ID | Shipping service code. Required for most shipping services. Optional for Click & Collect orders. |
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID! | ||
reason | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
fulfilled | Boolean | Filter allocations based on whether they are allocated or not. |
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String! | The AMX Allocation engine connection name | |
retailExpressConnectionId | String! | Connection ID for sending orders to Retail Express | |
mcLeodConnectionId | String! | Connection ID for sending orders to McLeod |
Field | Type | Description | |
connectionId | ID |
Field | Type | Description | |
asset | ID! | ID of the asset this attachment belongs to. | |
type | AttachmentType! | Type of the attachment. |
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInputV2! | Path of the object to list attachments for. |
Input for the attachmentPrint
Field | Type | Description | |
printer | ID! | The printer to print too. | |
attachmentId | ID! | The attachment to print. |
Input for the attachmentUploadFromBase64
Field | Type | Description | |
content | String! | The base64string you wish to decode and upload | |
contentType | String | Content type of the base64 content you are uploading. Defaults to | |
filename | String! | The file name of the attachment |
Input for the attachmentUploadFromUrl
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInputV2! | The object the URL download is being attached too. | |
url | URL! | The URL to download the attachment from. | |
headers | [KeyValueInput!] | Headers to pass through into the HTTP request. | |
filename | String | Optionally, the file name of the attachment. If not provided, one is used from the url, or made up. |
Input for the attachmentUploadToken
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInputV2! | The object the upload is being attached too. | |
filename | String | Optionally, the file name of the attachment. If not provided, one is made. |
Input for the attributesSet
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | ||
attributes | [CustomAttributeInput!]! | The object's custom attributes. |
Field | Type | Description | |
accountNumber | String! | ||
apiKey | String! | ||
password | String! | ||
test | Boolean! |
Field | Type | Description | |
key | String! | ||
pin | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
userId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
aid | String! | The account to switch too |
Input for the backorderAssociatePurchaseOrderLineItem
Field | Type | Description | |
backorderId | ID! | The id of the backorder to associate the PO line item. | |
lineItemId | ID! | The PO line item id to associate to the backorder. |
Input for the backorderCancel
Field | Type | Description | |
backorderId | ID! | The id of the backorder to cancel. |
Input for the purchaseOrderLineItemAssociateToBackorder
Field | Type | Description | |
lineItemId | ID! | The allocation line item to associate too. | |
quantity | Float! | The quantity on backorder |
Input for the backorderCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
orderAllocationLine | BackorderCreateAllocationLineItemInput! | The order allocation line that backorder relates to. | |
reason | String! | The reason for the backorder. |
Input for the backorderDissociatePurchaseOrderLineItem
Field | Type | Description | |
backorderId | ID! | The id of the backorder to dissociate the PO line item. | |
lineItemId | ID! | The PO line item id to dissociate from the backorder. |
Input for the backorderQuantityUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
backorderId | ID! | The id of the backorder to update quantity for. | |
quantity | Float! | The new quantity on backorder |
Input for the barcodeAdd
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | The Jungle object to add known barcodes to. | |
barcodes | [BarcodeInput!]! | The barcodes to add. |
Input for the barcodePrint
Field | Type | Description | |
value | String! | Value of the barcode | |
symbology | BarcodeSymbology | Symbology. Defaults to Code128 | |
printTo | ID! | ID of the printer |
Input for the barcodeRemove
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | The Jungle object to remove barcodes from. | |
barcodes | [BarcodeInput!]! | The barcodes to remove.
🤖: If the value of |
Input for the brandCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String! | Unique name for the brand. |
Input for the brandSetName
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The brand identifier. | |
name | String! | Name for the brand. |
Input for the capabilitiesSet
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | The Jungle object to set capabilities on. | |
capabilityIds | [ID!]! | The capability ID's of the object's capabilities |
Input for CapabilityConstraintsSetInput.constraints
Field | Type | Description | |
enabled | Boolean | Constrain the capability to be enabled or disabled. This is useful for toggling capabilities on/off. | |
weightMin | Weight | Constrain the minimum weight of something. This is useful for packaging, transport that have minimum weight requirement etc. | |
weightMax | Weight | Constrain the maximum weight of something. This is useful for packaging, transport that have a maximum weight they can hold etc. | |
qtyMin | Int | Constrain the minimum quantity. | |
qtyMax | Int | Constrain the maximum quantity. | |
dimensionsInner | DimensionsInput | Constrain the inner dimensions of something. This is useful for knowing the available space in storage volumes etc. | |
dimensionsOuter | DimensionsInput | Constrain the outmost dimensions of something. This is useful to know if it can fit in certain volumes. | |
dimensionsOuterMin | DimensionsInput | Constrain the minimum outmost dimensions of something. This is useful to know if it is suitable to store something. | |
priority | Int | Constrain the priority of the capability. This is useful for ordering, or if a selection between objects with capabilities is needed. |
Input for capabilityConstraintsSet
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | The Jungle object to set constraint on. | |
capabilityId | ID! | The capability to assign constraints too. | |
constraints | CapabilityConstraintsInput! | Constraints upon the capability, meaning there are conditions to the capability. |
Input for create mutations on objects that have capabilities.
Field | Type | Description | |
capabilityId | ID! | The capability id to add to the object. | |
constraints | CapabilityConstraintsInput | Constraints upon the capability, meaning there are conditions to the capability. |
Input for the channelCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
code | String! | A unique code for the channel. | |
name | String! | A name for the channel. | |
description | String | A description of the channel. | |
brandId | ID | The brand the channel is under. |
Input for the channelSetCode
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The channel id. | |
code | String! | A unique code for the channel. |
Input for the channelSetDescription
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The channel id. | |
description | String! | A description of the channel. |
Input for the channelSetName
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The channel id. | |
name | String! | The name of the channel. |
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | ||
collectionId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | ||
pagination | ListInput |
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String! | ||
String | |||
phone | String | ||
companyName | String |
Input for a custom attribute.
Field | Type | Description | |
id | CustomAttributeInputId! | The attribute's ID. | |
name | String | Human-friendly description of ID. If omitted, it will have the same value as ID. | |
value | String! | The attribute value. E.g. gold, A description, 0001023 |
Input for the customerCreate()
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String | Customer's name | |
phone | String | Customers phone number. | |
String | Customers email address. | ||
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the customer. | |
attributes | [CustomAttributeInput!] | Custom attributes for the customer. | |
xids | [XIDInput!] | An additional identity for this customer from an external system. |
Input for the customerUpdate()
Field | Type | Description | |
customerId | ID! | The customer's ID. | |
name | String | Customer's name | |
phone | String | Customers phone number. | |
String | Customers email address. |
Field | Type | Description | |
from | DateTime | ||
to | DateTime |
Input for the deviceReportWeigh()
Field | Type | Description | |
deviceId | ID | The device is reporting for, if this is not provided, we'll try to guess it. | |
grams | Weight! | The weight (in grams) being reported. | |
status | DeviceWeighStatus | The status of the weighing device / scales / balance. | |
at | DateTime | When weight was measured. Optional, as Jungle will assume received time. |
Input for the physical dimensions of something. E.g. Parcel, Product, Cat.
Field | Type | Description | |
depth | PositiveInt! | The distance (length) from the front to the back of the object. | |
width | PositiveInt! | The distance (length) from the left to the right of the object. | |
height | PositiveInt! | The distance (length) from the top to the bottom of the object. | |
unit | UnitDistance! | The units the distance has been measured in. |
Input for IDocumentationSubject.documentation
Field | Type | Description | |
size | String | ||
format | DocumentFormat |
Input for the documentationPrint
Field | Type | Description | |
printerId | ID! | The Id of the printer to print to. | |
documentationId | ID! | The documentation to print. Obtained using the |
Input for the documentationSupported
Field | Type | Description | |
typename | String | Generally shows what documentation is available for a known type. Note that certain object types may not have generally available documentation, but could have documentation for a specific object. In workflows it is better to provide the specific object. | |
object | ObjectInput | Show supported documentation for a specific object. |
Input for the events
Field | Type | Description | |
source | ObjectInputV2! | The source object of the events. Very useful if you are looking for events from a specific object. 🤖: This is the event subject. | |
types | [EventSubscribable!]! | The event type to subscribe to. |
Field | Type | Description | |
field | String! | Path of the field you want to include in the export. Supports dot notation. | |
header | String | Human-readable header for the given field. It uses [field] as header by default. |
Input for the export
You must define the typename to export data for.
Field | Type | Description | |
filter | SearchInput! | Search filter you want to apply. | |
format | ExportFormat! | Specify the format of the export. |
Input for the xidAssign
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInputV3! | The Jungle object to associate the external ID with. | |
parts | XIDPartsInput! | The external ID, in it's 3 parts to associate with the object. |
Input for the xidUnassign
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInputV3! | The Jungle object to unassign the external ID with. | |
parts | XIDPartsInput! | The external ID, in it's 3 parts to unassign with the object. |
Input for the .xids
Field | Type | Description | |
filter | [SearchFilterInput!] | How to filter the xid. Use them to eliminate results that do match the filters. 🤖: While this uses a search filter, certain filter types are not supported. |
Filters for ListInput. You may use one at a time.
Field | Type | Description | |
modifiedAfter | DateTime | Find objects with a modifiedAt time at or after the given DateTime. | |
status | String | Find objects with a status matching the provided value. |
Input for the fulfilmentCollectChangeState
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | ||
fulfilmentId | ID! | The fulfilment ID to change the status of. | |
state | CollectionState! | The state to transition the fulfilment to |
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | ||
allocationId | ID | ||
locationId | ID! | This location must have the "collect" capability. | |
reference | String! | ||
lineItems | [OrderLineItemInput!]! | ||
collectBy | DateTime |
Input for creating a basic fulfilment. Used in context of something being fulfilled.
Field | Type | Description | |
reference | String | A custom reference for the fulfilment code. | |
fulfilledAt | DateTime | When the fulfilment actually happened, if known. | |
notes | [NoteInput!] | Notes or details about the fulfilment. | |
attributes | [CustomAttributeInput!] | Custom attributes for the fulfilment. | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the fulfilment. |
Field | Type | Description | |
shipmentId | ID! | ||
allocationId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | The order this shipment relates too. | |
allocationId | ID | ||
serviceId | ID | ||
connectionId | ID! | Where a connection is providing the ability to create the shipment, it's Id must be provided. | |
lineItems | [OrderLineItemInput!]! | ||
reference | String | ||
originLocationId | ID! | An existing location ID | |
destination | PostalAddressInput! | ||
packages | [PackageInput!]! |
Field | Type | Description | |
country | CountryCode! | ||
locality | String | ||
postalCode | String |
Input for the geoCode
Field | Type | Description | |
address | GeoAddressInput |
Input for the geoPointSet
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | The Jungle object to set a geo point (coordinates) on. | |
point | GeoPoint! | The latitude, longitude pair to set. | |
pointAccuracy | Float | Used to describe the accuracy of the point. See |
Field | Type | Description | |
String! | |||
password | String! | ||
displayName | String |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | ||
String! | |||
displayName | String! | ||
password | String |
Input for transforming an image.
Field | Type | Description | |
height | Int | The height of the image in pixels. | |
width | Int | The width of the image in pixels. | |
fit | ImageTransformFit | When both a width and height are provided, the possible methods by which the image should fit. |
Input for getting an image URL.
Field | Type | Description | |
transform | ImageTransformInput | Transform the original image. |
Field | Type | Description | |
insightEmbedType | InsightEmbedType! | ||
id | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
insightEmbedType | InsightEmbedType! | ||
limit | PositiveInt | Number to limit the results. Maximum 50. | |
cursor | ID | The cursor for the next set of results. |
Input for the integrationConnect
Field | Type | Description | |
integration | ID! |
Input for the integrationCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
id | IntegrationCreateInputId! | A unique identifier for the integration. e.g: AcmeCorp, A234-Asd | |
name | String | The name of the integration. |
Input for the inventoryAdjustIfAssignable
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | The location at which to increment the SKUs quantity | |
sku | String! | The SKU being being incremented | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled (Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory condition) | |
quantity | Int! | The amount the SKU. Only supports quantity 1 at the moment |
Input for the inventoryAllocate
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | String! | The SKU being allocated (reserved) at the location. | |
locationId | ID! | The location at which to allocate the SKUs | |
quantity | PositiveInt! | The quantity of SKUs being allocated (reserved) It is not possible to allocate less than 1 of SKU. e.g., -1, 0 etc are not possible. | |
allocationKey | ID | An optional string identifying the allocation of inventory, if not provided, one will be generated! You can use something like an allocation/fulfilment Id, so then later you can easily release the allocation. If you provide a key that is already used, the allocation will be rejected. |
Input for the inventoryAllocationsClear
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | String! | The SKU being cleared of allocations at the location. | |
locationId | ID! | The location at which to clear SKU allocations | |
reason | String! | Why was this SKU cleared of allocations. Be specific, this will show in the event history. |
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | String! | The SKU being assigned | |
locationId | ID! | The location at which to assign the SKU | |
allocationId | ID! | ID of the allocation to assign the SKU to | |
quantity | Float! | Adjustment amount. Positive means increment. Negative means decrement. | |
reason | String! | Reason for clearing the assignment |
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | String |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Id of the product to retrieve inventory for | |
children | Boolean | If account is enabled and children is | |
filter | InventoryFilterInput | Inventory with conditions, i.e. damaged excluded by default, set filter none to include inventory with conditions. Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory condition |
Input for inventoryByPurchaseOrder
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id |
Filters for the field.
Field | Type | Description | |
has | String | If the Inventory has the field, i.e. condition | |
not | InventoryFilterInput | Not Filter | |
sku | SKU | Only find inventory of the given SKU | |
quantityOnHandMinimum | Float | Find inventory with the minimum quantityOnHand. Only affects accounts configured with this functionality. | |
parentLocationId | ID | Only find inventory with the specified parent location. Set to | |
locationId | ID | Only find inventory with the specified location. Only affects accounts configured with this functionality. |
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | ||
sku | String! |
Input for the inventoryListAtLocation
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | String! | The location to list inventory information at. | |
children | Boolean | If account is enabled and children is | |
pagination | ListInput | Pagination config | |
filter | InventoryFilterInput | Filter, by default only inventory with no condition will be included |
Input for the inventoryMove
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | String! | The stock keeping unit to move | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled (Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory condition) | |
fromLocationId | ID! | From where the SKU has moved (source) | |
toLocationId | ID! | To where the SKU has moved (destination) | |
quantity | PositiveInt! | The number of the SKU to move. Must be more then 0, otherwise what is the point? | |
allocationId | ID | Allocation to move (Optional) if provided, allocation assignment will be moved (Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory assignment) |
Field | Type | Description | |
type | InventoryMovementType! | Movement type | |
to | InventoryMovementToSubjectInput | Destination to where the Inventory transferred to, i.e. Location, Allocation One of the from and to have to be a Location in Jungle | |
from | InventoryMovementFromSubjectInput | Source from which the Inventory comes, i.e. Location, Supplier, PurchaseOrder One of the from and to have to be a Location in Jungle | |
receiveFrom | InventoryMovementFromSubjectInput | Applies for ALLOCATE/RELEASE/ASSIGN/UNASSIGN only Additional information from which the stock received from, i.e, Supplier, PurchaseOrder | |
sku | String! | The SKU being moved | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled | |
qty | Float! | The quantity of SKU | |
description | String | Describe the inventory movement in details. | |
locationId | String | Location where the inventory movement happens | |
key | String | An unique identifier for the inventory movement. If not provided, one will be generated. |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The | |
typename | String! | The |
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID | Filter movements happening in this location only. | |
jobId | ID | Filter movements created as part of a job | |
createdBy | ID | Filter movements created by | |
sku | String | Filter movements by sku | |
createdAt | DateRangeFilterInput | Filter movements based on | |
purchaseOrderId | ID | Filter movements by purchase order ID. If null, it will filter for movements that are not attributed to any purchase order.
Either use this or | |
supplierId | ID | Filter movements by supplier ID.
Either use this or | |
reconciled | Boolean | Filter movements by reconciled
Field | Type | Description | |
limit | Int | ||
after | Int | ||
filter | InventoryMovementReceivedListFilterInput | ||
sort | [InventoryMovementReceivedSortInput!] | How to sort the results. Sorted by oldest first (createdAt, asc) by default |
Input for InventoryMovementReceivedListInput.sort
Field | Type | Description | |
field | InventoryMovementReceivedSortField! | Field to sort by. Not all fields allow sorting. | |
direction | OrderingDirection! | Control the sort ordering direction |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The | |
typename | String! | The |
Field | Type | Description | |
items | [InventoryMovesItemInput!]! |
Field | Type | Description | |
fromLocationId | ID! | From where the SKU has moved (source) | |
toLocationId | ID! | To where the SKU has moved (destination) | |
sku | String! | The stock keeping unit to move | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled (Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory condition) | |
quantity | PositiveInt! | The number of the SKU to move. Must be more then 0, otherwise what is the point? |
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | ||
locationId | ID! | ||
capabilities | [CapabilityWithConstraintsInput!] | Capabilities and optional constraints. |
Input for the inventoryPutAwayItems
Field | Type | Description | |
toParentLocationId | ID! | Id of the parent location to put away the items to | |
fromLocationId | ID! | Id of the location with items to put away | |
collateBy | InventoryPutAwayCollationMethod | Collate by will be used to suggest the location to put away the items to |
Input for the inventoryReplenishablePickItems
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | Id of the root location to start the replenishment. | |
limit | PositiveInt | The maximum number of allocations to replenish at a time. |
Field | Type | Description | |
reservationKey | ID! | The unique identifier for the pick wave/reservation. |
Input for the inventoryReservedItemsList
Field | Type | Description | |
filter | InventoryReservedItemsListFilterInput! | ||
after | NonNegativeInt | The cursor for the next set of results | |
limit | PositiveInt | Number to limit the results, maximum 100 |
Input for the inventoryReservedPick
Field | Type | Description | |
reservationKey | ID! | A unique identifier for the pick wave/reservation. | |
locationId | ID! | Id of a location area to start wave/reserved picking. | |
locationPickedIds | [ID!] | Ids of locations contains items already picked, i.e. trolley. | |
quantityAllocatedMaximum | PositiveInt | Only reserve ready allocation with quantityAllocated less than or equal to quantityAllocatedMaximum | |
limit | Int | The maximum number of ready allocations to pick for. |
Input for the inventoryReservedPickItems
Field | Type | Description | |
reservationKey | ID! | The unique identifier for the pick wave/reservation. | |
locationId | ID! | Id of a location to pick the items from |
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | SKU! | SKU of the inventory entry to adjust the sequence number for. | |
condition | String | Condition of the inventory entry to adjust the sequence number for. | |
locationId | ID! | ID of the location that holds the inventory. | |
reservationKey | String! | The reservation key that is currently set on the inventory entry. | |
sequence | Int! | The sequence number to adjust on the inventory entry. This value will be either set as the current value (if the current value does not exist), or added to the current value. |
Input for the inventorySetAtLocation
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | The location at which to set the SKUs quantity | |
items | [InventorySetAtLocationItemInput!]! |
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | String! | The SKU being set to an inventory level on | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled (Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory condition) | |
quantity | Int! | The number of the SKU available/on hand |
Input for the inventorySetByProduct
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | The location at which to set the product's quantity | |
productId | ID! | The product ID being set to an inventory level on | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled (Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory condition) | |
quantity | Int! | The number of the product available/on hand | |
quantityAllocated | Int | Optionally, the number of the product allocated. Using this is dangerous and should be avoided if you are using tracked allocations, use |
Input for the inventorySetBySku
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | The location at which to set the SKUs quantity | |
sku | String! | The SKU being set to an inventory level on | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled (Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory condition) | |
quantity | Int! | The number of the SKU available/on hand | |
quantityAllocated | Int | Optionally, the number of the SKU allocated. Using this is dangerous and should be avoided if you are using tracked allocations, use |
Input for the inventorySummarizeByProduct
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | ID of the product to get summarized inventory on. | |
locationIds | [ID!] | The locations to retrieve inventory information from. You can specify up to 20. |
Input for the inventorySummarize
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | String! | The SKU to get summarized inventory on. | |
locationIds | [ID!] | The locations to retrieve inventory information from. You can specify up to 20. |
Input for the inventoryUnassignedPick
Field | Type | Description | |
reservationKey | ID! | The unique identifier for the pick wave/reservation. | |
locationId | ID! | Id of a location area to start the wave. | |
limit | PositiveInt | The maximum number of unassigned items to pick for at a time. |
Input for the inventoryUnassignedPickItems
Field | Type | Description | |
reservationKey | ID! | The unique identifier for the pick wave/reservation. | |
locationId | ID! | Id of a location to pick the items from |
Input for the inventoryUpdateBySku
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | The location at which to update the SKUs quantity | |
sku | String! | The SKU being being updated | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled (Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory condition) | |
quantity | Int! | Increment/Decrement the number of the SKU available/on hand |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
allocationId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
status | JobStatus! | The state to transition the job to. |
Input for getting job configurations
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | The ID of Jungle location where you want to see related jobs configurations. |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
barcode | String! | Product's barcode |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
configurationId | ID! | ||
locationId | ID! | ||
reference | String |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! | ||
multiple | Boolean! | If true, return a list if multiple locations are suggested. |
Field | Type | Description | |
configurationId | ID! | Configuration ID, only configuration for picking is supported | |
locationId | ID! | Location ID | |
reference | String | Reference | |
allocationIds | [ID!]! | List of allocations to pick | |
locationTags | [String!] | List of tags that identify the locations to pick from | |
pickLocationIds | [ID!] | Look for locations to pick from that are descendants of the given locations |
Input for the jobConfiguredPickLocationNext
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | Id of the job |
Input for the jobConfiguredPickPreview
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | Location ID | |
allocationIds | [ID!] | List of allocations to pick | |
locationTags | [String!] | List of tags that identify the locations to pick from | |
pickLocationIds | [ID!] | Look for locations to pick from that are descendants of the given locations | |
quantityAllocatedMaximum | PositiveInt | Only look for ready allocation with quantityAllocated less than or equal to quantityAllocatedMaximum | |
limit | Int | The maximum number of ready allocations to pick for. |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! | ||
filename | String | Optionally, the file name of the attachment. If not provided, one is used from the url, or made up. |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! | ||
locationId | ID! | ||
split | Boolean |
Input for the jobConfiguredProductInventoryMove
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! | The product to move in the job. | |
toLocationId | ID! | Id of the location to move the product to. | |
reservedLocationId | ID | Id of the location area used to start wave/reserved picking. |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductId | ID! | ||
quantity | Float! | Quantity, default to 1 if not provided | |
allocationId | ID | ID of the allocation assigned to this item | |
fromLocationId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductId | ID! | ||
quantity | Float! | Quantity, default to 1 if not provided | |
allocationId | ID | ID of the allocation assigned to this item | |
fromLocationId | ID! | ||
isDamaged | Boolean | Whether the product is damaged |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! | ||
reasonCodeId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductId | ID! | ||
quantity | PositiveInt | Quantity, default to 1 if not provided | |
allocationId | ID | Allocation this product associates with | |
lineItemId | ID | The line item that was received against | |
isDamaged | Boolean | Whether item is damaged or not. If damaged, any allocation assigned won't have any effect. | |
isOversized | Boolean | Whether item is oversized or not. | |
supplierId | ID | The supplier the product was received for, if known. | |
purchaseOrderId | ID |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! | ||
allocationId | ID | Empty means unset. |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! | ||
purchaseOrderId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! | ||
quantity | PositiveInt |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! | ||
supplierId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobProductItemId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
purchaseOrderId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
supplierId | ID! |
Input for getting ready/in progress jobs having the given order ID
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | The ID of order which you want to see related jobs. | |
pagination | ListInput | Pagination config |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
allocationId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
packageId | ObjectID! | ||
allocationId | ID! | ||
locationId | ID! | Locations where the items to pack are located. All assigned inventory for the given allocation at this location will be packed into the given package. |
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationIds | [ID!]! | List of allocations to pack | |
locationId | ID! | Location where the job happens. Use locationIds instead. | |
locationIds | [ID!] | Locations where the job can happens (maximum of 10). Can be multiple locations, ie: Warehouse, trolley, packing station, ... | |
reference | String |
Input for jobPackSetAllocationShippingAddress
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | The packing job id | |
allocationId | ID! | The allocation to update | |
shippingAddress | PostalAddressInput! | The updated shipping address |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
allocationId | ID! | ||
sku | String! | ||
quantity | PositiveInt! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
allocationId | ID! | ||
packageId | ObjectID! | ||
sku | String! | ||
quantity | PositiveInt! | ||
locationId | ID | If provided, an inventory movement will be recorded against this location, depending on whether the context is packing or unpacking. When packing, this is the location to get stock from. When unpacking, this is the location to put the stock back to. |
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationIds | [ID!]! | List of allocations to pick | |
method | PickMethod! | Pick method | |
locationId | ID! | Location where the job happens | |
reference | String | The job reference number |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
locationId | ID! | ID of picking location |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
sku | String! | ||
quantity | PositiveInt! |
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
packageId | ObjectID! | ||
description | String | Describe the packaging. | |
dimensions | DimensionsInput | Dimensions of the packaging. |
Simple key value inputs.
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String! | The key name. | |
value | String! | The value. |
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | ||
quantity | Float! | ||
reason | String | The reason for adding the line item. | |
weight | Weight | The weight of an individual item in grams, if known | |
unitPrice | MoneyInput | The price of the individual line item | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the line item. | |
attributes | [CustomAttributeInput!] | Custom attributes for the line item. |
Field | Type | Description | |
lineItemId | ID! | Line item id | |
quantity | Float! | The cancelled amount | |
cancelledReason | String | The reason why the line item was cancelled. | |
cancelledAt | String | When the line item was cancelled. |
A line item is a product or service that is part of an order, transfer, return, or other object.
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String | ||
productId | String | ||
quantity | Float! | The quantity of the product. | |
unitPrice | MoneyInput | The base price per unit (1.0) of the line item. | |
adjustments | [MoneyAdjustmentInput!] | Adjustments applied to this line item's unitPrice. e.g. Tax, Handling, Fees. | |
estimatedAt | DateTime | Date and time that the line item is predicted to arrive | |
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags( e.g. 🕔, ❗, urgent
🤖: Modify using the |
Field | Type | Description | |
lineItemId | ID! | ID of line item to adjust quantity | |
amount | Float! | Quantity to adjust |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Line item id | |
name | String | ||
productId | String | ||
quantity | Float | ||
unitPrice | MoneyInput | The base price per unit of the line item. | |
estimatedAt | DateTime | Date and time that the line item is predicted to arrive |
Basic inputs for list queries
Field | Type | Description | |
orderBy | String | Field to order by. One of the result object's field names, excluding | |
orderDirection | OrderingDirection | Control the ordering direction | |
filter | FilterInput | Optional filters | |
limit | PositiveInt | Number to limit the results. Maximum 50. | |
cursor | ID | The cursor for the next set of results. |
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | ||
address | PostalAddressInput! |
Input for the locationCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
name | LocationCreateInputName! | The displayable name for the location. | |
address | PostalAddressInput | Address information on the location. | |
reference | String | A custom location reference for this location. If you have a special Id for the location, set it here | |
sequence | Int | An optional number where the lower it is, the earlier the location will be in pick paths. | |
capabilities | [CapabilityWithConstraintsInput!] | Capabilities and optional constraints on the location. | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the location. | |
attributes | [CustomAttributeInput!] | Custom attributes for the location. | |
xids | [XIDInput!] | Any additional identities for this location from an external system. An external ID must associate with at most 1 product. 🤖: If any of the XIDs are already used the creation will be rejected. |
Input for the locationSequence
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | The location to change the sequence of. | |
sequence | Int | A number where the lower it is, the earlier the location will be in pick paths. null, to remove the sequence. |
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID | Omit this to remove the default location |
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | ||
name | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | ||
parentId | String | If not provided, will remove it |
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | ||
reference | String |
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String! | The McLeod Accessories connection name | |
locationIds | [String]! | For which locations should we send orders to McLeod? | |
url | String! | URL of the McLeod server (to which we send orders) | |
username | String! | Username for sending orders to McLeod | |
password | String! | Password for sending orders to McLeod |
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | ID of the order to send | |
connectionId | ID! | ID of the RX connection | |
serviceName | String! | Service with which McLeod should send the order |
Input for money adjustments.
Field | Type | Description | |
code | String! | Code for categorizing the adjustment. e.g. tax, discount, shipping. | |
name | String | Name of the adjustment. e.g. GST, VAT, Arizona state sales tax, 2021 member promotion, express courier. | |
description | String | Details on the adjustment. You may record why a certain carrier was picked, reason for taxation etc. | |
value | MoneyInput! | The adjustment cost/value/price, can be negative. |
Input for Money.
Field | Type | Description | |
code | CurrencyCode! | The currency of the money. | |
amount | Decimal! | The amount of the money. A decimal number that is serialized as a string. |
Input for the noteCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | The Jungle object to record the note against. This is the subject of the note, it can be another note! | |
topic | NoteCreateInputTopic | An optional, short subject/title/theme for the note. | |
contentType | String | The content type of this note. Can only be | |
content | NoteCreateInputContent! | The message/contents of the note. | |
xids | [XIDInput!] | Additional identities for the Note from an external system. i.e. A Zendesk ticket ID, a Salesforce case ID, a Shopify CommentEvent ID. |
Input to create a Note
Field | Type | Description | |
topic | NoteInputTopic | An optional, short subject/title/theme for the note. | |
contentType | String | The content type of this note. Can only be | |
content | NoteInputContent! | The message/contents of the note. | |
xids | [XIDInput!] | Additional identities for the Note from an external system. I.e. A Zendesk ticket ID, a Salesforce case ID, a Shopify CommentEvent ID. E.g. zendesk/ticket/2123, salesforce/case/1234, shopify/comment/1234. |
Input for IObjectWithCustomAttributes.attribute*
Field | Type | Description | |
attributeId | String! | The attribute Id. |
Field | Type | Description | |
filter | String | ||
public | Boolean |
Input for the object
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The | |
typename | String! | The |
Input for the object
query. Make use of path instead of ID
Field | Type | Description | |
path | ID! | The |
Input for the object
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The | |
typename | String | The |
Input for the object
Field | Type | Description | |
path | ID! | The | |
typename | String! | The |
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | ||
allocation | OrderAllocationInput! | Line items will always become empty, even if provided. | |
lineItemIds | [ID!]! | ID of the line items to associate with the new allocation. Use this instead of |
Input for a OrderConsumeAllocatedInput.allocations
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String | An optional name of the allocation. e.g. #000001-A01 | |
method | FulfilmentMethod! | The fulfilment method that should be used on this allocation (grouping of line items). HINT: If the line items are already fulfilled, use | |
shippingAddress | PostalAddressInput | The address to which this allocation group should be shipped to. This is not needed if the line items are not being shipped. | |
locationId | ID | A Jungle location ID where this is has been allocated to. This tells Jungle where to ship from or pick up from. It is possible for Jungle to set this during automatic fulfilment, or during allocation. It should be set when the fulfilment method is pick up. | |
lineItems | [OrderLineItemInput!]! | The order line items in this allocation. | |
serviceCode | ID | A service code to fulfil the line items with. Service codes that do not offer fulfilment will be ignored. See Query | |
fulfilmentAllowed | Boolean | If false, hold allocation from being fulfilled. This is useful when you want to prevent the allocation from being picked up, picked and packed etc for whatever reason. | |
fulfilment | FulfilmentInput | The fulfilment details for the allocation.
Only used and allowed when the fulfilment method is | |
attributes | [CustomAttributeInput!] | Allocation's custom attributes. |
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID! | ID of the allocation | |
orderLineItemId | ID! | ID of the line items to associate with the allocation. By default. an amount of 0 items will be allocated. |
Input for the orderAllocationLineItemMove
Field | Type | Description | |
fromAllocationLineItemId | ID! | ID of the source line item | |
toAllocationLineItemId | ID | ID of the target line item. If omitted, its quantity will be removed by the given amount. | |
quantity | Float! | Quantity to assign/move/remove | |
reason | String! | Why is allocation line item being moved. Be specific, as this will show in the event history. |
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID! | The allocation to change the location off | |
locationId | ID! | The location ID to set the allocation too | |
reason | String! | Why is allocation location being changed. Be specific, this will show in the event history. |
Input for the orderAllocationSetMethod
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID! | ID of the allocation | |
method | FulfilmentMethod! | Fulfilment method you want to change to. | |
serviceCode | ID | Shipping service code. Required for most shipping services. Optional for Click & Collect orders. |
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID! | ||
shippingAddress | PostalAddressInput! |
Input for the orderAllocationSplit
Field | Type | Description | |
fromAllocationId | ID! | The ID of the allocation to split from | |
items | [AllocationLineItemInput!]! | The allocation line items and quantities to split from the allocation | |
reason | String! | The reason for the split is being performed | |
toAllocation | OrderAllocationSplitToInput | Optionally specify parameters for the new allocation such as location and method. If not provided values are copied from source allocation. If an ID is provided this method assumes you are splitting to an existing allocation and skips creating a new one. |
Input for destination allocation when splitting. Provide an ID to use and existing allocation or emit to create a new one
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID | Provide and optional allocation ID to split to an existing allocation. If not provided a new allocation will be created. | |
method | FulfilmentMethod | The fulfilment method that should be used on this allocation (grouping of line items) | |
shippingAddress | PostalAddressInput | The address to which this allocation group should be shipped to. This is not needed if the line items are not being shipped. | |
locationId | ID | A Jungle location ID where this is has been allocated to. This tells Jungle where to ship from or pick up from. It is possible for Jungle to set this during automatic fulfilment, or during allocation. It should be set when the fulfilment method is pick up. | |
serviceCode | ID | A service code to fulfil the line items with. Service codes that do not offer fulfilment will be ignored. See Query |
Field | Type | Description | |
allocationId | ID! | ||
reason | String! |
Input for the orderCancel
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | The ID of Jungle Order to cancel. | |
cancelledReason | String! | The reason the order was cancelled. Be descriptive. "Broke during shipping.", "Charge was fraudulent" etc. | |
cancelledAt | DateTime | You may provide the date and time the Order was cancelled. Set it to the known cancellation time, otherwise it will default to now. |
Input for orderConsumeWithAllocations
Field | Type | Description | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the order. | |
reference | String! | A reference, useful if you have additional ways to identify an order. | |
orderedAt | DateTime! | When the order was created/confirmed. | |
billingAddress | PostalAddressInput | The mailing address associated with the payment method. | |
customerId | ID | Customer ID for this order. | |
channelId | ID | The channel from where this sales order come from. | |
attributes | [OrderCustomAttributeInput!] | Custom attributes for an order | |
allocations | [OrderAllocationInput!]! | One or more allocation groups for the order. These allow the order to show how it is to be fulfilled, separated by location, fulfilment method, shipping origin or destination. There is a limit of 3 externally assigned allocations. | |
priceTotal | MoneyInput | The total price of the line items, fulfilment, and taxes, for this order, less any discounts. This value is not trusted, and not required by Jungle. | |
xids | [XIDInput!] | An additional identity for this order from an external system. An external ID can associate with at most 1 order. |
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String! | ❗: This is the same as | |
value | String! | The string value of the attribute. |
Input for the orderCustomerSet
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | The order ID to set the customer ID on. | |
customerId | ID! | The customer ID to set on the order. |
Input for the orderLineItemAdd
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | ID of the sales order to add the line item to | |
lineItems | [LineItemAddInput!] | The line items to add to the order | |
allocationFulfilmentAllowed | Boolean | If false, prevent allocation to be fulfilled (if enabled for account). | |
reason | String |
Input for the orderLineItemCancel
Field | Type | Description | |
lineItemId | ID! | ID of the specific line item to cancel | |
quantity | Float! | Quantity to cancel. Must be equal to or less than the remaining item quantity, and greater than 0. | |
reason | String! | The reason for cancellation. |
Input for mutations that need to provide an order line item.
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID | The ID of the product the line item links to. | |
quantity | PositiveInt! | The ordered quantity of the product. | |
weight | Weight | The weight of an individual item in grams, if known | |
price | MoneyInput | The price of the individual line item | |
attributes | [OrderCustomAttributeInput!] | Custom attributes on the line item, if any. |
Input for Order.lineItems
Field | Type | Description | |
cancelled | Boolean | Filter for items that are cancelled, or not. |
Input for getting orders allocated to a location
Field | Type | Description | |
locationId | ID! | The ID of Jungle location where you want to see related Orders. | |
pagination | ListInput | Pagination config |
Input for getting orders being part of a job
Field | Type | Description | |
jobId | ID! | ||
pagination | ListInput |
Input for the orderRoute
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Order ID |
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | ||
status | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! |
Field | Type | Description | |
serviceCode | String! | ||
weightGross | Weight! |
Input for ping
Field | Type | Description | |
at | DateTime | Time from the device/service. Optional, as Jungle will assume received time. |
Field | Type | Description | |
lines | [String!]! | Address lines, up to 3. | |
countryCode | CountryCode! | ||
suburb | String! | ||
postalCode | String! | ||
region | String | ||
point | GeoPoint | The geopoint of the address, on earth | |
contactPerson | ContactPersonInput! |
Field | Type | Description | |
printerId | ID! | ||
format | PrintFormat! | The format being printed | |
content | String! | Data to submit to the printer |
Field | Type | Description | |
printerId | ID | Omit this to remove the default printer |
Input for custom attributes on the product
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ProductAttributeInputId! | ||
value | String! |
Input for the productCreate()
Field | Type | Description | |
name | ProductName! | The product's name (or title). | |
barcode | ProductCreateInputBarcode | The identifier of the product, generally the barcode on the product. Ideally, a global trade identifier for the product. i.e, UPC, EAN, JAN, GS1 or ISBN. It is strongly recommended to provide one. You may also provide a localised, non-global trade identifier for the product. We recommend when a user is creating a product to get the user to scan the product barcode (allowing them to skip). | |
xids | [XIDInput!] | An additional identity for this product from an external system. An external ID must associate with at most 1 product. | |
leadTime | Duration | A general lead time to obtain the product. | |
eta | DateTime | Estimated availability or arrival. Used to generally indicate a date when the product is expected to be available for use, or sales, etc. Useful when allowing preorders or a leadTime isn't specific enough. e.g. 2199-10-28. | |
preorder | Boolean | Toggle if a product can be sold or promised before it is available. i.e. Allow selling when there is no stock currently available. Note: e.g. true, false, null. |
Input for product's dangerous goods details
Field | Type | Description | |
UNNumber | ProductDangerousGoodsInputUNNumber! | UN number, a four-digit number that identifies hazardous materials, and articles in the framework of international transport. |
Field | Type | Description | |
children | Boolean | If account is enabled and children is | |
pagination | ListInput | Pagination config | |
filter | InventoryFilterInput | Inventory with conditions, i.e. damaged excluded by default, set filter none to include inventory with conditions. Only applicable if account is enabled for inventory condition |
Input for the productSetDangerousGoods
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | The Id of the product to change. | |
dangerousGoods | ProductDangerousGoodsInput! | Product's dangerous goods details. |
Input for the productSetDimensionsInput
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | The Id of the product to change. | |
dimensions | DimensionsInput | The product's dimensions. NULL to remove. |
Input for the productSetHsCode
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | The Id of the product to change. | |
hsCode | HsCode! | The HS code to set |
Input for the productSetName()
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | The product identifier. | |
name | ProductName! | The new name of the product. | |
description | String | A new description of the product. NULL to remove. |
Input for the productSetSku
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | The Id of the product to change. | |
sku | SKU | The SKU to associate the product with. NULL to remove. |
Input for the productSetWeight
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | The Id of the product to change. | |
weight | Weight | The product's weight (in grams). NULL to remove. |
Input for the productUpdate()
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | The ID of the product to update. | |
gst | Boolean | If the product is subject to GST, or not. NULL defaults to false. | |
leadTime | Duration | A lead time to obtain the product. NULL to remove. | |
eta | DateTime | Estimated availability or arrival. Used to generally indicate a date when the product is expected to be available for use, or sales, etc. Useful when allowing preorders or a leadTime isn't specific enough. e.g. 2199-10-28. | |
preorder | Boolean | Toggle if a product can be sold or promised before it is available. i.e. Allow selling when there is no stock currently available. Note: e.g. true, false, null. | |
cost | MoneyInputV2 | A new, generalised cost for the product. NULL to remove. | |
unitEachAlias | String | An alias for the base unit of measure, each. NULL to remove. |
Input for the purchaseOrderCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
reference | String! | A unique reference for the purchase. | |
description | String | A useful description of what the purchase order is for. e.g Automatic replenishment of under minimum inventory. | |
supplierId | ID | Supplier for the purchase. | |
lineItems | [LineItemCreateInput!] | Line items for the purchase. | |
price | MoneyInput | Purchase order price excluding adjustments | |
adjustments | [MoneyAdjustmentInput!] | The adjustments applied to price | |
totalPrice | MoneyInput | Purchase order total price including adjustments | |
orderedFromId | ID | Location where the PO was ordered from | |
orderedToId | ID | Location where the PO ordered to | |
estimatedAt | DateTime | If known, when this PO is estimated to be fulfilled. | |
supplierInvoiceReference | String | Reference to the supplier invoice corresponding to this purchase order |
Input for the purchaseOrderDatesUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
estimatedAt | DateTime | If known, when this PO is estimated to be fulfilled. |
Input for the purchaseOrderDescriptionUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
description | String! | A useful description of what the purchase order is for. e.g Automatic replenishment of under minimum inventory. |
Field | Type | Description | |
orderedToId | ID | Only shows inbound item for this location | |
quantity | Float | Only show inbound item with greater than or equal to quantity |
Input for purchaseOrderInboundItemBySku
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | SKU! | Product SKU | |
after | NonNegativeInt | Number of results to skip over | |
limit | PositiveInt | Number to limit the results, maximum 100 | |
filter | PurchaseOrderInboundItemBySkuFilterInput | Filter for inbound item |
Input for the purchaseOrderLineItemAdd
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
lineItems | [LineItemCreateInput!] | Line items for the purchase. |
Input for the purchaseOrderLineItemRemove
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
lineItemId | ID! | Line item id to remove |
Input for the purchaseOrderLineItemUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
lineItem | LineItemUpdateInput! | Line items for the purchase. |
Input for the purchaseOrderLocationUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
orderedFromId | ID | Location where the PO was ordered from | |
orderedToId | ID | Location where the PO ordered to |
Input for the purchaseOrderPriceUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
price | MoneyInput | Purchase order price excluding adjustments | |
adjustments | [MoneyAdjustmentInput!] | The adjustments applied to price | |
totalPrice | MoneyInput | Purchase order total price including adjustments |
Input for the purchaseOrderReceiveItemAdd
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
qty | Float! | The quantity to mark as received | |
inventoryMovementId | ID | Inventory movement id | |
receiveItemId | ID | Receive item id | |
sku | SKU | Product SKU | |
condition | String | Product condition, e.g. damaged, new, mislabeled | |
toLocationId | ID | Receive location |
Input for the purchaseOrderReceiveItemRemove
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
receiveItemId | ID! | Purchase order receive item id to remove |
Input for the purchaseOrderReceiveItemUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
receiveItemId | ID! | Receive item id | |
qty | Float | The quantity of SKU | |
inventoryMovementId | ID | Inventory movement id |
Input for the purchaseOrderReferenceUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
reference | String! | A unique reference for the purchase. |
Input for purchaseOrderSetStatus
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
status | PurchaseOrderStatus! | Status of purchase order to change to |
Input for the purchaseOrderSplitUnreceivedLineItems
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id |
Input for the purchaseOrderSupplierInvoiceReferenceUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
supplierInvoiceReference | String | NULL means unset |
Input for the purchaseOrderSupplierUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase order id | |
supplierId | ID! | Supplier for the purchase. |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase return id |
Field | Type | Description | |
supplierId | ID! | The supplier to return items to. | |
reference | String | A visible reference for the return. | |
integrationReference | String | A reference for an integration/client to use to track | |
locationFromId | ID | ID of the location to return stock from. | |
lineItemsReturning | [ReturnLineItemInput!] | Line items for the purchase return. |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Purchase return id | |
lineItemsReturning | [ReturnLineItemInput!] | Line items for the purchase. |
Input for the reasonCodeCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
code | String! | Must be unique within the account. | |
scope | String! | Must be one of the known scopes. | |
description | String | An optional description of the reason. |
Field | Type | Description | |
productId | ID! | The product ID. | |
condition | String | The condition of the receive item. | |
description | String | The description of the receive item. | |
locationId | ID! | The location the item received at. i.e A store, shelf, van etc. | |
quantity | Float! | The amount of units. e.g. Count, Hrs, Kilograms. | |
to | ObjectInput! | Target for receive. It must be a | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the receive item. | |
attributes | [CustomAttributeInput!] | Custom attributes for the receive item. | |
xids | [XIDInput!] | Any additional identities for this receive item from an external system. An external ID must associate with at most 1 line item. 🤖: If any of the XIDs are already used the creation will be rejected. |
Input for the receiveItemCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
receiveItems | [ReceiveItemAddInput!]! | The receive items to create, maximum 1000 items. |
Input for the receiveItemReconcile
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Receive item id | |
lineItemId | ID! | Line item id to reconcile to | |
quantity | Float | The quantity to mark as reconciled, if not provided the quantity of the receive item will be used. |
Input for the receiveItemUnreconcile
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | Receive item id | |
quantity | Float | The quantity to mark as un-reconciled, if not provided the quantity of the receive item will be used. |
Input for the relationAdd()
Field | Type | Description | |
name | ObjectID! | The name of the relationship. | |
sourceObject | ObjectInput! | The object to remove relations from. | |
targetObject | ObjectInput! | The target object to remove. |
Input for the relationRemove()
Field | Type | Description | |
name | ObjectID! | The name of the relationship. | |
sourceObject | ObjectInput! | The object to remove relations from. | |
targetObject | ObjectInput! | The target object to remove. |
Input for Relationships.groups()
Field | Type | Description | |
name | ObjectID | Restrict the relationship groups to the matching name. |
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String! | The Retail Express Connection Name | |
clientId | String! | Retail Express Client ID | |
clientUrl | URL! | The Retail Express Client URL - used as a fallback when a more specific URL is not provided | |
orderUrl | URL! | The Retail Express URL to which we send orders - overrides the clientUrl | |
username | String! | Retail Express Username | |
password | String! | Retail Express Password | |
salesChannelId | String! | Retail Express Sales Channel ID | |
customerIdOverride | PositiveInt | Retail Express Customer ID Override. If set, this ID is sent with every order |
Field | Type | Description | |
connectionId | ID! | ID of the RX connection | |
lastUpdatedFrom | DateTime! | Only return customers who have been updated since this date |
Field | Type | Description | |
orderId | ID! | ID of the order to send | |
connectionId | ID! | ID of the RX connection | |
paymentMethodId | Int | Retail Express payment method ID. If none supplied, no payment information will be sent with the order | |
paymentReference | String | External payment reference |
Input for the returnAccept()
Field | Type | Description | |
returnId | ID! | ID of the return. | |
acceptedAt | DateTime | When the return was accepted. If not provided, current date will be used. |
Input for the returnCancel()
Field | Type | Description | |
returnId | ID! | ID of the return. | |
cancelledAt | DateTime | When the return was cancelled. | |
reason | String | The reason why the return was cancelled. |
Input for the returnCreate()
Field | Type | Description | |
source | ObjectInput! | Source of the return. Must be an Order. | |
reference | String! | A visible reference for the return. This is usually the original customer's order reference. | |
fromAddress | PostalAddressInput! | The postal address where order is returned from. This is usually customer's postal address. | |
locationToId | ID | ID of the location where items are to be returned to. This is usually the warehouse that fulfill the original order. | |
acceptedAt | DateTime | When the return was accepted. | |
requestedAt | DateTime | When the return was requested. | |
lineItems | [ReturnLineItemCreateInput!]! | The list of line items to return. | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the return. | |
attributes | [CustomAttributeInput!] | Custom attributes for the return. | |
xids | [XIDInput!] | Any additional identities for this return from an external system. An external ID must associate with at most 1 return. 🤖: If any of the XIDs are already used the creation will be rejected. |
Field | Type | Description | |
lineItemId | ID | The line item from the source to return or exchange. You must provide lineItemId or productId. | |
productId | ID | The product being returned, or exchanged. You must provide productId or lineItemId. | |
quantity | Float! | The quantity of the line item or product to return or exchange. | |
reason | String | The reason for the return. | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags on the line item. | |
attributes | [CustomAttributeInput!] | Custom attributes for the line item. | |
xids | [XIDInput!] | Any additional identities for this line item from an external system. An external ID must associate with at most 1 line item. 🤖: If any of the XIDs are already used the creation will be rejected. |
Field | Type | Description | |
quantity | Float! | The quantity of the referenced line item to be returned. | |
lineItemId | ID | The line item from the sale or purchase this return is for. Must provide either lineItemId, productId or sku | |
productId | ID | If line item is not available, the product this return is for.
Should provide either |
Input for the returnTrackingUpdate()
Field | Type | Description | |
returnId | ID! | ID of the return. | |
serviceProviderName | String | The name of the company, or person providing the shipment/delivery service. | |
trackingNumber | String | The tracking code / id / number assigned to this shipment by the carrier. | |
trackingUrl | URL | A URL to see tracking events on the shipment. |
Input for SearchFilterInput.eq
Field | Type | Description | |
value | String | The value the field must equal. | |
valueFrom | SearchFilterValueFromInput | The object and field to match against. Note, if |
Input for SearchFilterInput.fulltext
Field | Type | Description | |
value | String | The value to search for | |
method | SearchMethod | The method to search with, match exact or any |
Input for
Field | Type | Description | |
values | [String!]! | A list of values the field must equal one of. |
Input for SearchInput.filter
Field | Type | Description | |
field | String! | Field to filter by. Note that not all fields allow filtering! | |
eq | SearchFilterEqualInput | Equals filter. The field value must match. | |
range | SearchFilterRangeInput | Range filter. The field value must meet the range constraints. | |
in | SearchFilterInInput | Multiple equality filter. The field value must equal one of the given values. | |
regex | SearchFilterRegexInput | Regex search. The field must match with the given regex. | |
fulltext | SearchFilterFullTextInput | Full text search across a given field | |
object | ObjectInput | Filter for an object. Useful for relationships. | |
beginsWith | SearchFilterEqualInput | Begins with filter. The field value must have the given value as prefix. | |
null | Boolean | Null filter. Check if current value of the field is null or not. |
Input for SearchFilterInput.range
Field | Type | Description | |
lt | String | Less than. | |
lte | String | Less than or equal to. | |
gt | String | Greater than. | |
gte | String | Greater than or equal to. |
Input for SearchFilterInput.regex
Field | Type | Description | |
value | String! | The regex pattern to match against. |
Input for filter using a value from an object already in the system.
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | The object to match against | |
field | String | The field, whom's value to match against. |
Input for the search
You must define the typenames to search upon.
Field | Type | Description | |
types | [SearchableType!]! | Types to limit the search too.
This must be provided!
Any type that implements the | |
query | String | Optional. Perform a full-text search with the given value. Not all objects are supported. | |
filter | [SearchFilterInput!] | How to filter the results. Use them to eliminate results that do match the filters. | |
sort | [SearchSortInput!] | How to sort the results.
It is recommended to set sorting fields to get consistent results.
💁 You can sort on | |
after | NonNegativeInt | The cursor for the next set of results | |
limit | PositiveInt | Number to limit the results, maximum 100 | |
summarizeFields | [String!] | Summarize values on these fields.
This will not summarize values beyond 100 unique values.
This potentially will populate |
Input for SearchInput.sort
Field | Type | Description | |
field | String! | Field to sort by. Not all fields allow sorting. | |
direction | OrderingDirection! | Control the sort ordering direction |
Input for the sendleConnect
Your integration credentials from Sendle.
See for details!
Field | Type | Description | |
apiKey | String! | Your (or the merchants) API Key from Sendle. See for details! | |
sendleId | String! | Your (or the merchants) Sendle ID. | |
sendleSandbox | Boolean! | If this is from the Sendle sandbox server, or not. See: for details! |
Input for Shipment origin and destination address.
Field | Type | Description | |
country | CountryCode! | The country code. e.g. AU, US, VN. | |
region | String | Generally a first-level administrative division, like a state. e.g. NSW, California, Ho Chi Minh City. | |
lines | [String!]! | Address lines, up to 3. | |
locality | String! | A suburb, or prefecture. e.g. Sydney, Mountain View, District 11. | |
postalCode | String! | A postal code. e.g 4001, 94043, SW1Y 4HT. |
Once ready, confirm the shipment.
If the shipment needs to go externally, this is when it will be sent externally, and on completion marked as Ready.
If the shipment is internal (managed in jungle, or is manually booked) this marks it as Ready.
Field | Type | Description | |
shipmentId | ID! | The shipment to confirm. | |
printTo | ID | Optional, If it resolves to a printer, will be used to automatically print any shipping labels. |
Input for the shipmentCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
connection | ID | The connection to the selected service provider to use. NOTE: This is optional, however will cause failures where the platform is unable to select the correct connection. 🤖: This is sometimes available on services, under | |
service | ID | The service the shipment is to be booked with. With out it, we'll assume you are recording a shipment you have already booked. 🤖: Query | |
allocation | ID | The allocation the shipment relates with. NOTE: Needed when creating a shipment for an Order Allocation. | |
shipment | ShipmentInput! | The shipment details to book and generate labels for the packages. |
Input for creating shipments, or getting shipment / delivery prices.
Field | Type | Description | |
reference | ShipmentInputReference! | A client generated ID. | |
origin | ShipmentAddressInput! | The origin (pick up) address of the shipment. | |
sender | ContactPersonInput! | Who is sending the shipment. | |
senderInstructions | ShipmentSenderInstructions | Pick up/collection instructions. | |
destination | ShipmentAddressInput! | The destination (drop off) address of the shipment. | |
recipient | ContactPersonInput! | Who is receiving the shipment. | |
recipientInstructions | ShipmentRecipientInstructions | Delivery/drop off instructions. | |
packages | [ShipmentPackageInput!]! | The packages in the shipment. Note:
Once confirmed, generate the label
Field | Type | Description | |
shipmentId | ID! | The shipment to label. |
Field | Type | Description | |
shipmentId | ID! | Id of the shipment | |
reference | String | An optional reference for the package. | |
dimensions | DimensionsInput | The size of the package. | |
weightGross | Weight! | The gross (total) weight of the package. | |
contents | [ShipmentPackageContentInput!] | The contents of the package |
Input for ShipmentPackageInput.contents
Field | Type | Description | |
sku | String | SKU for the product | |
description | String | A generic description on the product. | |
dangerousGoods | ProductDangerousGoodsInput | Product's dangerous goods details. | |
hsCode | HsCode | Product's HS code details. | |
quantity | PositiveInt! | ||
price | MoneyInput | The price of the individual product |
Input for ShipmentInput.packages
Field | Type | Description | |
reference | String | An optional reference for the package. | |
dimensions | DimensionsInput | The size of the package. | |
weightGross | Weight! | The gross (total) weight of the package. | |
contents | [ShipmentPackageContentInput!] | The contents of the package |
Field | Type | Description | |
shipmentPackageId | ID! | Id of the shipment package |
Field | Type | Description | |
shipmentPackageId | ID! | Id of the shipment package | |
reference | String | An optional reference for the package. | |
dimensions | DimensionsInput | The size of the package. | |
weightGross | Weight | The gross (total) weight of the package. | |
contents | [ShipmentPackageContentInput!] | The content of the package | |
trackingNumber | TrackingNumber | The unique ID number or code assigned to this package by the service provider. |
Input for shipmentServiceUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
shipmentId | ID! | Shipment ID | |
connection | ID | The connection to the selected service provider to use. NOTE: This is optional, however will cause failures where the platform is unable to select the correct connection. 🤖: This is sometimes available on services, under | |
service | ID | The service the shipment is to be booked with.
If 🤖: Query |
Once confirmed, start tracking
Field | Type | Description | |
shipmentId | ID! | The shipment to track. |
Input for ShipmentUpdate
Field | Type | Description | |
shipmentId | ID! | Shipment ID | |
trackingNumber | TrackingNumber | The tracking code / id / number assigned to this shipment from the service provider. | |
trackingUrl | URL | A URL to see tracking events on the shipment. | |
serviceBrokerName | String | The broker used to book the shipment/delivery. | |
serviceProviderName | String | The name of company, or person providing the shipment services. | |
origin | ShipmentAddressInput | The origin (pick up) address of the shipment. | |
sender | ContactPersonInput | Who is sending the shipment. | |
senderInstructions | ShipmentSenderInstructions | Pick up/collection instructions. | |
destination | ShipmentAddressInput | The destination (drop off) address of the shipment. | |
recipient | ContactPersonInput | Who is receiving the shipment. | |
recipientInstructions | ShipmentRecipientInstructions | Delivery/drop off instructions. |
Input for the shippitConnect
Provide your integration credentials from Shippit. Settings -> Integrations.
Field | Type | Description | |
apiKey | String! | Your (or the merchants) API Key from Shippit | |
shippitStaging | Boolean! | If this is from the Shippit staging server, or not. |
Input for the sparesboxAllocationEngineVersionSet
Field | Type | Description | |
engineVersion | String! |
Input for the shippitConnect
Provide your API credentials found in Starshipit's UI at Settings -> API.
Field | Type | Description | |
apiKey | String! | Your (or the merchants) API Key from Starshipit | |
subscriptionKey | String! | Your (or the merchants) Subscription Key from Starshipit |
Input for the supplierCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
name | String! | Unique name for the Supplier. | |
restrictedSupply | Boolean | Toggle geo-restrictions for this supplier allowing it to only be used for purchase orders in the locations specified, defaults to false | |
allowedLocations | [ID] | An array of location ID's to restrict this suppliers operation to | |
taxNumber | String | Used to store a business number or identifier with the relevant national taxation office ie: such as an ABN | |
currency | CurrencyCode | The currency to operate in with this supplier for purchase ordering | |
billingAddress | PostalAddressInput | The billing address of the supplier |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The ID of the supplier to remove restrictions for |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The ID of the supplier to update | |
billingAddress | PostalAddressInput | The billing address of the supplier |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The ID of the supplier to update | |
currency | CurrencyCode! | The name to change too |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The ID of the supplier to update | |
name | String! | The name to change too |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The ID of the supplier to set restrictions for | |
locations | [ID!]! | A list of location IDs to bind this supplier too |
Field | Type | Description | |
id | ID! | The ID of the supplier to update | |
taxNumber | String! | The name to change too |
Input for the tagAdd
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | The Jungle object to add tags to. | |
tags | [Tag!]! | The tags to add. |
Input for the tagRemove
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | The Jungle object to remove tags from. | |
tags | [Tag!]! | The tags to remove. |
Input for the toggleEnable
, and toggleDisable
Field | Type | Description | |
object | ObjectInput! | The object to enable or disable. | |
reason | String! | The reason the object is being enabled, or disabled. |
Input for the transferCreate
Field | Type | Description | |
locationFromId | ID! | ID of the location to transfer stock from. | |
locationToId | ID! | ID of the location to transfer stock to. | |
reference | String! | A human-friendly unique reference for the transfer. | |
lineItems | [LineItemCreateInput!]! | Products to transfer. | |
orderedAt | DateTime | If not now, when the transfer was requested at (ordered at). | |
estimatedAt | DateTime | If known, when this transfer is estimated to be completed/sent. | |
tags | [Tag!] | Tags for the transfer. | |
attributes | [CustomAttributeInput!] | Custom attributes for the transfer. |
Field | Type | Description | |
displayName | String! |
Field | Type | Description | |
url | URL! | The URL to call when a matching action happens | |
event | WebhookEvent! | The event this webhook will called. InventorySet as an example |
Field | Type | Description | |
url | URL! | Webhooks matching this URL will be removed from the account |
External ID in Parts
Think of external IDs as a namespace/key/value that provide an additional identity for A Jungle Object. e.g. xid:jungle/Order:oms/order/145729
This is a way to provide an XID in it's 3 parts.
See XIDInput
for a single string input, and more details on XIDs.
Field | Type | Description | |
typename | String! | Type of the object in Jungle. This is defined by | |
namespace | XIDPartsInputNamespace! | The owning system, or standards for the key space.
❗: The namespaces | |
key | XIDPartsInputKey! | The identifier type. | |
value | XIDPartsInputValue! | The external identifying value. i.e The value would be your auto incrementing ID, GUID, email etc. |
Value | Description |
png ⚠️ | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
Value | Description |
GST | |
A barcode format/symbology.
Value | Description |
Code128 | |
QR |
Value | Description |
PickupRequested | The pick up has been request, will need to be picked |
ReadyForPickup | The pick up is ready for the customer to get their items |
PickedUp | The pick up has been collected by the customer |
Cancelled | The pick up request has been cancelled |
Supported currencies, by ISO 4217 code.
Value | Description |
AUD | Australian dollar |
CNY | Renminbi |
EUR | Euro |
INR | Indian rupee |
IDR | Indonesian rupiah |
JPY | Japanese yen |
NZD | New Zealand dollar |
SGD | Singapore dollar |
USD | United States dollar |
VND | Vietnamese đồng |
Device weigh status.
Value | Description |
FAULT | The balance is reporting a fault, and needs investigating. |
STABLE | The balance is stable. Weight could be negative, zero, or positive. |
UNSTABLE | The balance is in motion, or not in flat stable position. |
OVERLOAD | The balance is overloaded and unable to report a weight. |
CALIBRATE | The balance is reporting a need to be calibrated/undergo maintenance. |
TARE | The balance is reporting a need to zero/tare. |
Value | Description |
ZPL | |
Enum of event typename (matching .__typename
) that can be subscribed too.
Value | Description |
ReturnReceived | When a return is received. |
AllocationSelectedToPick | |
AllocationPicked | |
AllocationReadyToPack | |
Created | When an object was created in Jungle. |
Modified | When an object was modified in Jungle. |
DeviceWeighReport | When a device reports a weight/mass measurement. |
PostalAddressChanged | When a postal/shipping address changes on an object. |
OrderConsumed | |
OrderAllocatedEvent | |
ClickAndCollectCreated | |
ClickAndCollectReadyEvent | |
ClickAndCollectStateChanged | |
InventoryAssignment | |
ShipmentReady | When a shipment is ready in Jungle. |
Value | Description |
Supported fulfilment methods.
Value | Description |
AUTO | The line items will be qualified, and the fulfilment method will be automatically selected.
This allows order routing to take place, and in most cases leads to the |
MANUAL | The line items will NOT be fulfilled using Jungle processes, and will not be routed, assigned, allocated etc. Use this when the order is already fulfilled (like a POS order), will be fulfilled externally with a process unknown to Jungle. |
DIGITAL | The line items will be fulfilled digitally, such as by sending a download link. |
PICKUP | The line items will be fulfilled by the customer picking them up using Jungle Click & Collect. |
SHIP | The line items will be fulfilled by the merchant shipping them to the shipping address using Jungle. |
Value | Description |
Cover | Preserving aspect ratio, attempt to ensure the image covers both provided dimensions by cropping/clipping to fit. |
Inside | Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as large as possible while ensuring its dimensions are less than or equal to both those specified. |
Value | Description |
Dashboard |
Value | Description |
PRIVATE | Intended for your own account. |
PUBLIC | Intended for all accounts. |
Value | Description |
createdAt | |
jobId |
Types of inventory movements for inventory
Calculating inventory for a location:
- quantityOnHand = (RECEIVED + ADJUST + MOVE(to)) - (Move(from) + CONSUMED)
- quantityInbound = INBOUND - RECEIVED
- quantityAllocated = ALLOCATE - (RELEASE + CONSUMED)
- quantityAssigned = ASSIGN - (UNASSIGN + CONSUMED)
- quantityAvailable = quantityOnHand - quantityAllocated
Value | Description |
INBOUND | Incoming quantity, i.e. Ordered from a supplier, but has not yet been received. from: (Optional) Supplier, PurchaseOrder to: Location |
RECEIVE | Receive quantity, i.e. Received SKUs ordered from supplier in the warehouse. from: (Optional) Supplier, PurchaseOrder to: Location |
MOVE | Move quantity, i.e. Move stock between locations within the warehouse. from: Location to: Location |
ADJUST | Adjust quantity, i.e. Manually increment/decrement quantity. to: Location |
ALLOCATE | Allocate quantity, i.e. Allocate quantity from incoming order to a location from: Location to: (Optional) Allocation |
RELEASE | Release previously allocated quantity, i.e. Reducing allocated quantity, before changing allocated location from: (Optional) Allocation to: Location |
ASSIGN | Assign previously allocated quantity, i.e. Assigning stock to an order to a recording location, and that it is ready to be packed from: Location to: (Optional) Allocation |
UNASSIGN | Unassign previously assigned quantity, i.e. Removing stock from an order and recording that it is no longer ready to be packed from: Location to: (Optional) Allocation |
CONSUME | Consume quantity, i.e. Stock used to fulfill an order in a shipment or collection. It may also be used to mark a stock item as consumed. from: Location to: (Optional) Allocation |
Put away collation methods. There are the different ways to find suggested locations to put products away to.
Value | Description |
ALLOCATION | Collate by:
PRODUCT | Collate by:
Allowed operations.
Value | Description |
AUTO | |
LINE_ITEM_ASSOCIATE | Associate a line item with the item in action in the job |
CAPTURE_IMAGE | Capture an image for the item |
Allowed conditions for the operations
Value | Description |
JOB_PURCHASE_ORDER_UNSET | Job not yet has a purchase order set |
JOB_PURCHASE_ORDER_SET | Job already has a purchase order set |
JOB_SUPPLIER_UNSET | Job not yet has a supplier set |
JOB_SUPPLIER_SET | Job already has a supplier set |
JOB_UNDERWAY | Job's status is UNDERWAY |
LOCATION_SELECTED | A location to pick from is already selected |
LOCATION_UNSELECTED | A location to pick from is not yet selected |
JOB_TRANSFER_REQUEST_UNSET | Job does not yet have a transfer request set |
JOB_TRANSFER_REQUEST_SET | Job already has a transfer request set |
Available context for the operations.
Value | Description |
JOB_PURCHASE_ORDER | Set a purchase order to use within a job |
JOB_SUPPLIER | Set a supplier to use within a job |
JOB | Job, ie. configured job view screen |
JOB_PRODUCT_QUANTITY | Updating available quantity for a product within a job |
JOB_PRODUCT_TO_LOCATION | Put away product to a location |
JOB_PRODUCT_TO_ALLOCATION | Associate product to an order |
JOB_PRODUCT_ACTION | Job product action |
PROCESSING | Processing |
SELECT_LOCATION | Set a location for an action in job |
SELECT_PICK_LOCATION | Set a location to pick items from |
SELECT_PICK_LABEL | Set a pick label for the picked item |
SELECT_REASON_CODE | Set a reason code for the item |
CAPTURE_EVIDENCE | Provide evidence of the item. Might be a photo, document, etc. |
FIND_PUTAWAY_LOCATION | Set a location to putaway items to |
JOB_PRODUCT_TO_PICK | Inspect the list of items to pick |
JOB_PRODUCT_TO_PUTAWAY | Inspect the list of items to putaway |
JOB_PRODUCT_TO_REPLENISH | Inspect the list of items to replenish |
JOB_PRODUCT_TO_RETURN_LINE_ITEM | Look for the return line item matching the product |
JOB_PRODUCT_TO_TRANSFER_LINE_ITEM | Look for the transfer line item matching the product |
Value | Description |
AVAILABLE | Products that are ready to be assigned |
ASSIGNED | Products that are assigned (i.e. to inventory) |
PICKED | Products that are picked |
PUTAWAY | Products that are putaway |
COMPLETED | Products that are completed (i.e. received to inventory) |
Allowed statuses of a Job.
Value | Description |
DRAFT | Jobs that are still in preparation, they are being composed and are not yet ready for work |
READY | Jobs that are ready to be worked upon, they may not be assigned however |
UNDERWAY | Jobs that are in progress |
HELD | Jobs that are paused, and can be continued at a later time |
COMPLETE | Jobs that are complete/closed |
CANCELLED | Jobs that have been cancelled |
Log Severity
We use severities from, RFC5424.
Value | Description |
Emergency | System is unusable. It is unlikely you'll encounter this. |
Alert | Action must be taken immediately |
Critical | Critical conditions |
Error | Error conditions |
Warning | Warning conditions |
Notice | Normal but significant condition |
Informational | Informational messages |
Debug | Debug-level messages |
Value | Description |
ASC | Ascending. Lower to higher. |
DESC | Descending. Higher to lower. |
Allowed pick methods.
Value | Description |
DISCRETE | Pick everything in an order allocation in one go, without a vessel. |
WAVE | Pick multiple orders in one go, with a vessel (ie. tote, trolley). |
Value | Description |
ZPL | |
Various statuses that a Purchase order can represent
Value | Description |
Draft | Draft purchase order |
Approved | Purchase order that is internally approved |
Submitted | Purchase order that has been submitted to the supplier |
Accepted | Purchase has been accepted by the supplier. Accepted PO's can be received against. |
Closed | Purchase order that can no longer be modified, including any additional reconciliation processes. |
Voided | The purchase order have been voided |
The method of search to use
Value | Description |
MATCH_ALL | Match all values. (AND) |
MATCH_ANY | Match any values. (OR) |
Enum of object typenames (matching __typename
) that can be searched.
Value | Description |
Device | |
Location | |
Order | |
Job | Jobs. This means any Job! Pick, Pack, etc could return. |
Product | |
ReasonCode | |
Shipment | |
Supplier | |
PurchaseOrder | |
Channel | |
Brand | |
PurchaseReturn | |
Webhook | |
Customer | Customer. |
Return | |
Transfer | Transfers |
ReceiveItem | Received items. |
Fulfilment | Fulfilments. This means any fulfilment! Collections, shipments etc could return. |
InventoryPreference | |
InventoryMovement | |
Backorder | All Backorders in the account. Remember to filter for the specific object. |
Allocation | |
LineItem | |
IIntegrationConnection | Integration Connections. This means any Integration Connection! This includes ApiConnection etc. |
AccountUser | Search for account users |
Note | All notes in the account. Remember to filter for the specific object. |
A service category.
Value | Description |
Shipment | Provides shipping or transportation services. |
Example | Services that are examples, or test services. |
States a Shipment can be in.
Value | Description |
Draft | The shipment is being draft. Nothing will happen until the shipment asked to be processed and submitted. The shipment will be validated for any obvious issues. You may not be able to confirm the shipment, if:
Confirming | The shipment is being submitted to the carrier (integration). It can go to Error, or back to Draft (look at the shipments logs & errors). |
Confirmed | The shipment is confirmed/transmitted to the carrier. |
Labeling | The shipment is having it's labels generated. Labeling can fail, and the shipment will go back to Confirmed. |
Ready | Shipment is confirmed with the courier, has labels, and is ready for pick up (waiting upon next window, or telling the courier). |
Underway | Shipment is underway. Look at tracking events for more detailed information. |
Completed | Shipment is delivered. |
Cancelled | The shipment has been cancelled. There can be many reasons:
You cannot bring a Shipment back from being cancelled. Create a new one. |
Value | Description |
Pending | New shipments added that are pending to track, or new shipments without tracking information available yet. |
InfoReceived | Carrier has received request from shipper and is about to pick up the shipment. |
InTransit | Carrier has accepted or picked up shipment from shipper. The shipment is on the way. |
OutForDelivery | Carrier is about to deliver the shipment, or it is ready to pickup. |
AttemptFail | Carrier attempted to deliver but failed, and usually leaves a notice and will try to deliver again. |
Delivered | The shipment was delivered successfully. |
AvailableForPickup | The package arrived at a pickup point near you and is available for pickup. |
Exception | Custom hold, undelivered, returned shipment to sender or any shipping exceptions. |
Expired | Shipment has no tracking information for 30 days since added. |
Distance units
Value | Description |
MM | Millimeter |
CM | Centimeter |
Mass units
Value | Description |
GRAM | Gram |
Value | Description |
InventorySetEvent | Triggered whenever an inventory value changes at a location for a product. The following will be the request body:
ClickAndCollectReadyEvent | Triggered whenever a click-and-collect fulfilment is ready for collection. The following will be the request body:
OrderAllocatedEvent | Triggered whenever an order has been allocated The following will be the request body:
ShipmentReady | Triggered whenever an shipment is ready The following will be the request body:
Created | |
Modified | |
InventoryAssignment | Triggered when assigned inventory is modified in Jungle. The following will be the request body:
ShipmentTrackingUpdated | Triggered when Jungle receives updated tracking information for a Shipment (or one of its packages). The following will be the request body:
Barcode Value Constraints: max length 50. E.g. 123456789012, 12350, KD-091, 9780884271956
The Boolean
scalar type represents true
or false
ISO 3166-1 encoding list of the countries which are assigned official codes.
The attribute's ID.
Constraints: pattern /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,32}$/
, trimmed of whitespace.
E.g. brand, size, CustomerMembership
A date-time string at UTC, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30Z, compliant with the date-time
format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar.
A decimal number, that is represented as a string, and can have arbitrary precision. E.g. 3.14, 0.0001, 100
A string representing a duration conforming to the ISO8601 standard,
such as: P1W1DT13H23M34S
P is the duration designator (for period) placed at the start of the duration representation.
Y is the year designator that follows the value for the number of years.
M is the month designator that follows the value for the number of months.
W is the week designator that follows the value for the number of weeks.
D is the day designator that follows the value for the number of days.
T is the time designator that precedes the time components of the representation.
H is the hour designator that follows the value for the number of hours.
M is the minute designator that follows the value for the number of minutes.
S is the second designator that follows the value for the number of seconds.
Note the time designator, T, that precedes the time value.
Matches moment.js, Luxon and DateFns implementations
,/. is valid for decimal places and +/- is a valid prefix
The Float
scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754.
A latitude/longitude pair of coordinates. Expressed as an object. Latitude and longitude will ALWAYS be set if the value is not NULL! As an input it can be comma separated numbers in a string.
A field whose value is a hex color code:
Harmonized System (HS) Code
The Harmonized System (HS) is an international nomenclature for the classification of products.
The HS code is a 6-8 digit number that is used to classify goods for import and export purposes.
For more information, see
Constraints: pattern /^[0-9]{6,8}$/
, trimmed of whitespace.
E.g. 090121, 100630, 90283000
The ID
scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4"
) or integer (such as 4
) input value will be accepted as an ID.
A value useable for object Ids. Value can contain a-Z
, 0-9
, -
and be 6-64 characters.
Constraints: pattern /^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{6,64}$/
E.g. R8S6m9gxIpzVq1Xn1Z0M, kebab-case, 000001
The Int
scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
A unique identifier for the integration. e.g: AcmeCorp, A234-Asd
Constraints: pattern /^[A-Za-z0-9\-]{6,64}$/
E.g. AcmeCorp, A234-Asd
The displayable name for the location. Constraints: min length 1, trimmed of whitespace.
An amount of a currency code. Provide .currency
as a known ISO 4217 code of the currency, and .amount
whole number shifted by decimal places if a decimal currency
Integers that will have a value of 0 or more.
The message/contents of the note. Constraints: min length 1, max length 2000. E.g. I'm making a note here. Huge success!
An optional, short subject/title/theme for the note. Constraints: min length 1, max length 100. E.g. Outcome, next steps, Attn: John Doe
The message/contents of the note. Constraints: min length 1, max length 2000. E.g. I'm making a note here. Huge success!
An optional, short subject/title/theme for the note. Constraints: min length 1, max length 100. E.g. Outcome, next steps, Attn: John Doe
A value useable for field names and Ids. Value can contain "A-Z", "0-9", "-", "_" be 6-64 characters.
Integers that will have a value greater than 0.
Constraints: pattern /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,32}$/
E.g. brand, size, custom1
The identifier of the product, generally the barcode on the product. Ideally, a global trade identifier for the product. i.e, UPC, EAN, JAN, GS1 or ISBN. It is strongly recommended to provide one.
You may also provide a localised, non-global trade identifier for the product.
We recommend when a user is creating a product to get the user to scan the product barcode (allowing them to skip). Constraints: max length 50. E.g. 123456789012, 12350, KD-091, 9780884271956
UN number, a four-digit number that identifies hazardous materials, and articles in the framework of international transport.
Constraints: pattern /^[0-9]{4}$/
E.g. 0021, 2678, 3262
Product Name Constraints: max length 150. E.g. Heavy Plastic Chisel, Spyson XY42 Pure Awesome+Cool ninja star (Black/Nickel)
Stock Keeping Unit
You may use any SKU format that you prefer.
However consider these handy tips:
- Keep SKUs as short as possible. Jungle won't accept SKU's over 50 characters long.
- Avoid overloading your SKUs with meaning (exploding the length).
- Reusing the product's GTIN can be effective to avoid rebarcoding.
SKUs may be letters, numbers, dashes and hyphens, with no whitespace.
Constraints: pattern /^[\p{L}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}\p{Pd}\p{Ps}\p{Pe}\p{Zs}.+/]{1,60}$/
, trimmed of whitespace.
E.g. WC-JT-MD-PP, CM53_W, 123456789905, CAT+HAT, ABC/123
A client generated ID. Constraints: max length 128.
Delivery/drop off instructions. Constraints: max length 200.
Pick up/collection instructions. Constraints: max length 100.
The String
scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
A small informational string to place against an object. Tags can be 1-40 characters, any lower or upper case letter, &, space, and emojis.
A unique container identifier.
Also known as codes, shipping serial etc.
Generally used to allow monitoring of shipment movements or events.
NOTE: How tracking numbers look vary a lot between delivery and logistic providers. Constraints: min length 3, max length 60. E.g. 4221736293, CPBBGRZ0284775001, PPRWTMYXEBTB1
A field whose value conforms to the standard URL format as specified in RFC3986:
Grams. Any partial number will round up to the nearest whole gram.
External ID Input
Think of external IDs as a {namespace}/{key}/{value} that provide an additional identity for a Jungle object.
The first section (namespace) should identify the source system/app in some unique and meaningful way. e.g. "shopify", "shopify-{my-shop-domain}", "Custom_INTEGRATION". The second section (key) should identify the ID in a meaningful way to the source system, like the model or resource name. e.g. "Product", "reference", "MyOrderId". The third section (value) should be the unique value of the external ID. i.e The value would be your auto incrementing ID, GUID, email etc.
❗: The namespaces jungle*
, and*
are reserved.
Constraints: pattern /^xid:jungle\/([a-zA-Z])+:([a-z0-9.-]){3,40}\/([a-z0-9-]){2,40}\/(.){1,120}$/
, trimmed of whitespace.
E.g. xid:jungle/Order:oms/oid/1, xid:jungle/Product:shopify/gid/gid://shopify/Product/143153453455, xid:jungle/Product:myims/sku/123
The identifier type.
Constraints: pattern /^[a-z0-9-]{2,40}$/
, min length 2, max length 40, trimmed of whitespace.
E.g. pid, order, e-mail
The owning system, or standards for the key space.
❗: The namespaces jungle*
, and*
are reserved.
Constraints: pattern /^[a-z0-9.-]{3,40}$/
, min length 3, max length 40, trimmed of whitespace.
E.g. myerp, shopify-shop-domain,
The external identifying value. i.e The value would be your auto incrementing ID, GUID, email etc. Constraints: min length 1, max length 120, trimmed of whitespace. E.g. 834678, qNU7kamDIOvi7nCt, eg@example.local
An action the current user may or may not be able to undertake.
❗: Always check if .enabled
is true
before performing the action.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
code | ID! | A unique code for the action. Used to identify the action in the UI. | |
name | String! | The action's human readable name. | |
priority | Int! | The order in which the action should be displayed in the UI. Higher numbers are displayed first (higher priority). | |
enabled | Boolean! | If the action is possible, this needs to be | |
reason | String | A possible reason why the action is, or is not possible. |
Possible Types: Action
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
sku | SKU | ||
quantity | Float! | ||
productName ⚠️ | String | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
product | Product |
Possible Types: LineItem, OrderLineItem, ReturnLineItem
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
displayName | String | If known, just a simple name of the note author | |
photoUrl | URL | If known, just a simple avatar url representing the author |
Possible Types: User
A capability represents the ability to do something in the real world. These represent skills/processes that are provided at certain locations, or by certain services.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
name | String! | ||
noun | String! | ||
description | String! | ||
constraints | CapabilityConstraints |
Possible Types: Capability
Implementing types are the subject of capabilities.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
capabilities | [ICapability!] | The capabilities the subject has! |
Possible Types: Location, Product, InventoryPreference, Device
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
name | String | ||
String | |||
phone | String |
Custom attributes will always have an Id.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | String! | The attribute's ID. CustomerMembership, AcmeCode etc. It MUST be unique. | |
name | String | The attribute's name. A human friendly description for the attributes. Often this is omitted for system data. | |
value | String | Any string value. |
Possible Types: CustomAttributeString
Do not track!
This means the event should not be recorded, you may only react to it.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
DNT | Boolean! | If true, do not save/keep this object. It generally will be true. |
Possible Types: Created, Modified, Deleted, InventoryAssignment, DeviceWeighReport
The implementing type is the parent/subject of documentation. Things like collections, shipments, name tags etc.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
documentation | DocumentationResult! | ||
input | DocumentationInput! |
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
documentationSupported | [ID!] | Id's of the supported documentation on this object. |
Possible Types: Shipment
Something that has happened in the Jungle.
🤖: If an event happens in the Jungle and no one is subscribed to it, does it make a sound?
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
subject | ID! | The You can retrieve the subject using the | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the event was created/occurred. | |
aid | ID | The ID of the account the event occurred within. | |
createdBy | String | The human, integration, device etc that created this event. |
Possible Types: Created, Modified, Deleted, PostalAddressChanged, AllocationLineItemMoved, OrderCancelled, OrderConsumed, OrderAllocatedEvent, AllocationMethodSet, AllocationLocationSet, OrderLineItemCancelled, InventorySetEvent, InventoryAllocated, InventoryAssignment, FulfillmentCreatedEvent, DeviceWeighReport, JobStatusChanged, AllocationReadyToPack, AllocationSelectedToPick, AllocationPicked, ReturnReceived, ClickAndCollectCreated, ClickAndCollectReadyEvent, ClickAndCollectStateChanged, ShipmentReady, ShipmentTrackingUpdated
Represents an object that can have client/external identifiers attached to it.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
xids | ExternalIdResults! | The object's known external IDs. 🤖: If you just need a specific XID's value (one you've assigned earlier), use | |
input | ExternalIdsInput |
Possible Types: Location, Note, Product, Channel, Backorder, Brand, FulfilmentManual, PurchaseOrder, Return, Customer, FulfilmentCollect, FulfilmentShipment
A fulfilment, a service that will get some, or all of the Order line items to the customer
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The fulfilment's ID. | |
reference | String | A custom reference for the fulfilment | |
order | Order | The order this fulfilment relates to, null if not related to an order. | |
allocation | Allocation | The allocation this fulfilment relates to | |
lineItems ⚠️ | [OrderLineItem!]! | The line items in this fulfilment. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
lineItemsConnection | FulfilmentLineItemResults | The line items in this fulfilment. | |
service | IService | The service providing this fulfilment. | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When this fulfilment was created. | |
integrationReference | String | Integration reference. This is useful when the fulfilment comes from a integration and that integration requires a reference when communicating with the third party which would be different from a customer visible reference |
Possible Types: FulfilmentManual, FulfilmentCollect, FulfilmentShipment
Something that may be locatable with geo coordinates, can be geolocated.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
point | GeoPoint | The geo point of the object. | |
pointAccuracy | Float | Clamped Examples of accuracy:
Possible Types: Location, Order, Device, Customer
Any specific connection to an integration will implement this.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The connection's ID. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
name | String! | The connection's name | |
integration | Integration | Integration details, for branding naming etc | |
enabled | Boolean! | If this connection is enabled (active) or not. | |
connected | Boolean! | Is this connection working | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the connection was created. | |
createdBy | String! | Who created the connection. |
Possible Types: ApiConnection, AustraliaPostConnection, RetailExpressConnection, AmxAllocationConnection, McLeodConnection, SendleConnection, ShippitConnection, StarshipitConnection, SparesboxAllocationConnection
Source from which the Inventory comes, i.e. Came from a Supplier, PurchaseOrder, Location etc.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! |
Possible Types: Location, LineItem, Allocation, Supplier, PurchaseOrder
Destination to where the Inventory transferred to i.e. Location, Allocation
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! |
Possible Types: Location, Allocation
A job, or task to be done.
These are physical world things, like pick, pack, move, stock take etc
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The Job's Id | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
idQR | ID | Contents for a Jungle QR code that identifies the job. | |
documentation | DocumentationResult! | Documentation for this job. | |
input | DocumentationInput! | ||
reference | String | The job reference number | |
status | JobStatus! | The status of this job | |
location | Location | The location where the job is happening | |
createdAt | DateTime! | When the job was created | |
isCancelable | Boolean | Whether the job can be cancelled | |
completedAt | DateTime | When the job was completed |
Possible Types: JobConfigured, JobPick, JobPack
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
status | JobProductStatus! | ||
createdAt | DateTime | When the item was created | |
quantity | Int! | Product's quantity | |
location | Location | The location where product is assigned to | |
allocation | Allocation | The allocation which product is assigned to | |
lineItem | LineItem | The line item that was received against | |
isDamaged | Boolean | Whether the product is damaged | |
isOversized | Boolean | Whether the product is oversized | |
supplier | Supplier | The supplier which product is assigned to | |
purchaseOrder | PurchaseOrder | The purchase order which product is assigned to |
Possible Types: JobConfiguredProductReceived, JobConfiguredProductIncrementInventory, JobConfiguredProductAssignedToAllocation, JobConfiguredProductPicked, JobConfiguredProductPutaway
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
quantity | Float! | ||
unitPrice | Money |
Possible Types: LineItem, OrderLineItem
Result from a mutation/command.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
ok | Boolean! | True if the result is successful, false otherwise. | |
logs | [Log!] |
Possible Types: MutationSuccess, MutationFailure
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
notes | NoteResults | The notes associated with the subject. |
Possible Types: LineItem, FulfilmentManual, FulfilmentCollect, FulfilmentShipment
An object with in Jungle.
These objects can be resolved via their .id
, using the query object(input: { id: ".id" typename: "Desired__typename" }) { id __typename }
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The object's collection scoped identifier. It is NOT intended to be human-readable, or displayed to humans. | |
path ⚠️ | ID! | The object's globally unique identifier. This value is unique to each object in Jungle. It is NOT intended to be human-readable, or displayed to humans. ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
createdAt | DateTime! | The date and time of the object's creation. |
Possible Types: ExternalId, Location, Attachment, Note, ReasonCode, Product, Channel, Order, ApiConnection, LineItem, Allocation, AllocationLineItem, Backorder, OrderLineItem, Brand, InventoryMovement, FulfilmentManual, FulfilmentLineItem, Device, JobConfigured, JobPick, JobPack, Supplier, PurchaseOrder, PurchaseReturn, PurchaseOrderReceiveItem, ReceiveItem, Return, Transfer, ReturnLineItem, Customer, Webhook, FulfilmentCollect, ShipmentPackage, ShipmentV2, FulfilmentShipment, AustraliaPostConnection, RetailExpressConnection, AmxAllocationConnection, McLeodConnection, SendleConnection, ShippitConnection, StarshipitConnection, SparesboxAllocationConnection
An object that can have custom attributes stored against it.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
attributes | [ICustomAttribute!]! | Custom attributes on the object. | |
input | ObjectAttributesInput | ||
attributeValue | String | A value for a specific attribute from the custom attributes. Tip: Use GraphQL aliases to fetch attributes as your own properties. See
Usage: | |
input | ObjectAttributeInput! |
Possible Types: Location, Attachment, Account, ReasonCode, Product, Channel, Order, LineItem, Allocation, AllocationLineItem, OrderLineItem, Brand, JunglePrinter, FulfilmentManual, Supplier, PurchaseOrder, PurchaseReturn, ReceiveItem, Return, Transfer, ReturnLineItem, Customer, Webhook, FulfilmentCollect, FulfilmentShipment
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
reference | String! | ||
lineItems | [ILineItem!]! | ||
orderedAt | DateTime | ||
completedAt | DateTime |
Possible Types: Order, PurchaseOrder
Describes where and order came from
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
name | String | The name of the source |
Possible Types: IntegrationConnectionSource, OrderSourceName
An object that has relationships.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
relations | Relationships | Relationships the object has. |
Possible Types: Location, Allocation, Supplier, ShipmentV2, ShippitConnection, StarshipitConnection
Items to be returned to a supplier, or by a customer.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ||
approved | Boolean | If this return is approved. | |
approvedAt | DateTime | The date this return was approved. | |
lineItemsReturning | ReturnLineItemResults | The line items being/to be returned. |
Possible Types: PurchaseReturn
A service provided by an organisation.
Such as delivery, inventory pick and pack, sales, etc.
The service provider could be you (where ever it is not specified), us (Jungle Commerce), or a 3rd party (Courier, 3PL, Insurer, etc).
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Service Id | |
name | String! | The name of the service | |
description | String! | A description of the service | |
code | ID | The providers own service code/identifier for this service. | |
provider | ServiceProvider | The service provider. When a service does not nominate a provider, your organisation is required to provide the service | |
categories | [ServiceCategory!] | The service categories, if it's a Shipment, Test service, etc. | |
connectionId | ID | If provided by an integration, this will be the connection ID this service came from. | |
integrationId | ID | The integration ID of the provider |
Possible Types: Service
A type that can have tags on it, which is most types.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
tags | [Tag!] | A list of tags( Limited to 20 tags. |
Possible Types: ExternalId, Location, Attachment, Note, ReasonCode, Channel, LineItem, Allocation, AllocationLineItem, Backorder, OrderLineItem, Brand, FulfilmentManual, Device, Supplier, PurchaseOrder, PurchaseReturn, ReceiveItem, Return, Transfer, ReturnLineItem, Customer, Webhook, FulfilmentCollect, FulfilmentShipment
An object that can be toggled, enabled/disabled.
Controls if the object is used in processes or not.
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
enabled | Boolean! | If this is enabled or not. Defaults to true. |
Possible Types: Location, ReasonCode, Channel, ApiConnection, Backorder, Brand, Device, JobConfiguration, Supplier, PurchaseOrder, Webhook, SparesboxAllocationConnection
Something that can be scanned to be identified
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
barcode ⚠️ | String | The barcode on the object, identifying it ⚠️ DEPRECATED
| |
barcodes | [String] | Barcodes that can be scanned that may identify the object. |
Possible Types: Location, Product, Device
This marks a type as searchable.
See the search
Field | Argument | Type | Description |
id | ID! | The searchable object's ID |
Possible Types: Location, Note, AccountUser, ReasonCode, Product, Channel, Order, ApiConnection, LineItem, Allocation, Backorder, Brand, InventoryMovement, InventoryPreference, FulfilmentManual, Device, JobConfigured, JobPick, JobPack, Supplier, PurchaseOrder, PurchaseReturn, ReceiveItem, Return, Transfer, Customer, Webhook, FulfilmentCollect, ShipmentV2, FulfilmentShipment, AustraliaPostConnection, RetailExpressConnection, AmxAllocationConnection, McLeodConnection, SendleConnection, ShippitConnection, StarshipitConnection, SparesboxAllocationConnection
Type | Description |
Order | A sales order... A request for items to be fulfilled to a customer. |
PurchaseReturn | A request to return items from a supplier. |
Transfer | A transfer of products between two locations. |
Return | A request to return items from a customer. |
Result for the attachmentUploadToken
Type | Description |
UploadToken | A one time upload token. Provides a URL to perform a file upload too. For each file / blob to be uploaded, request a unique token. |
Type | Description |
AuthKeyAuthenticated | The authkey and pin are valid |
AuthKeyNotFoundError | The authkey doe not exist |
AuthKeyInvalidPinError | The authkey's pin does not match the provided pin. |
AuthKeyPinReset |
Type | Description |
AuthSwitchAccountAuthenticated | |
AuthSwitchAccountDenied |
Result for the documentationPrint
Type | Description |
DocumentationNotAvailable | The requested documentation while supported, is not available. |
PrinterNotFoundError | The printer does not exist |
PrintSubmitted | The print has been submitted |
Type | Description |
DocumentationNotSupported | The requested documentation is not supported. |
DocumentationNotAvailable | The requested documentation while supported, is not available. |
Documentation | An actual documentation file. |
Type | Description |
ExportSubmitted | |
ExportCreated | |
ExportFailure |
Result for the inventoryAllocate
Type | Description |
LocationNotFound | Result for when a given location Id does not map to a Location |
InventoryAllocated | Triggered when inventory was successfully allocated inr the |
InventoryAlreadyAllocated | The inventory was allocated in previous |
MutationFailure | Result when the mutation/command failed. |
MutationSuccess | Result when the mutation/command was successfully accepted. |
Results for the inventoryAllocationsClear
Type | Description |
InventoryNotFound | Result when inventory is not found. |
InventoryAllocationsCleared | Result for the |
MutationFailure | Result when the mutation/command failed. |
MutationSuccess | Result when the mutation/command was successfully accepted. |
Results for the inventoryMove
InventoryNotFound, will happen when the from location & SKU does not exist. LocationNotFound, will happen when the to location does not exist. InventoryMoved, when the SKU quantity was moved.
Type | Description |
InventoryNotFound | Result when inventory is not found. |
LocationNotFound | Result for when a given location Id does not map to a Location |
InventoryMoved | The inventory was moved from the location to the destination |
MutationSuccess | Result when the mutation/command was successfully accepted. |
MutationFailure | Result when the mutation/command failed. |
Type | Description |
Location | An important place that matters to your business. |
JobConfiguredLocationsPutAwayResult |
Type | Description |
JobNotFound | Result for when a given job Id does not map to a Job |
AllocationNotFound | The provided Allocation Id could not be found |
JobPackAllocationShippingAddressSet |
Type | Description |
JobNotFound | Result for when a given job Id does not map to a Job |
JobAllocationNotFound | Result for when a given allocation Id does not map to any allocation in a Job |
JobPackSkuResult |
Type | Description |
JobNotFound | Result for when a given job Id does not map to a Job |
JobPickedSku |
Type | Description |
PurchaseOrder | |
Transfer | A transfer of products between two locations. |
Return | A request to return items from a customer. |
Result for queries related to a location
Type | Description |
LocationNotFound | Result for when a given location Id does not map to a Location |
LocationListResult |
Result for queries related to a location
Type | Description |
LocationNotFound | Result for when a given location Id does not map to a Location |
LocationSetParent |
Possible outcomes for the allocationSetLocation
: When the allocation does not exist.
: When the location does not exist.
: When the allocation can no longer be altered, moved, reallocated.
: When the allocation was moved, or has a location assigned.
Type | Description |
AllocationNotFound | The provided Allocation Id could not be found |
LocationNotFound | Result for when a given location Id does not map to a Location |
OrderAllocationChangeForbidden | The allocation can not be modified. |
OrderAllocationMoved | The allocation was moved/assigned a location. |
MutationFailure | Result when the mutation/command failed. |
Type | Description |
OrderNotFound | |
AllocationNotFound | The provided Allocation Id could not be found |
OrderAllocationSetShippingAddress |
The possible outcomes for the orderCancel
Type | Description |
OrderNotFound | |
OrderCancellationForbidden | Outcome for the The order can not be cancelled. |
OrderCancelled | Triggered when an Order is cancelled. |
Type | Description |
PrinterNotFoundError | The printer does not exist |
PrintSubmitted | The print has been submitted |
Type | Description |
LineItem | A line item is a product or service that is part of an order, transfer, return, or other object. |
PurchaseOrder | |
Supplier | Supplier sources products for your business. |
Type | Description |
LineItem | A line item is a product or service that is part of an order, transfer, return, or other object. |
PurchaseOrder |
Type | Description |
LineItem | A line item is a product or service that is part of an order, transfer, return, or other object. |
PurchaseOrder | |
Supplier | Supplier sources products for your business. |
Transfer | A transfer of products between two locations. |
Return | A request to return items from a customer. |
Type | Description |
RelationshipGroupToMany | A relationship that can have more than one member. |
Type | Description |
Order | A sales order... A request for items to be fulfilled to a customer. |