Jungle Platform API - External IDs

You can reference objects using your own identifiers in Jungle.

External IDs allow you to identity objects in Jungle with IDs in your own, or other 3rd party systems.

Creating External IDs

External IDs are a pair of the name of the identity, and the value that represents the ID. For example, you could have a storefrontOrder ID and a fraud-analysis ID referencing the same Jungle object.

mutation exampleExternalID {
  externalIdAssign(input: { object: { id: "0x123" }, xid: "storeFrontOrder/300001" }) {
    ... on MutationSuccess {
      objects {
    ... on MutationFailure {


External IDs are only considered unique with in the scope of an account. External ID values can only be used once for a external ID name.

🤖: External IDs are themselves objects in Jungle, and therefore benefit from our global features.

Using External IDs

query exampleObjectXID{
  object(input: {
    id: "storeFrontOrder/300001"
  }) {
    ... on Order {
Fill 1

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